Last year Summer Quarter went “on the road” to make formal continuing education more accessible to pastors in outlying districts. The effort was so well attended and such a success that we will continue to go on the road in odd-numbered years. Traditional Summer Quarter will be held on Seminary campus in even-numbered years.
Summer Quarter will be back on Seminary campus this year with new one-week courses, a new online course, and a new fellowship event. New courses include Turning Victims into Survivors: Counsel and Care for the Abused, Parts 1 & 2; Teach Them to Your Children: Helping Parents Fulfill Their Spiritual Responsibility to Children; and more.

Our full brochure of courses is available on our website at Another addition to this year is a fellowship event at a Lakeshore Chinooks baseball game. The Seminary will host the Summer Quarter attendees on their own private deck with an all-you-can-eat buffet and more.
Another new addition to this year’s Summer Quarter is a special invitation to the WLS classes of 2014 and 2015. We’d like to especially invite these two classes to join us at Summer Quarter during the first week (June 15- June 19) in order to celebrate reaching five years in the ministry. Grow in Grace understands the importance of brothers gathering together to study God’s Word. What an opportunity to do this while gathering with your WLS classmates! In addition, the chapel reading texts will be their graduation texts.
To make it easier for pastors to attend Summer Quarter on campus, current seminary students are available this year to preach or lead Bible studies while pastors are away at Summer Quarter.
With these new additions (and hopefully upgrades) to your Summer Quarter experience, we extend an invitation to all pastors to attend a course or two that would benefit your ministry.