Competency-based education is relatively new to MLC and to our constituents so you might be wondering what an APPLE schedule might look like. You may have heard that each learner will have their own pathway based on the courses they completed at other schools or that learners might be able to accelerate or slow down as needed. You may also know that a learner can be either part-time or full-time. So, what might the APPLE schedule look like for a learner?

Let’s explore what the first term for a part-time learner (someone who commits to completing a minimum of six credits up to eleven credits) might look like.

Course TitleFormatCredits
1 (enrolled at start of term)THE 1001 Biblical History IFifteen-week, with weekly synchronous meetings and online discussion boards3
2 (enrolled at start of term)THE 3001 Chrisitan Doctrine IFifteen-week, online with required weekly discussion boards3
3 (enrolled at start of term)MTH 2004 Mathematics for Educators Ionline, flexibly paced course 2
4 (on deck, only enrolled if course number 3 is completed with more than four weeks left to the end of the term)MTH 2005 Mathematics for Educators IIonline, flexibly, paced course2

A part-time learner would be enrolled in up to three courses at the same time. At the start of their first term, they would be enrolled in both fifteen-week CBTE courses, THE 1001 and THE 3001. They would work through these two classes all term long, engaging in the weekly activities and completing the weekly readings and assignments.

Their faculty mentor would also enroll them in MTH 2004 Mathematics for Educators I at the start of the term. They could take all term to complete the course, spreading the work for this two-credit class over the course of the fifteen weeks of the term.

If they finish the course with more than four weeks left in the term, they could have extra time to focus on finishing their Theology courses or could, with the approval of their faculty mentor, add MTH 2005 Mathematics for Educators II to their schedule.

At the end of their first term, they would have six credits completed in the CBTE Minor and up to four credits completed in the APPLE Program.