Thank you for taking the time to help us keep our website up to date! Please use this form to request page updates, submit news tips, or ask for website-related support. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated!

Website Update Form
Navigate to the page in question in your browser in another tab. Copy the page address and paste it here.
Navigate to the page in question in your browser in another tab. Copy the page address and paste it here.
Remember to include all information needed to complete the update. (e.g. If you are requesting a change to the text, please include the replacement copy above.) If you prefer, you can attach a Word or PDF document to give further explanation regarding your update request. If this is the case, simply type "attached" in this text field. You cannot leave this field blank.
Please be as specific as you can.
Navigate to the page in question in your browser in another tab. Copy the page address and paste it here.
Please provide as much detail as possible in order to speed request resolution.
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If you have any files that need to be uploaded along with your update or have a word document or pdf for your update, please upload them here. Alternatively you may send the files in a separate email to
Maximum upload size: 102.4MB
Please include a caption if applicable along with update notes. If submitted image includes people, please include a caption and the names of those who appear on the image. Alternatively, you may send the files in a separate email to
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Alternatively, you may email screenshot in a separate email to
Please enter an image suggestion or description above.

Web Tip:

A college’s website is usually the first point of contact for potential students, parents, and other friends of the institution – and first impressions count. Keeping content up-to-date is a great way to actively engage visitors and showcase our blessings at MLC.