Impact of CBTE Courses

If you are prayerfully considering applying to join an upcoming cohort of learners in our CBTE course of study, you may have questions about the impact or value of this program.

The value of studying at MLC is far greater than you may imagine.

Christ is at the center of our courses on campus, online, and in our new competency-based education course of study. The value of any course of study at MLC is that it leads to a closer relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The year-long focus on the Bible through Biblical History and Literature I, II, and III guides us in reading Scripture Christocentrically. By partnering these classes with Christian Doctrine I, Christian Doctrine II, and Lutheran Confessional Writing, we develop an understanding of the connection between the Bible and our past, present, and future as a Confessional Lutheran church body.


Each learner will have their own experience, but we thought a statement from one of our current learners might help you understand that these courses are more than classes at a college. They are an experience that can deepen your faith. 

I need to share with you how life-changing this experience has been for me as a Christian. I feel like I am building a better relationship with God, and I am building confidence in my worship and knowledge of God’s Word because of this opportunity in your program. My wife and I have had great conversations about God, and how we can grow together as Christians. I feel truly blessed, and want to thank you for helping me be a better Christian. — Cameron Cudnohowski, CBTE 202425A Cohort