December 6

The Glory of the Lord Covered Mount Sinai

When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud. To the Israelites the glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. Exodus 24:15-17

Fires consumed the hills and mountainsides. Smoke traveled for miles. It lasted for days. Millions looked on in fear. This is the scene of my childhood in San Diego in 2007. Wildfires that lit up the night sky could be seen from the highways as millions of acres of land and homes were consumed by fire. Destruction, devastation, and death were the words repeated on the radio and news channels. These fires were an amazing sight for a young child, a lasting memory.

We find a similar mountainside scene in Exodus. The Israelites were led out of Egypt in fantastic fashion and were now journeying to their promised land. The Lord had them stop at Mount Sinai. This is where he would establish his covenant with his people. Moses was now to come up this mountain covered by the glory of the Lord. To the Israelites, the glory looked like a consuming fire.

In this fire, the Lord was confirming his covenant with Moses, the great mediator for his people. Israel was to obey all the laws he gave through this mediator, Moses. If they didn’t, sacrifice was necessary.

This covenant set Israel apart so that a greater mediator would come through them. Moses and the people saw the consuming fire of the glory of the Lord, but one day, the full and frequent use of this glory would be set aside. The greater mediator would take on human flesh. Our all-consuming sin would be placed on him. Jesus, our mediator, would fulfill the covenant given to Moses so that destruction, devastation, and death would be done. His necessary sacrifice and his glory covered over all our sins. The new covenant is confirmed for us, an everlasting gift. The glory of the Lord now shines in our new hearts. We are consumed by the fire and zeal to spread that message this Advent season.

Dear heavenly Father, we praise you
for your glory. We give thanks for your
mighty acts. Defend us from the sin that
tries to consume our lives. Give us faith
that is consumed by your glory, your
love, and your Word. Amen.

Rev. Philip Schroeder serves Martin Luther College as an instructor and dormitory supervisor.