
LC Classification










K — LAW – WP version












BIG BOOK F * * *
Heiligman, Deborah.   From caterpillar to butterfly / by Deborah Heiligman ; illustrated by Bari Weissman.   1st oversized pap. ed.   New York : Collins : An imprint of HarperCollins, 2008, ©1996.

BIG BOOK I * * *
Fleming, Denise, 1950- author, illustrator.   In the small, small pond / Denise Fleming.   First big book edition.

BIG BOOK W * * *
Zobel Nolan, Allia.   What I like about me! : a book celebrating differences / written by Allia Zobel Nolan ; illustrated by Miki Sakamoto.   [Big Book edition].

BR 110 .H36 2020
Wilder, Jim, author.   The other half of church : Christian community, brain science, and overcoming spiritual stagnation / Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks.

BR 345 .G67 2021
Gordon, Bruce, 1962- author.   Zwingli : God’s armed prophet / Bruce Gordon.

BR 67 .A68 2013
Aquilina, Mike.   The Fathers of the church : an introduction to the first Christian teachers / Mike Aquilina.   3rd ed.   Huntington, Ind. : Our Sunday Visitor, 2013.

BS 1345.53 .K55 2012
Klein, Ralph W.   2 Chronicles : a commentary / by Ralph W. Klein ; edited by Paul D. Hanson.   Minneapolis : Fortress Press, ©2012.

BS 1465.53 .S35713 2019
Schipper, Bernd U., 1968- author.   Proverbs 1-15 : a commentary on the Book of Proverbs 1:1-15:33 / by Bernd U. Schipper ; translated by Stephen Germany ; edited by Thomas Krüger.

BS 192.2 .A2 A92 v.27
Bible. Mark, I-VIII. English. Marcus. 2000.   Mark 1-8 : a new translation with introduction and commentary / Joel Marcus.   New Haven, Conn. ; London : Yale University Press, 2010, ©2000.

BS 192.2 .A2 A92 v.36
Bible. Hebrews. English. Koester. 2001.   Hebrews : a new translation with introduction and commentary / by Craig R. Koester.   1st Yale University Press impression.   New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2010.

BS 192.2 .A2 A92 v.37B
Bible. Peter, 1st. English. Elliott. 2000.   1 Peter : a new translation with introduction and commentary / John H. Elliott.   1st Yale University Press impression.   New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2011.

BS 195 .E95 2021
Bible. English. Evangelical Heritage Version. 2021.   An EHV study Bible : Evangelical Heritage Version.

BS 2585.53 .D488 2021
Deutschlander, Daniel M.   Your kingdom come : commentary on the Gospel according to St. Mark / Daniel M. Deutschlander.

BS 2615.2 .H2713 1984 v.2 c.2
Haenchen, Ernst, 1894-1975.   John : a commentary on the Gospel of John / by Ernst Haenchen ; translated by Robert W. Funk ; edited by Robert W. Funk with Ulrich Busse.   Philadelphia : Fortress Press, ©1984.

BS 2705.53 .H64 2017
Holloway, Paul A., 1955- author.   Philippians : a commentary / by Paul A. Holloway ; edited by Adela Yarbro Collins.

BS 2805.3 .S75513 1996
Strecker, Georg, 1929-1994, author.   The Johannine letters : a commentary on 1, 2, and 3 John / by Georg Strecker ; translation by Linda M. Maloney ; edited by Harold Attridge.   Minneapolis : Fortress Press, ©1996.

BS 593 .S76 2021
The story of God’s love : A summary of the holy bible.

BT 732.7 .L36 2015
Langberg, Diane.   Suffering and the heart of God : how trauma destroys and Christ restores / Diane Langberg.

BT 75.2 .T5 1973 v.1
Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965.   Systematic theology. Volume I, Reason and revelation, Being and God / Paul Tillich.   Pbk. ed.   Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1973, ©1951.

BT 75.2 .T5 1975 v.2
Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965.   Systematic theology. Volume II, Existence and the Christ / Paul Tillich.   Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1975, ©1957.

BV 4070 .L87 G735 2019
Granquist, Mark Alan, 1957- author.   A history of Luther Seminary : 1869-2019 / Mark Granquist.

BV 4526.3 .B53 2020
Bickelhaupt, Jay W.   5-minute bible studies for families / by Jay W. Bickelhaupt.

BV 4529.18 .G75 2010
Gresh, Dannah, 1967-.   Six ways to keep the “little” in your girl / Dannah Gresh.   Eugene, Or. : Harvest House Publishers, ©2010.

