Materials #135 – 12/11/2015
BF 637 .P4 .H68 2015 Houston, Philip, author. Get the truth : former CIA officers teach you how to persuade anyone to tell all / Philip Houston, Michael Floyd, and Susan Carnicero ; commentary by Peter Romary. First Edition. |
BF 723 .C8 E54 2015 Engel, Susan L., 1959- author. The hungry mind : the origins of curiosity in childhood / Susan Engel. |
BP 605 .H36 Z45 2014 Zeller, Benjamin E. Heaven’s gate : America’s UFO religion / Benjamin E. Zeller ; foreword by Robert W. Balch. |
BS 647.3 .C43 2015 Chalmers, Aaron, author. Interpreting the prophets : reading, understanding and preaching from the worlds of the prophets / Aaron Chalmers. |
BT 122 .R44 1997 Reed, Bobbie. Listen to the heart : story meditations on the fruits of the Spirit / Bobbie Reed. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg, ©1997. |
BT 1319 .W54 2015 Wilhite, David E., author. The gospel according to heretics : discovering orthodoxy through early christological conflicts / David E. Wilhite. |
BT 613 .H322 2015 Habben, Sarah. The mom God chose : mothering like Mary / by Sarah Habben. |
BT 613 .H64 2015 DVD Holz, Pamela. Devotional thoughts on : my son, my Savior / by Pamela Holz. |
BT 613 .M97 2015 DVD My son my Savior : Mary, mother of Jesus / Boettcher/Trinklein Television Inc. presents ; producer/director by Steven J. Boettcher ; producer, Michael J. Trinklein ; edited by Stephanie Theisen. [Milwaukee, Wis.?] : Boettcher/Trinklein Television, Inc., 2015. |
BV 3625 .R522 W464 2013 Wendland, Rebecca. Bloom where God plants you : reflections of a mission mom living in Malawi, Africa / by Rebecca Wendland. |
BV 4531.2 .C556 1999 * * * Cloninger, Claire. E-mail from God for teens / by Claire Cloninger & Curt Cloninger. Colorado Springs, CO : David C Cook., ©1999. |
BV 4647 .G8 S37 2015 Schroer, Andrew C. 364 days of thanksgiving : a devotional journal / Andrew C. Schroer. |
D 734 .K33 2015 Keeney, L. Douglas. The eleventh hour : how Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the U.S. brokered the unlikely deal that won the war / L. Douglas Keeney. |
D 764.3 .S7 G59 2009 v.3 Glantz, David M. Endgame at Stalingrad / David M. Glantz ; with Jonathan M. House. |
DD 247 .G6 L6513 2015 Longerich, Peter, author. Goebbels : a biography / Peter Longerich ; translated by Alan Bance, Jeremy Noakes, and Lesley Sharpe. |
DD 256.3 .H347 2014 Hansen, Randall. Disobeying Hitler : German resistance after Valkyrie / Randall Hansen. |
DF 600 .C47 2014 Chalkokondylēs, Laonikos, approximately 1430-approximately 1490. The histories / Laonikos Chalkokondylēs ; translated by Anthony Kaldellis. |
DG 249 .M33 2015 MacDonald, Eve. Hannibal : a Hellenistic life / Eve MacDonald. |
DG 442 .D46 2001 D’Epiro, Peter. Sprezzatura : 50 ways Italian genius shaped the world / Peter D’Epiro and Mary Desmond Pinkowish. 1st Anchor books ed. New York : Anchor Books, 2001. |
DG 737.4 .S77 2015 Strathern, Paul, 1940- author. Death in Florence : the Medici, Savonarola, and the battle for the soul of a Renaissance city / Paul Strathern. First Pegasus Books hardcover edition. |
DS 135 .E82 P48 2014 Petrovskiĭ-Shtern, Ĭokhanan, author. The golden age shtetl : a new history of Jewish life in East Europe / Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern. |
DS 935.7552 .H27 2015 Harden, Blaine, author. The great leader and the fighter pilot : the true story of the tyrant who created North Korea and the young lieutenant who stole his way to freedom / Blaine Harden. |
E 458 .R26 2014 Rawley, James A., author. A Lincoln dialogue / James A. Rawley ; edited and with a foreword by William G. Thomas. |
E 470 .J36 2015 Jamieson, Perry D. Spring 1865 : the closing campaigns of the Civil War / Perry D. Jamieson. |
E 76.2 .J62 2014 Johnson, Michael, 1937 April 22-. Encyclopedia of native tribes of North America / Michael G. Johnson ; color plates by Richard Hook. Second edition. |
F 1219.8 .O56 G76 2015 Grove, David C. Discovering the Olmecs : an unconventional history / by David C. Grove. [S.l.] : Univ Of Texas Press, 2015. |
F 1788.22 .S255 A3 2015 Sánchez, Juan Reinaldo, 1949-. The double life of Fidel Castro : my 17 years as personal bodyguard to El Líder Máximo / Juan Reinaldo Sánchez with Axel Gyldén ; translation by Catherine Spencer. First U.S. edition. |
F 1923 .G338 2014 Geggus, David Patrick. The Haitian Revolution : a documentary history / edited and translated, with an introduction, by David Geggus. |
HB 3717 1929 .G687 2014 The Great Depression in Latin America / Paulo Drinot and Alan Knight, editors. |
HB 76 .E452 2014 Eminent economists II : their life and work philosophies / edited by Michael Szenberg, Touro College and University System, Lall B. Ramrattan, University of California, Berkeley Extension. |
