Wednesday – O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!” (John 19:5)

There is a section of the Athanasian Creed that reads, “It is furthermore necessary for eternal salvation truly to believe that our Lord Jesus Christ also took on human flesh.” Yes, Jesus was truly God; he was also truly a man. He was completely divine, and he was completely human. As he lived his years on this earth, he did not make full and constant use of his divine power. The apostle Paul explained it this way in his letter to the Philippian congregation: And being found in appearance as a man, [Jesus] humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! (2:8).

“Humbled.” Wow, what an understatement! God himself allowed humans to curse him and flog him and mock him and spit on him and kill him. All of this was “necessary for salvation.” Jesus had to be a human to redeem human beings. Jesus had to die—even though he had done nothing to deserve death—to be the perfect sacrifice for our sin.

Pilate said, “Here is the man!” What did they see? They saw a joke—a “fake king,” with a pretend royal robe and a bogus crown made of spikey vines. They saw a sad and lonely man who was bruised and bloodied. What did they say when they saw him? “Crucify! Crucify!” That’s how much they despised Jesus. Sadly, that’s how much they hated the very Savior sent from heaven. They couldn’t see him for who he really was.

Shamefully, humans continue to curse and mock and spit on God every time we say we don’t care about his Word. We would rather shape God to our desires than conform to his will. That is what makes the account of Jesus’ suffering and death so incredible. He endured genuine emotional and physical torture in order to bear the punishment that we deserved. A “great exchange” indeed!

The hymn “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” creates an unforgettable picture of the Holy Week scene. How vividly it captures the injustice of it all! It was the intention of the writer to present the passion in all its perverse reality—the God-man Jesus being abused by his very creation. But these poignant verses are not the account of an excessively sentimental drama. The hymn looks behind and beyond what we see. Hear the expressions of glory despite the gore. Faith grasps the necessity of what happened. Penitent sinners confess that the suffering and the cross were indeed our “rightful lot.” Then believers implore, “But take away my anguish by virtue of your own!” And, with the cross in sight, proclaim, “Who dies in faith dies well!”

Dearest Jesus, we are so very conscious of our own sin and shame. You endured suffering beyond imagination because of us. Forgive us in your mercy and strengthen us to live in faith and love. Amen.

Rev. Paul Koelpin serves Martin Luther College as a professor of history and theology.

1. O sacred head, now wounded,
With grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded,
With thorns your only crown,
O sacred head, no glory
Now from your face does shine;
Yet, though despised and gory,
I joy to call you mine.

2. Men mock and taunt and jeer you,
They smite your countenance,
Though mighty worlds shall fear you
And flee before your glance.
How pale you are with anguish,
With sore abuse and scorn!
Your eyes with pain now languish
That once were bright as morn!

3. Now from your cheeks has vanished
Their color, once so fair;
From your red lips is banished
The splendor that was there.
Grim death with cruel rigor
Has robbed you of your life;
Thus you have lost your vigor,
Your strength, in this sad strife.

4. My burden in your passion,
Lord, you have borne for me,
For it was my transgression,
My shame, on Calvary.
I cast me down before you;
Wrath is my rightful lot.
Have mercy, I implore you;
Redeemer, spurn me not!

5. What language shall I borrow
To thank you, dearest Friend,
For this, your dying sorrow,
Your pity without end?
Oh, make me yours forever,
And keep me strong and true;
Lord, let me never, never
Outlive my love for you.

6. My Savior, then be near me
When death is at my door,
And let your presence cheer me;
Forsake me nevermore!
When soul and body languish,
Oh, leave me not alone,
But take away my anguish
By virtue of your own!

7. Lord, be my consolation,
My shield when I must die;
Remind me of your passion
When my last hour draws nigh.
My eyes will then behold you,
Upon your cross will dwell;
My heart will then enfold you—
Who dies in faith dies well!