Passing the Mantle

You are Elijahs! Pastors, teachers, staff ministers, ministers of the gospel of all kinds, as you share the Word of God, you are doing the work of Elijah. And somewhere in your circle of influence is an Elisha, a young person who will take up the mantle of gospel ministry from you (2 Kings 2). Even now, they are watching you, wanting to imitate you, and waiting for a word of encouragement from you.

When we talk to MLC students about their journeys here, they almost always mention an Elijah, someone who exemplified joyful ministry and encouraged them to consider ministry. Here are a few:

K-8 teachers, watch for 2023 Project Elijah recruitment resources. We’ve created four days of easy-to-use devotions and activities to help your students think about becoming a pastor, teacher, or staff minister. We’re asking you to be Elijah and “pass the mantle” to each Elisha in your classroom.

We recommend that you use them the week of MLC Day, which is Wednesday, May 3. But they will work anytime!