Faculty Retiring in 2024

Professor Grace Hennig DMLC ’89 served as a professor of music at MLC from 2023 to 2024. Prior to her ministry here, she served as music coordinator at Emanuel-New London WI (2007-2009), tutor at Michigan Lutheran Seminary (1995-1996), music instructor at DMLC (1994-1995), and K-3 teacher and organist at Good Shepherd-Downers Grove IL (1989-1993).

Grace holds degrees from Bethany Lutheran College (AA), Dr. Martin Luther College (BS), Concordia University Chicago (MCM) and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (BA). She served on committees for Christian Worship: Supplement (2008) and Christian Worship: Psalter (2021), and her hymn and psalm settings appear in those books, as well as Christian Worship: Hymnal (2021) and Lift Up Your Hearts (2013). She has published music through NPH, GIA, and Beckenhorst. She also serves as a founding member of the Lutheran Institute of Music Education.

Grace’s colleague and former choir director Rev. Dennis Marzolf, music professor emeritus at Bethany Lutheran College, has witnessed Grace’s musical vocation from her youngest years:

“Grace is a wise steward of many gifts. Hers is a multi-faceted vocation as wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, writer, performer, composer, and friend. Anyone reading this can likely enlarge the list.

“Grace and I were ‘newbies’ at Bethany Lutheran College at about the same time. What a joy to share the music of the church, and specifically the music of the Lutheran church! We made lots of music, and enjoyed the occasional moment or two of shenanigans.

“In those two years, many of her ideas about the music of the church started to coalesce, and it has been gratifying to see how plants have grown and ideas have matured. I know that if a wise Providence allows her many more years of good and happy health, Grace will engage, energetically, with the opportunities presented to our Lutheran musicians. I look forward to more interesting conversations as she joins me, and so many others, to ‘proclaim the wonders God has done.’”

Professor Emerita Hennig and her husband, Professor Brian Hennig, are moving to Wisconsin, where Brian will serve as an editor at Northwestern Publishing House, and where Grace has accepted a one-year retirement call to Peace-Hartford WI, even as she makes more time for music composition and travel.

Her last message for MLC students: “I’ll leave you with the same passage I shared with my grade 7-8 class as I completed my student teaching at Trinity-Brillion WI: ‘But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus’ (2 Timothy 3:14-15).”

Dr. Robert Klindworth DMLC ’70 served as a professor of education at MLC from 2004 to 2024. Prior to his ministry here, he served as principal at Minnesota Valley LHS (2001-2004), principal at St. Matthew-Winona MN (1993-2001), principal at Our Redeemer- Santa Barbara CA (1990-1993), teacher at St. John-Lake City MN (1985-1990), and principal at Immanuel-Hadar NE (1970-1973). Bob holds degrees from Dr. Martin Luther College (BS), St. Mary’s University-Winona MN (MA), and University of Minnesota (EdD).

Dr. Cindy Whaley, a colleague in the education department, appreciated Bob’s servant heart:

“Bob Klindworth served his Savior humbly at MLC as a professor of education. With a servant’s heart, academic prowess, and impeccable preparation for his courses, Bob taught psychology and curriculum and instruction courses at the undergraduate level and a school law course at the graduate level.

“Bob showed his humble, calm, dedicated leadership as an MLC representative both at the synod and state levels. He served for 18 years on the WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools and for 24 years on the Minnesota Non-Public Education Council, where he was also chair of its accreditation subcommittee. I enjoyed all the time we spent learning together as we represented MLC at the Minnesota Association for the Colleges of Teacher Education meetings and as we taught Minnesota license renewal courses at the Minnesota District Teachers’ Conference.

“Bob’s kind, caring ways and constant guidance as a servant leader and consummate professional were a blessing to the entire MLC campus family. He always had time for anyone who stopped in his office. Students, staff, and faculty all left with more wisdom and support than they could imagine.

“It’s a joy and privilege to have served with and learned from such a humble, dedicated servant leader, professor, colleague, and friend.”

Professor Emeritus Klindworth plans to stay in nearby Mankato, where he is active in his congregation and community. He also looks forward to fully reconnecting with his wife, Marti, in areas of mutual interest.

His last message for MLC students: “Fully embrace all that God has given you: your Christian faith; your Christian calling, whether in ministry or something else; and all of your opportunities to bring glory to God’s name. Until you and I meet again in heaven, God be with you.”

Professor Lori Unke DMLC ’84 served at MLC from 2007 to 2024, first as a physical education professor and coach (2007-2009) and then as an admissions counselor. Prior to her ministry here, she served as a teacher at Trinity-Nicollet MN (2000-2007), St. Paul-Lake Mills WI (1995-1997), and Minnesota Valley LHS (1983-1984).

Professor Ross Stelljes, who served as an admissions counselor with Lori for about 10 years, notes the impact of Lori’s ministry:

“Lori consistently demonstrated a high regard for the public ministry of the gospel with her strong drive to represent her Savior and our WELS College of Ministry with professionalism and excellence. That, coupled with her ability to connect with the high school students she met, enabled her to make a positive impact on many to seriously consider the public ministry.

“Lori was not afraid to speak her mind with her colleagues, always looking for ways for MLC Admissions to improve. At the same time, she never hesitated to offer well-timed encouragement, which we all appreciated.

“Considering Lori’s many years as an admissions counselor, the word stamina comes to mind. Records show that she made 8,250 visits over her tenure—each visit an opportunity to help a student envision how they might use their gifts to serve their Lord. All that traveling and meeting with people can wear a person out. God be praised for the endurance he gave Lori to be a ‘road warrior’ for so many years!

“Finally, God has blessed Lori with a large and tight-knit family, serving their Savior in many locations and vocations. Her deep love and devotion to them is something to be admired.”

Professor Emerita Unke accepted a retirement call to serve as dorm supervisor and instructor at St. Croix Lutheran Academy for next school year.

Her last message for MLC students: “Thank you! Thank you for the sacrifices you make in order to attend MLC, for your diligent preparation to be the best pastor or teacher or staff minister you can be this side of heaven, for choosing the ‘one thing needful’ in this world and making it a daily priority in your lives, for someday diligently serving a multitude of people you’ll be privileged to touch in your ministry, and for always being thankful to God, no matter where or how you’re serving.”