Passing the Mantle

You are Elijahs! Pastors, teachers, staff ministers, ministers of the gospel of all kinds, as you share the Word of God, you are doing the work of Elijah. And somewhere in your circle of influence is an Elisha, a young person who will take up the mantle of gospel ministry from you (2 Kings 2). Even now, they are watching you, wanting to imitate you, and waiting for a word of encouragement from you. Many, many MLC students have an Elijah, someone who exemplified joyful ministry and encouraged them to consider ministry. Here are a few:

At Lakeside LHS, Mr. Doering always encouraged me to consider public ministry, both through his words and also through being a role model. He would mention MLC and ministry in funny and engaging ways that made ministry intriguing to me. He’s very personable, and his passion for ministry was evident. He mentioned to me that I possess the gifts for ministry and helped me to see that. Thank you for your encouragement, Mr. Doering!

“Lord, let them see you in me.” These are the words I pray before I start each day. As a teacher, I’ll strive to do all things while clearly reflecting the Lord I’m serving. Miss Miriam Schliewe, my grade 2-4 teacher at Christ/St. John-West Salem WI was this teacher for me. I remember joy and excitement, and she made me love learning. She shined and continues to shine her light for her students. I pray to be a light and to impact students as Miss Schliewe impacted me at such a young age!

Mr. Benji Wells was one of my English teachers at Nebraska Lutheran. Late into my senior year, I was still trying to figure out where to continue my education. I wasn’t sure I had the skills needed to become a teacher, but through some encouragement from Mr. Wells, when I least expected it, I gave MLC a try. Not only did his encouragement lead me to MLC, but Mr. Wells was always a great example of a called worker on fire for Jesus. Dedicating plenty of time and effort to the school and helping in any way possible, he set the bar for how I want to act as a teacher. Because of his example and encouragement, I get to share the good news of Jesus, now and for years to come!

While I was at Wisconsin LHS, Mr. Phil Leyrer came up to me one day and asked what I was thinking for college and proceeded to encourage me to attend MLC. He had mentioned that he thought my gifts and talents would be well used as a called worker. I appreciated his encouragement!

Use our Project Elijah classroom resources to be an Elijah for your students! Our K-8 materials include two outstanding coloring books created by Peter Schaewe DMLC ’87.