Meet Your Future Called Workers:


Letting his light shine: I was able to help with soccer/Bible camps at churches in Maryland, Ohio, and Wisconsin the last three summers. I also did a VBS at St. Luke’s in Oakfield, Wisconsin, which was a great opportunity. I even gave devotions for a couple days. I definitely learned a few things that will help me in my future ministry.

Getting inspired: In Mansfield, Ohio, I helped a new mission church with their first-ever soccer camp. Some of us from WLA stayed with Pastor Brad Wright and his family. Seeing how much fun they had while hosting us and running the camp motivated me in my training to be a pastor. It’s great to know I have people just like them modeling what a true Christian leader is supposed to be like.

HIS ADVICE Part 1: Talk to your local congregations, schools, or community organizations and do events that help other people. There’s no better way to shine your light. And honestly, it’s ridiculous how much you benefit from them as well. If you ask me, it’s a win-win situation every time.

HIS ADVICE Part 2: You want to find a career in which you do something you love. As far as a college goes, you want to go somewhere that they put you first. If the counselors aren’t asking about you and then showing you how their college can serve you, that college is one I wouldn’t consider too much. You’re paying the college to educate you, so go to the college that has the most tools in the toolbox for you to use in your future career. MLC’s amazing counselors are super helpful at answering all your college questions, MLC-related or not, plus they’re just great people to have conversations with.

SHOUT-OUTS: My WLA track coach, Mr. Seth Jaeger, really was an amazing role model. After watching him every day, I wanted to be just like him. And two pastors, Pastor David Haag and Pastor Josh Olson, showed me how awesome being a pastor could be. They made me see the talents God had given me and instilled a desire in me to be just like them.

What surprised him most about MLC: How included—a part of something bigger, a member of a family—I feel here. I’m not the most social person, but after one year, I have so many wonderful relationships with not only people in my class but people in all of the other classes and many of the professors as well. MLC is more friendly and amazing than I ever thought it would be.

Dreaming about the future: I am definitely going to be happy wherever God places me, whether that’s a well-established church in the middle of Wisconsin, a small country church in South Dakota, a medium-sized church in the suburbs of Florida, or a new startup in Mexico. God knows what’s best for me, and I’m just excited to see how he’ll use me and everyone else I know at MLC.


At MLC, we believe some of the most valuable ministry training occurs outside the classroom. That’s what our Daylight program is all about. Each spring and summer vacation, you have opportunities to serve a congregation with VBS, soccer/Bible camps (like Nathan Pausma), canvassing, music ministries, humanitarian aid, and more. Some students fill 10-week paid ministry assistant positions. If you love travel and gospel ministry, you’ll love Daylight!