 First Steps
  • Audit Request Form – Complete the form and return it to Kristen Hanevik in the Licensure Office. After completion of the licensure audit, you will receive a Licensure Requirement Plan (LRP) with the requirements needed to complete MLC’s Post-baccalaureate Program and obtain a Minnesota teaching license.
  • Application Form – After receiving your Licensure Requirement Plan, you will be sent an email with a link to your Post-baccalaureate application form. You will be required to attach transcripts for any coursework done outside of MLC, and two letters of recommendation. One of which must be a letter from a principal or instructional supervisor attesting to your satisfactory teaching and classroom management skills.
  • Letter of Acceptance – After reviewing your application and recommendation letters and the $50 fee has been received (see handbook), you will receive a letter of acceptance into the Post-baccalaureate program. From the date of acceptance, the Post-baccalaureate program may be completed in 48 months or less.
 Next Steps
  • Apply for a Minnesota license on the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) licensure website. Submit the following items to the Licensure Office:
    • Cover Page
    • Verification Page (Downloaded from Cover Page)
    • Completed Fingerprint Card
    • Official Transcripts (Limited License Only)