BV 4531.3 .S38 2019 * * *
Schultz, Clark.   5-minute bible studies for teens / by Clark Schultz.

BV 4811 .S3645 2021
Schroer, Andrew C., author. aut.   364 days of devotion / Andrew C. Schroer.

BX 8011 .A1 M9 2021
My Savior’s guest : a festschrift in honor of Erling Trygve Teigen / editor: Thomas Rank ; co-editors: James Braun, Mark DeGarmeaux, Jerome Gernander, Glenn Obenberger, Alexander Ring, Steven Sparley ; cover art: Jonathan Mayer ; layout: Jeffrey Hendrix.

BX 8061 .M7 P73
Prange, Peter M., author.   Wielding the sword of the spirit / Peter M. Prange.

BX 8067 .A1 S77 2021 c.6
Strey, Johnold J.   Christian worship : God gives his gospel gifts / Johnold J. Strey.

D 421 .S337 2021
Schoppa, R. Keith, 1943- author.   The twentieth century : a world history / R. Keith Schoppa.

DB 37 .M45 2015
Melton, James Van Horn, 1952-.   Religion, community, and slavery on the colonial Southern Frontier / James Van Horn Melton.

HD 9000.5 .M3697 2014b
McMahon, Paul (Paul Andrew), author.   Feeding frenzy : land grabs, price spikes, and the world food crisis / Paul McMahon.

HF 5381 .K5854 2014
Kleon, Austin.   Show your work! : 10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered / Austin Kleon.

HM 1271 .M666 2019
Montalvo-Barbot, Alfredo, author.   Melting pot, multiculturalism, and interculturalism : the making of majority-minority relations in the United States / Alfredo Montalvo-Barbot.

HN 80 .P23 M66 2021
Moore, Kate (Writer and editor), author.   The woman they could not silence : one woman, her incredible fight for freedom, and the men who tried to make her disappear / Kate Moore.

HQ 755.8 .R437 2016
Reischer, Erica, author,.   What great parents do : 75 simple strategies for raising kids who thrive / Erica Reischer, PHD.

HV 6248 .M8 L37 2004
Larson, Erik, 1954-.   The devil in the white city : murder, magic, and madness at the fair that changed America / Erik Larson.   1st Vintage books ed.   New York : Vintage Books, 2004, ©2003.

HV 7911 .W45 L36 2021
Lane, Charles, 1961-.   Freedom’s detective : the Secret Service, the Ku Klux Klan and the man who masterminded America’s first war on terror / Charles Lane.

JC 346 .A76 2013
Aron, Paul, 1956-.   Why the turkey didn’t fly / Paul Aron.

JK 1898 .D56 2020 * * *
Dionne, Evette, author.   Lifting as we climb : Black women’s battle for the ballot box / Evette Dionne.

LB 2343.3 .G394 2014
Gauld, Malcolm, 1954-.   College success guaranteed 2.0 : 5 rules for parents / Malcolm Gauld.

LB 3013 .B337 2021
Barron, Laurie, author.   We belong : 50 strategies to create community and revolutionize classroom management / Laurie Barron, Patti Kinney.

LC 4165 .W35 2020
Wallace, Karen O., author.   Trauma informed teaching through play art narrative (PAN) / by Karen O. Wallace and Patrick J. Lewis.

M 14.5 .W3 M3 1989
Manz, Paul, 1919-2009.   Five hymn improvisations for wedding and general use / Paul Manz.   St. Louis, MO : MorningStar Publishers, ©1989.

M 2062 .M3774 G63 2015
Martin Luther College. College Choir.   God so loved the world : Martin Luther College choir 2015 tour / Martin Luther College Choir.   [New Ulm, MN] : [Martin Luther College], 2015.

M 2062 .M3774 M94 2017
Martin Luther College. College Choir.   My hope is built on nothing less : Martin Luther College choir 2017 / Martin Luther College Choir.   [New Ulm, MN] : [Martin Luther College], 2017.

M 2062 .M3774 S36 2020
Martin Luther College. College Choir.   Same Jesus, same grace : Martin Luther College choir anthology of praise 2014-2020 / Martin Luther College Choir.   [New Ulm, MN] : [Martin Luther College], [2020].

M 2062 .M3774 T64 2016
Martin Luther College. College Choir.   To father, son, and holy spirit : Martin Luther College choir 2016 / Martin Luther College Choir.   [New Ulm, MN] : [Martin Luther College], 2016.

