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Events for January 2025

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Calendar of Events
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

New Year’s Day-MLC Closed

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf closed to the public for Christmas Break

Caf opens to the public for second semester


Parents’ Day (Basketball)


Blood Drive

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