This image represents (at least for me) the relative positions of creation and God.  We see a captivating natural image, but the cross is in the forefront.  As we study the creation, may we always keep Christ in the forefront.

Professional Development Series
Author/ Presenter: Prof. Daniel Fenske

Title: Examining Evolution

Session 1: Why are We Talking About This?
This session focuses on the need to address Evolution and why we can no longer afford to ignore it.

Session 2: Faith and Science
This session focuses on the unique relationship[ between faith and science and how teaching evolution give opportunities to exercise and apply Scriptural truths.

Session 3: Understanding the Theory
This session explains Evolution similar to the way it would be presented in textbooks in order to understand what the theory teachers.

Session 4: A Closer Look at the Theory: The Leap of faith
This session looks closer at the issues that textbooks oversimplify or ignore so that we see how the Theory requires faith to accept.

Session 5: “Evidence” for Evolution and the Christian Response
We examine the evidence to which science points to support the Theory and how the same evidence can be viewed from a Biblical standpoint.

Session 6: What Should We Teach?
This session suggests topics or approaches that teachers may take when dealing with this subject. We will also look at how we can balance faith and science.

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