M 2062 .M3774 W39 2018
Martin Luther College. College Choir.   The way the truth and the life : Martin Luther College choir 2018 / Martin Luther College Choir.   [New Ulm, MN] : [Martin Luther College], 2018.

M 2062 .M3774 W57 2019
Martin Luther College. College Choir.   Wisdom from heaven : Martin Luther College choir 2019 / Martin Luther College Choir.   [New Ulm, MN] : [Martin Luther College], 2019.

M 2065 .M3774 C47 2014
Martin Luther College.   Light revealed : Christmas at Martin Luther College / Martin Luther College.   [New Ulm, Minn.] : [Martin Luther College], 2014.

M 2065 .M3774 C47 2015
Martin Luther College.   Magnify his name : Christmas at MLC / Martin Luther College.   New Ulm, Minn. : MLC Audio Production, 2015.

M 2065 .M3774 C47 2016
Martin Luther College.   Born is a child : Christmas at Martin Luther College / Martin Luther College.   [New Ulm, Minn.] : [Martin Luther College], 2016.

M 2065 .M3774 C47 2017
Martin Luther College.   Glad tidings of great joy : Christmas at Martin Luther College / Martin Luther College.   [New Ulm, Minn.] : Martin Luther College, 2017.

M 2065 .M3774 C47 2018
Martin Luther College.   Peace eternal making : Christmas at Martin Luther College / Martin Luther College.   [New Ulm, Minn.] : Martin Luther College, 2018.

M 2065 .M3774 C47 2019
Martin Luther College.   Joy has dawned : Christmas at Martin Luther College / Martin Luther College.   [New Ulm, Minn.] : Martin Luther College, 2019.

PN 57 .M65 Z56 2016
Ziolkowski, Theodore, author.   Uses and abuses of Moses : literary representations since the Enlightenment / Theodore Ziolkowski.

PS 595 .C47 L8 2019
Lueders, Karen R.   To God be the glory / Karen R. Lueders.

PS 659.2 .B75 2016
Brief encounters : a collection of contemporary nonfiction / edited by Judith Kitchen and Dinah Lenney.   First edition.

PZ 7 .E2265 Lon * * *
Edge, Christopher, author.   The longest night of Charlie Noon / Christopher Edge ; interior stick and grid illustrations, Christina Edge.   First American edition.

PZ 7 .R79835 HarP c.2 * * *
Rowling, J. K., author.   Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary Grandpré.   [First Scholastic trade paperback edition].

PZ 7 .S95397 Pr * * *
Summers, Courtney, author.   The project / Courtney Summers.   First U. S. edition.

PZ 7.1 .W633 Tur * * *
Wolkenstein, M. Evan, author.   Turtle boy / M. Evan Wolkenstein.   First edition.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Ban * * *
Wilson, Karma, author.   Bear can’t sleep / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bao * * *
Wilson, Karma, author.   Bear can’t wait / by Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   First edition.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Baq * * *
Wilson, Karma, author.   Bear counts / Karma Wilson ; Illustrations by Jane Chapman.   First edition.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bb * * *
Wilson, Karma.   Bear feels scared / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   1st ed.   New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, ©2008.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bc * * *
Wilson, Karma.   Bear feels sick / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   1st ed.   New York : M.K. McElderry Books, ©2007.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bek * * *
Wilson, Karma.   Bear stays up for Christmas / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, ©2008.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bex * * *
Wilson, Karma.   Bear’s loose tooth / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   1st ed.   New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, ©2011.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bey * * *
Wilson, Karma.   Bear’s new friend / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   1st ed.   New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, ©2006.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bi * * *
Wilson, Karma, author.   Big bear, small mouse / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   First edition.

PZ 8.3 .W6976 Bth * * *
Wilson, Karma, author.   Bear says thanks / Karma Wilson ; illustrations by Jane Chapman.   First edition.

QC 75 .C94 2017
Czerski, Helen, 1978- author.   Storm in a teacup : the physics of everyday life / Helen Czerski.   First American edition.

RC 78.7 .N83 L413 2015
Le Bihan, D. (Denis), 1957- author.   Looking inside the brain : the power of neuroimaging / Denis Le Bihan ; translated by Teresa Lavender Fagan.

TK 5103.592 .F52 C739 2018
Crawford, Susan P., 1963- author.   Fiber : the coming tech revolution and why America might miss it / Susan Crawford.