HG 3368 .A6 I74 2015 Irfan, Harris, 1972- author. Heaven’s bankers : [inside the hidden world of Islamic finance] / Harris Irfan. |
HM 1231 .S83 2015x Stanley, Jason, author. How propaganda works / Jason Stanley. |
HN 90 .R3 B79 2015 Burrough, Bryan, 1961-. Days of rage : America’s radical underground, the FBI, and the forgotten age of revolutionary violence / Bryan Burrough. |
JK 468 .I6 T33 2015 Talbot, David, 1951- author. The devil’s chessboard : Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the rise of America’s secret government / David Talbot. First edition. |
KF 228 .A673 B79 2015 Bryant, Jonathan M., author. Dark places of the earth : the voyage of the slave ship Antelope / Jonathan M. Bryant. First edition. |
KF 3020 .D63 2014 Doctorow, Cory, author. Information doesn’t want to be free : laws for the Internet age / by Cory Doctorow. |
LB 1028.75 .T66 2015 Toppo, Greg. The game believes in you : how digital play can make our kids smarter / Greg Toppo. |
LB 1068 .T43 2008 Teaching visual literacy : using comic books, graphic novels, anime, cartoons, and more to develop comprehension and thinking skills / Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, editors. Thousand Oaks, CA : Corwin Press, ©2008. |
LC 212.22 .U83 C37 2014 Castagno, Angelina E. Educated in whiteness : good intentions and diversity in schools / Angelina E. Castagno. |
LC 2683.3 .M49 2014 Meyers, Susan V. Del otro lado : literacy and migration across the U.S.-Mexico border / Susan V. Meyers. |
LC 4019 .M351 2005 Gr.K-6 (set) DVD Making inclusion more successful [videorecording] : practical behavior management strategies for the classroom, grades K-6 / Bureau of Education & Research. Bellevue, WA : Bureau of Education & Research, 2007, c2000. |
ND 237 .R725 C6413 2015 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 1948-. Mark Rothko : toward the light in the chapel / Annie Cohen-Solal. |
PG 3489.2 .L58 Z4513 2015 Ulit︠s︡kai︠a︡, Li︠u︡dmila, author. The big green tent / Ludmila Ulitskaya ; translated from the Russian by Polly Gannon. First American edition. |
PN 1992.77 .A1 C53 2013 DVD Classic English literature collection. Volume 2. |
PN 1995.5 .B48 1989 Billingsley, Lloyd. The seductive image : a Christian critique of the world of film / K.L. Billingsley. Westchester, Ill. : Crossway Books, 1989. |
PR 2807 .L385 2015 Lesser, Zachary. Hamlet after Q1 : an uncanny history of the Shakespearean text / Zachary Lesser. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2015]. |
PR 6056 .L4 Z8188 2015 Parker, Matthew, author. Goldeneye : where Bond was born : Ian Fleming’s Jamaica / Matthew Parker. First Pegasus Books hardcover edition. |
PR 6123 .E36 M37 2014 Weir, Alison, 1951-. The marriage game : a novel of Queen Elizabeth I / Alison Weir. First edition. |
PS 3519 .A392 Z465 1997 Jackson, Shirley, 1916-1965. Life among the savages / Shirley Jackson. New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 1997. |
PS 3553 .H473 L67 2009 Chiaverini, Jennifer. The lost quilter : an Elm Creek quilts novel / Jennifer Chiaverini. 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2009. |
PS 3555 .D4845 W58 1999 Edson, Margaret, 1961-. Wit : a play / by Margaret Edson. 1st ed. New York : Faber and Faber, 1999. |
PS 3565 .A8 Z46 2015 Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938- author. The lost landscape : a writer’s coming of age / Joyce Carol Oates. First edition. |
QA 99 .B195 2014 Bellos, Alex, 1969- author. The grapes of math : how life reflects numbers and numbers reflect life / Alex Bellos ; illustrations by the Surreal McCoy. First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. |
RC 140.5 .Q36 2014 Quammen, David, 1948- author. Ebola : the natural and human history of a deadly virus / David Quammen. |
RC 567.5 .C37 2015 Carpenter, Murray, author. Caffeinated : how our daily habit helps, hurts, and hooks us / Murray Carpenter. |
RJ 506 .V56 R93 2014 Ryder, Judith A. Girls and violence : tracing the roots of criminal behavior / Judith A. Ryder. |
TL 15 .P37 2014 Parissien, Steven, author. The life of the automobile : the complete history of the motor car / Steven Parissien. First U.S. Edition. |
TX 355 .B365 2015 Barnes-Svarney, Patricia L. The handy nutrition answer book / Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E. Svarney. |
U 162 .C424513 2014 Chaliand, Gérard, 1934-. A global history of war : from Assyria to the twenty-first century / Gérard Chaliand ; translated by Michèle Mangin-Woods and David Woods ; foreword by R. Bin Wong. |
UB 271 .R92 W342 1987 Barron, John, 1930-2005. Breaking the ring / John Barron. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1987. |
Z 4 .C38 2014 Cave, Roderick, author. The history of the book in 100 books / Roderick Cave & Sara Ayad. |
ZA 3075 .S63 2012 Sobel, Karen, author. Information basics for college students / Karen Sobel. |