Entries by lagrowna

MLC Faculty and CBE: Dr. Steenbock

Dr. Brandon Steenbock currently serves as a Staff Minister at St. Mark Ministries in DePere, Wisconsin. He is an adjunct instructor of online courses offered at MLC. For the CBTE Theology Minor he worked closely with our instructional designer to align the content and activities of Christian Doctrine I and II with the competencies created […]

Thanksgiving 2024

  Together we pray. Dear Savior, thank you for your suffering and dying for us on Calvary’s cross. We thank you for taking the guilt, the curse, and the punishment for our sins. We thank you for your victory over the grave and all it brings to us. We thank you, Lord, for your perfect […]

Lessons Learned at CBExchange 2024

We missed posting a blog entry last week because the Nontraditional Education Program’s Instructional Designer and Director were away attending CBExchange, the annual international conference on competency-based education. When they attended last year, MLC was at the beginning stages of our work with competency-based education. We were not yet approved to offer the CBTE Minor […]

Impact of CBTE Courses

If you are prayerfully considering applying to join an upcoming cohort of learners in our CBTE course of study, you may have questions about the impact or value of this program. The value of studying at MLC is far greater than you may imagine. Christ is at the center of our courses on campus, online, […]

CBTE – What Does That Mean?

Acronyms are pretty prevalent across the synod and our campus. LES? Lutheran Elementary School. ALHS? Area Lutheran High School. BIC? Bible Information Class. DP? District President. As we build our CBE (competency-based education) programming at MLC (Martin Luther College), we are adding a few new acronyms to our WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) vocabulary. If […]

APPLE Course Design Initiative

Now that we’ve finalized our HLC application to offer the Alternative Pathway to Professional Licensure Eligibility (APPLE) – Elementary Education, the Nontraditional Education Team can turn their attention to course design in earnest. We’re not approved to offer APPLE yet, but we continue to move forward, believing that God will continue to bless and guide […]