Term B Starts with a Second Cohort!

On January 5, 2025 the CBTE Term B began. The learners who began their studies in September continued with their next two courses. A new cohort of eleven learners also began their studies. Eight learners started a new entirely online cohort, and three students started the first Milwaukee-based cohort. The Milwaukee-based cohort will meet weekly […]

Pausing at Christmas

There is much to celebrate. We are quickly approaching the celebration of our Savior’s birth. Our churches, schools, and homes are filled with the joyful preparations and comforting traditions of our Christmas season. One of our family’s traditions is to share an Advent Devotion after we have finished our evening meal. It is a moment […]

MLC Faculty and CBE: Dr. Steenbock

Dr. Brandon Steenbock currently serves as a Staff Minister at St. Mark Ministries in DePere, Wisconsin. He is an adjunct instructor of online courses offered at MLC. For the CBTE Theology Minor he worked closely with our instructional designer to align the content and activities of Christian Doctrine I and II with the competencies created […]

Lessons Learned at CBExchange 2024

We missed posting a blog entry last week because the Nontraditional Education Program’s Instructional Designer and Director were away attending CBExchange, the annual international conference on competency-based education. When they attended last year, MLC was at the beginning stages of our work with competency-based education. We were not yet approved to offer the CBTE Minor […]

Impact of CBTE Courses

If you are prayerfully considering applying to join an upcoming cohort of learners in our CBTE course of study, you may have questions about the impact or value of this program. The value of studying at MLC is far greater than you may imagine. Christ is at the center of our courses on campus, online, […]

CBTE – What Does That Mean?

Acronyms are pretty prevalent across the synod and our campus. LES? Lutheran Elementary School. ALHS? Area Lutheran High School. BIC? Bible Information Class. DP? District President. As we build our CBE (competency-based education) programming at MLC (Martin Luther College), we are adding a few new acronyms to our WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) vocabulary. If […]

APPLE Course Design Initiative

Now that we’ve finalized our HLC application to offer the Alternative Pathway to Professional Licensure Eligibility (APPLE) – Elementary Education, the Nontraditional Education Team can turn their attention to course design in earnest. We’re not approved to offer APPLE yet, but we continue to move forward, believing that God will continue to bless and guide […]

CBTE Milwaukee Cohort Now Accepting Applications

MLC is excited to partner with St. Marcus to offer a CBTE cohort for Milwaukee-area faculty, staff, and supporters for our Lutheran Elementary Schools. The cohort will start their classes in January 2025 and meet in person at the St. Marcus North campus once a week for one hour. Learners will complete two classes each […]

Application Portal for January Cohort Now Open

The CBTE program is designed to start a new cohort each term. As our first cohort of learners has settled into the first term of classes, it is time to open the application portal for our next cohort. The second cohort will start their classes in January 2025. Term Course 1 Course 2 Spring 2025:  […]

What are MLC’s CBTE courses like?

  Grounded in Scripture and Doctrine The six courses of the Competency-Based Theology Education (CBTE) Minor are, first and foremost, grounded in Scripture and doctrine. The three Biblical History and Literature courses focus your attention on the Bible. These courses are built around weekly readings from the Bible. Each week your readings are guided through […]

Transferring Completed Coursework

Transfer Credit Practice Returning Adult Learners often have completed coursework or degrees at other institutions. They may have dozens of credits to consider. Incorporating these credits into their academic record at MLC expedites their path to completing their course of study as they continue. While we grant as much credit as we can for prior […]

SME — What Does That Mean?

Acronyms are pretty prevalent across the synod and our campus. LES? Lutheran Elementary School. ALHS? Area Lutheran High School. BIC? Bible Information Class. DP? District President. As we build our CBE (competency-based education) programming at MLC (Martin Luther College), we are adding a few new acronyms to our WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) vocabulary. You […]

OER — What Does That Mean?

Acronyms are pretty prevalent across the synod and our campus. LES? Lutheran Elementary School. ALHS? Area Lutheran High School. BIC? Bible Information Class. DP? District President. As we build our CBE (competency-based education) programming at MLC (Martin Luther College), we are adding a few new acronyms to our WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) vocabulary. You […]

I’m Accepted! Now What?

We are excited to welcome you to your competency-based education course of study! Now that you are accepted, though, you may be wondering about the next steps. While you can always reach out to the Director of Nontraditional Education with your questions, here are a few general updates you should watch for About a week […]

Building Competency-Based Education at MLC: A View from the Instructional Designer, Part Four

This four-part mini-series of blogs by our instructional designer, Dr. Martin LaGrow, will share the technical, logistical, and academic approach to building MLC’s first competency-based education program. Ensuring Academic Rigor Since its inception, Martin Luther College (and before that, Doctor Martin Luther College) has existed to prepare people to serve in the ministry of the […]

Building Competency-Based Education at MLC: A View from the Instructional Designer, Part Three

This four-part mini-series of blogs by our instructional designer, Dr. Martin LaGrow, will share the technical, logistical, and academic approach to building MLC’s first competency-based education program. How is a CBE Course Different from a Traditional Online Course? Where We’ve Come From Most of us have had some kind of experience with online education or […]

Building Competency-Based Education at MLC: A View from the Instructional Designer, Part Two

  This four-part mini-series of blogs by our instructional designer, Dr. Martin LaGrow, will share the technical, logistical, and academic approach to building MLC’s first competency-based education program. CBE: Education Based on, well, Competencies! In the first post in this series, we have looked at the technical framework of the new MLC CBE program, In […]

Building Competency-Based Education at MLC: A View from the Instructional Designer, Part

This four-part mini-series of blogs by our instructional designer, Dr. Martin LaGrow, will share the technical, logistical, and academic approach to building MLC’s first competency-based education program. Laying the Groundwork About seven years ago, leadership at Martin Luther College envisioned a new and innovative approach to training called workers—one that allowed adult learners to train […]

What’s Next for CBE at MLC?

CBTE Is the First Step The Competency-Based Theological Education (CBTE) Minor is the first step in building a pathway for returning adult learners. We intentionally focused on our CBTE Minor first for several reasons. First, our pastors and principals shared that the CBTE Minor is what those serving our schools in various roles need to […]

CBTE Application for Fall Cohort Now Open!

Thank you for your prayers as we moved the CBTE Minor through the approval processes and your patience as we finalized the application materials for the CBTE Minor. We are pleased to share that the Fall 2024 CBTE Minor Cohort application is now open. The Fall 2024 CBTE Cohort will follow a three-term schedule to complete all six courses for the […]

CBTE Application Tip: Letter of Reference

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 2 Corinthians 3:2 The Competency-Based Theology Education (CBTE) Minor application requires a letter of reference. The letter of reference serves two purposes. It demonstrates your connection to a WELS or WELS-affiliated church body and shares the ways you are currently living […]

CBTE Application Tip: Personal Statement

The Competency-Based Theology Education (CBTE) Minor application requires a personal statement. The goal of this personal statement is to learn a bit more about you and your interest in studying at MLC. For your personal statement, we ask that you frame your response around a very important question: What does “Christian Educator” mean to you? […]

CBTE Minor Approved!

Martin Luther College is pleased to announce that the Competency-Based Theology Education (CBTE) Minor has received approval from our accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission, to offer this course of study. The CBTE  Minor is a year-long sequence of six courses. Learners enrolled in the program will complete two courses every fifteen weeks.