MLC’s MA in Theological Studies Leads to New Ministry

Gina Grove sitting at a game board

As a school-based wellness specialist, Gina Grove uses many strategies, including board games, to counsel and encourage the students who are referred to her.

Since her graduation from DMLC in 1986, God has put Gina (Hoerning) Grove’s gifts to work in many different vocations—teacher, consultant, Bible study writer, speaker, life coach, counselor, mom, grandma—and she has taken Scripture with her everywhere she’s gone.

When she decided in her 50s to pursue her Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) at MLC, it led to yet another vocation. In this new space, God is asking her to tap all the wisdom she’s gained—both from the depths of her life experience and also from the deep dives she made into Scripture through MLC’s program.

Gina works for Christian Family Solutions as a school-based wellness specialist, serving students in grades K-8, their families, and the staff at a private Christian school in Rochester, Minnesota.

She’s onsite three days a week, meeting with students one on one or in small groups, presenting to classrooms, and serving as a resource to parents and staff.

The goal, she says, “is not to provide therapy in the traditional sense, but to help students discover the strengths and skills necessary to be successful in all areas of their school life.”

For instance, she may give classroom presentations—like “My Identity in Christ,” “Dealing with Bullying,” or “How to Be a Friend”—adapting them for children of different ages.

Or she may spend one-on-one time with a child who’s upset. “I’ve had the chance to sit with children who are grieving the loss of pets, parents, and grandparents, offering the gift of time and a quiet space that a busy teacher can’t always provide,” she says.

The school is a highly academic magnet school that’s also Christian, so in all these situations, she says, “I can offer solid biblical comfort, advice, and assurance.” And for those students who are not Christian, she hopes to “provide the Holy Spirit another chance to gently work on their souls” while she respectfully offers the truths of Scripture.

“At a minimum,” she adds, “they’re now in my prayer journal and regularly lifted up to the Father’s throne!”

Gina comes to this new vocation with a new depth of knowledge because of her MATS degree work at MLC. Though she put off a master’s degree for the years she was teaching and raising children, in her 50s she knew the time was right.

“God had led me out of the classroom and into coaching, writing, and lay counseling. My goal in each of these areas was to ensure I had a solid scriptural foundation in my approaches, so MATS absolutely made sense.”

And truthfully, she missed going to school. “I’m a bit of a learning junkie, so what better way to feed that habit than digging deeper into my understanding of God’s Word and the history of our faith?”

The MATS program included courses in Scripture, doctrine, church history, and practical ministry. With only her capstone project left, Gina affirms that the work was well worth it. In fact, she finds it hard to quantify the huge impact the courses have had.

“Professionally, personally, and spiritually, the lessons gleaned from various classes have been extremely applicable. For instance, even the recitation of the creeds on Sundays has taken on a richer depth of understanding. And she notes that conversations around current events and controversial issues are impacted by the discussions and assignments from a number of the courses.

“God showed up in amazing ways,” she continues, “in the pages of assigned Scripture and texts, the wisdom of the professors, and the insights of really sharp classmates.”

One of the most potent exercises for Gina was the creation of a personal philosophy for ministry. “Rather than a one-and-done paper,” she says, “this living document can serve as a reference point for both personal and professional ministry now and into the future.”

The professional ministry she’s been led to now is one that draws on her experiences as well as her education. She says, “God has provided a beautiful opportunity for me to combine my elementary ed, coaching, lay counseling, mentoring/coaching experiences, parenting walk, and MATS education in a way to support students and teachers as they strive for excellence personally and within their various roles.”

The MATS program is likely what led to her hiring as a wellness-based school specialist, Gina says. Now she encourages others to take a shot, to pursue that degree, no matter where they are in life, and see where it leads.

“If God has put it on your heart to explore this,” she says, “I’d encourage you not to let age, your current occupation, or your gender keep you from pondering the pursuit of your MATS.

“We know that ‘all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work’ (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We also know that ‘as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another’ (Proverbs 27:17).

“MATS courses provide a rich and rewarding opportunity to dig deeper into Scripture with the gift of wise instructors, the support of godly classmates, and the power of the Spirit present throughout the process.”

Meet Gina Grove


  • BS-Education – DMLC 1986
  • New Teacher Induction (NTI) Mentoring & Coaching Certificate – MLC 2019
  • Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate – Wellcoaches International 2019

Past Ministry & Career:

  • Grade 5-6 at St. Martin-Watertown SD (1 yr)
  • Grade 1 at Resurrection-Rochester MN (7 yrs)
  • Grade 5-8 English at Resurrection-Rochester MN (2 yrs)
  • Education & special needs supervisor with Head Start
  • Private consultant and speaker
  • Devotion and Bible study writer
  • Health and well-being / life coach

Current Ministry & Career:

  • School-based wellness specialist – Christian Family Solutions
  • Lay counselor – local non-profit counseling agency (one night a week)
  • Women’s Bible study leader

Family: “I’m married to my college sweetheart, Dale, and we have three really awesome adult children. They’re each married to wonderful Christian spouses for which we’re immensely grateful! We’re Baba and Gigi to five amazing grandchildren (6 and under) this side of heaven and one who is safely home with Jesus. We love to travel and try new things, including the Superman Zipline and Tarzan Swing in Costa Rica.”

Who knew? “Since 2017, I’ve also worked part-time as a simulation patient at Mayo Clinic. It’s a great gig where you get paid to be a medical actor, typically simulating a patient or a family member in various cases. The learners are medical students and other medical professionals in training as well as experienced providers seeking to improve their communication skills. We usually offer feedback after each case, so it’s a neat opportunity to combine education with acting. Win-win!”

Written by Laurie Gauger-Hested