for Martin Luther College Master of Science Program Capstone Projects

This sheet gives specific directions where APA does not specify or where MLC has modified the APA style for capstone projects.

thesis-writing1All manuscripts should follow the current APA manual unless noted otherwise. Listed below are some common settings to be followed for all capstone projects. These settings are either in agreement with the APA manual or supersede it.

  • Margins: 1.5 inch on left and 1 inch on other sides.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Tense: When writing the manuscript, use the appropriate tense (past, present, or future) based on the context of the material being written.

See the MLC provided Capstone Templates for an example of the following:

  • Line Spacing: Double-spaced, except for Table of Contents, References, and Journal (Journal is unique to an Internship.)
  • Running Head: Starts on page 2 and includes the page number using Arabic numerals.
  • Table of Contents: Single space within levels of the same type.
  • References: Hanging indent at ½ inch, single spaced, blank line between each reference.