. . . you hear where you’re assigned on Call Day.

Their faces say it all. In May 2017 Amber Zibrowski (MVL /
Mt. Olive-Mankato MN) and Seth Zoellner (St. Croix LHS /
Bloomington-Bloomington MN) heard they were called to the
Milwaukee area, Amber to St. Lucas-Milwaukee and Seth to
Trinity-Waukesha. The couple was married in July.

The Call Service is a worship service like none other. At the end,
MLC grads listen carefully as the synod president announces where
each will begin their service, a place carefully chosen for them based
on their gifts and the congregation’s needs. It’s one of the most exciting
days in a young teacher’s life. Since the calls are issued in alphabetical
order, Miss Zibrowski and Mr. Zoellner had to wait a long time, but they
did hear their assignments within the same minute or two.