Entries by lagrowna

CBTE – What Does That Mean?

Acronyms are pretty prevalent across the synod and our campus. LES? Lutheran Elementary School. ALHS? Area Lutheran High School. BIC? Bible Information Class. DP? District President. As we build our CBE (competency-based education) programming at MLC (Martin Luther College), we are adding a few new acronyms to our WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) vocabulary. If […]

APPLE Course Design Initiative

Now that we’ve finalized our HLC application to offer the Alternative Pathway to Professional Licensure Eligibility (APPLE) – Elementary Education, the Nontraditional Education Team can turn their attention to course design in earnest. We’re not approved to offer APPLE yet, but we continue to move forward, believing that God will continue to bless and guide […]

CBTE Milwaukee Cohort Now Accepting Applications

MLC is excited to partner with St. Marcus to offer a CBTE cohort for Milwaukee-area faculty, staff, and supporters for our Lutheran Elementary Schools. The cohort will start their classes in January 2025 and meet in person at the St. Marcus North campus once a week for one hour. Learners will complete two classes each […]

What are MLC’s CBTE courses like?

  Grounded in Scripture and Doctrine The six courses of the Competency-Based Theology Education (CBTE) Minor are, first and foremost, grounded in Scripture and doctrine. The three Biblical History and Literature courses focus your attention on the Bible. These courses are built around weekly readings from the Bible. Each week your readings are guided through […]