Tell the Next Generation Scholarship
This scholarship endowment fund was initiated in 2016 by a young couple whose lives have been deeply affected by Martin Luther College.
One spouse graduated from MLC and teaches in one of our WELS schools. The other spouse spent only a year at MLC but has gone on to serve the Lord at his area congregation using his God-given skills in the area of finance.
To quote the husband:
“We both experienced the quality Christian education MLC has afforded to so many over the years by God’s good grace.
“We established this scholarship because we want to enable the mission mentioned in Psalm 78 (‘tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord’) through the instruction of our future pastors and teachers. We are thrilled to support those who have been moved by the Spirit to tell the next generation and grow in their own faith along the way.”
Income from this fund is distributed to MLC students who demonstrate scholastic merit and financial need.