in MLC’s Theological Studies Program
“I am passionate about teaching students about God and his Word. As I took the classes, I found myself incorporating the conversations and topics into my teaching. I know that my students have benefited from my time in this program.”
– Ben Carlovsky, MA in Theological Studies
Ben Carlovsky MLC ’03 was originally enrolled in MLC’s Master of Science in Educational Administration program. As an elementary school principal at Abiding Word-Houston, that made sense. But when he accepted a call to teach religion at Wisconsin Lutheran High School, he switched programs midstream. Now he’s a 2023 graduate of our Master of Arts in Theological Studies program, a program with deep content to match his deep passion.
Why he enrolled: I wanted to dig into the Bible and to learn more about the content that I’m teaching at Wisconsin Lutheran High School. I took classes ranging from New Testament Studies to Mission Trips. From Apologetics to Hermeneutics. I not only wanted to grow in my content knowledge, but also learn from the amazing teachers and my fellow students in the program. I enjoyed reading and learning from their perspectives.
What he found: The program exceeded my expectations. The wide variety of teachers and topics was much appreciated. And I enjoyed the structure of the classes, which allowed me to fit them into my schedule.
Some specific examples: I greatly enjoyed the perspectives gain in my Biblical Hermeneutics classes with Pastor Paul Wendland [former Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary president and professor]. How to interpret the Bible is a skill that can be used across the classes that I teach. I also enjoyed how we could raise questions from our classroom, and we were given biblical feedback and best practices. I also enjoyed Old Testament with Dr. Ken Cherney and Dr. John Boeder’s class on mission trips. Both were extremely applicable and timely.
Getting fed: This program was so heavy on the Bible, and the Bible works! It works on all of us. I personally read and reflected more often on the promises of God during the completion of this program.
Feeding others too: I am passionate about teaching students about God and his Word. As I took the classes, I found myself incorporating the conversations and topics into my teaching. I know that my students have benefited from my time in this program.
His encouragement: I would say that you should be ready to work, but the work pays off. Find a program that excites you, and continue to work and grow in that area.
About Ben Carlovsky:
Family: “My wife, Betsy, teaches sixth grade at St. John-Milwaukee. We have two boys, Luke (sophomore at Wisconsin LHS) and Landon (eighth grader at St. John’s).”
Congregation: St. John-Milwaukee
Previous ministries:
St. Paul-Green Bay WI: staff minister and teacher
Abiding Word-Houston: principal and teacher
Hobbies: “I love being outside and playing sports, especially soccer, basketball, and disc golf.”