In order to enter the music major there are entry requirements that need to be met before you are accepted into this course of study at Martin Luther College. We will ask you to complete an exam process. The first step is to complete and return the Application for Music Major as soon as possible.  Following is an outline of the application procedure.

  1. You will select one of three programs within the music major. You will find these programs outlined in the MLC catalog. The three programs are:

Instrumental Music Major
for students who wish to prepare for elementary teaching and high school work in the instrumental area

Parish Music Major
for students who wish to serve a congregation as teacher and musician

Vocal Music Major
for students who wish to prepare for elementary teaching and high school work in the choral/vocal area

Please select one of these programs by marking it on the Application for Music Major.

  1. You will ask one of your music instructors to complete the Recommendation Form. That form should be returned to the Martin Luther College Music Division.
  1. You will take an entrance exam that demonstrates your knowledge of music fundamentals. On this test you will be asked about terminology, major and minor scales, key signatures, meter (time) signatures, notation, rhythm, intervals, triads and chords, modulations, staffs, clefs, bar lines, etc. An examiner of your choice will administer the exam. Please indicate this examiner on the Application for Music Major. We would suggest that you ask one of your high school music instructors to administer the exam. This person should also be ready to administer the recorded audition described in the next section. We will email the exam instructions directly to you and your examiner.
  1. You will submit an audition recording. Below are the instructions for this portion of the exam so that you can start planning the materials you will include on this audition recording. Follow the instructions for the program you have chosen. Your examiner may be of help in lining up equipment and providing a room where a quality recording can be produced.

To produce a high quality audition recording we strongly suggest:

  • using two microphones if possible.
  • placing one microphone close to the solo voice or solo instrument.
  • using the other microphone to record the piano or other accompanying instrument. The balance between the accompaniment and the solo voice or solo instrument should be monitored so that the soloist is prominent on the recording.
  • making the recording in a band room or choir room for the best acoustical environment.


Following are the instructions for the three programs. Remember that you will complete only the instructions for the program(s) you choose and you will prepare the recorded portions of the exam with your examiner.

  • Parish Music

    for students who wish to serve a congregation as teacher and musician

  • Vocal Music

    for students who wish to prepare for elementary teaching and high school work in the choral/vocal area

  • Instrumental Music

    for students who wish to prepare for elementary teaching and high school work in the instrumental area

There is no firm due date for the Music Major application, however, it is recommended that you have submitted all your application materials by June 1st. Once we have received your audition recording, recommendation and entrance exam, the results will be evaluated by representatives of the Music Division of Martin Luther College. Following the evaluation we will inform you of the results.  If you are accepted into the Music Major, you will then be allowed to register for Music Major courses.

All music major applicants must achieve a score of 40 correct of 50 questions on the entrance examination.

Parish Music Major applicants should demonstrate strong singing skills and strong keyboard skills.  It is expected that Parish Music Major students will begin organ instruction at MLC, if they have not already done so.

Vocal Music Major applicants should demonstrate strong singing skills and at least average keyboard skills.

Instrumental Music Major applicants should demonstrate strong performance skills on a wind or percussion instrument and satisfactory singing skills.

If you have questions about the programs or the entry requirements, contact the chairman of the Music Division.