Non-Traditional Students
The Admissions Committee interviews all non-traditional students and renders a decision.  If students have not attended a college or university, the ACT/SAT and high school GPA requirements apply.  The applicant may also supply other experiences as evidence of college-level work capability.  If students have attended a college or university, the applicant meets the transfer student requirements.

Transfer Students
The academic standing of transfer students is determined by applying Martin Luther College’s grade point average (GPA) policy to the grade point averages on the applicant’s transcript.  Both the semester and the cumulative GPA must meet the following minimum GPA requirements to be accepted as a student in good standing.

Sem. I – 1.70
Sem. II – 1.80
Sem. III – 1.90
Sem. IVff – 2.00

Applicants who do not meet Martin Luther College’s grade point average policy are generally denied admission with no appeal.  In extenuating circumstances (positive recommendations, personal matters, etc.) the director may at the director’s discretion refer an applicant to the Admissions Committee.

A student who does not meet these minimums, but is accepted enters as a student on probation.  Probationary status prohibits participation in co-curricular activities, requires attendance at EDU0001 Study Skills Seminar and requires good standing status by the conclusion of the first semester of attendance.

Students who have completed coursework at other colleges are strongly encouraged to transfer credits from those previous undergraduate experiences.  To qualify for transfer credit, courses must meet the following criteria.

  1. Credits are applicable to MLC degree requirements.
  2. Credits relate to a comparable MLC course, a rule of thumb being 2/3 similar material/concepts.
  3. Credits earned carry a grade of C or higher.
  4. NOTE: Student teaching credits must be earned through MLC.

Visit the Academic Deans page to view a list of courses that have previously been approved.

Applicability of transfer credits is re-evaluated when students change their program of study.  Questions about transcript decisions are directed to the Education Dean or Pre-Seminary Dean.  Appeals of transcript decisions are addressed to the Vice President for Academics whose decision is final. The appeal must be in writing using the Student Appeal/Grievance Form.