What is Teach Abroad?

Teach Abroad connects MLC graduates with international mission settings for service in the harvest fields of the Lord. Service is usually for one or two years, but participants might opt to serve longer. Though the settings vary, each of the experiences will provide opportunity for personal, professional, and spiritual growth while being actively engaged in mission work.

Potential Teach Abroad Opportunities

Antigua- multiple positions

Open to: licensed teachers
Type of teaching: all subjects
City: St. John’s
School: St. John’s Lutheran School

Dominican Republic- multiple positions

Open to:  all graduates
Type of teaching:  Classroom
City:  Santiago
School/Organization: St. David

Ecuador- Filled for 2025

Open to:  all graduates with Spanish language skills
Type of teaching:  English only
City:  Quito
Organization: Academia Cristo

Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand

Open to:  all graduates
Type of teaching:  English and classroom
City:  a variety of cities
Organization: Friends Network

South Korea

Open to:  licensed teachers who are December graduates
Type of teaching: all subjects
City:  Seoul
School:  Canaan Lutheran Academy (ELS)

St. Lucia

Open to:  licensed teachers
Type of teaching:  all subjects
City:  Gros Islet
School:  The Montessori Centre


Open to:  licensed teachers
Type of teaching:  classroom
City:  Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai
Schools:  Chiang Mai International School and Chiang Rai International School

The Annual Martin Luther College Thalassa Prize


Do I need to know the language of the country? 

Generally speaking, there is no need to know the language of the country to which you are going.  Each of the experiences places you into an English speaking environment within a country that likely has a limited number of English speakers.

What about my student loans?

Loans are loans and need to be repaid.  However, there may be an opportunity for you to delay repayment.  Because each situation is unique and the regulations change from time to time, you should speak with Mrs. JoElyn Krohn, MLC’s Financial Literacy Coordinator.  She has both personal experience and special training to help inform you.

Will I be eligible for an assignment when I return?

If you are eligible for an assignment when you leave MLC, then you are eligible for an assignment when you return provided that you return within 3 years.  If you choose to stay 3 years or longer, the Conference of Presidents will not assign you; however, you are eligible to receive a call directly from a school or congregation.

What if I don’t have a passport?

If you are serious about applying for an international position, you should get one; the sooner the better.  You will need passport information when it’s time to apply for a visa.  If you don’t have a passport, then the whole process will be delayed by several weeks.

When should I apply?

The simple answer is, “The sooner, the better.”  Most international administrators will begin to know their needs sometime in late fall and then will begin to post positions.  Hiring usually begins in January.

Please visit the Cultural Engagement Center to learn more about each opportunity!