Retiring in 2021

Paul’s colleague Dr. Jeff Wiechman has appreciated his leadership as the director of field experiences. “Paul was a leader to those professors who served as supervisors of student teaching. He answered their questions. He pointed them in the right direction when it came to working with candidates and their cooperating teachers. He advised on how to speak gently with students at certain times and when to be brutally honest at other times. And yet he respected those professors enough to call and ask them about certain candidates and their potential assignments into the ministry. He trusted their judgment and asked for their input.

“Paul was a partner to those serving in positions of academic leadership. He helped define the scope of MLC field experiences within our larger education programs, effectively integrating them with our classroom experiences, and seeking to make them the best they could be.

“To me, as MLC’s vice president for academics, Paul was one of my go-to advisors. We met regularly to discuss questions, issues, ideas, and the future. Paul was never afraid to ask hard questions, and he did so in the interest of clarity and of what was best for our programs. He would stop by regularly to check in and make sure we were on the same page before moving forward. I really appreciated his approach to leadership and decision making.

“I am thankful to call Paul my colleague and friend in ministry. I know everyone on our campus shares that sentiment. Together, we all pray for God’s blessings as he and his wife, Beth, embark on their retirement journey.”

As he enters retirement, Professor Emeritus Tess says he likes to think about the three Gs: gardening, golf, and grandkids. “Of course, grandkids are four-season fun,” he says. “Beth and I have 11 to visit!”

“If you could leave MLC students with one last message . . .”

“Pray that out of the riches of his grace, God would mold you into the servant leader that in his eyes you are.”
– Professor Emeritus Paul Tess