
LC Classification










K — LAW – WP version












B 4378 .C5 B346 2016
Barnett, Christopher B. (Christopher Baldwin), 1976-.   Kierkegaard, pietism and holiness / Christopher B. Barnett.   London : Routledge, 2016.
BR 150 .S54 C58 2020
Shelley, Bruce L. (Bruce Leon), 1927-2010, author.   Church history in plain language / Bruce L. Shelley.   Fifth edition. / revised by Marshall Shelley.
BR 516 .H355 2019
Hall, Mark David, 1966- author.   Did America have a Christian founding? : separating modern myth from historical truth / Mark David Hall.
BS 1585.53 .H69 2019
Hoyt, Joanna, author.   Amos, Jonah, & Micah / Joanna M. Hoyt ; general editor: H. Wayne House ; Old Testament editor: William D. Barrick.
BS 1605.6 .M436 K45 2020
Keller, Timothy, 1950- author.   Rediscovering Jonah : the secret of God’s mercy / Timothy Keller.
BS 1615.53 .D38 2015
Davis, Dale Ralph, author.   A study commentary on Micah / Dale Ralph Davis.
BS 1665.53 .L47 2021
Lessing, R. Reed (Robert Reed), 1959- author.   Zechariah / R Reed Lessing.
BS 2555.52 .K44 2019
Keener, Craig S., 1960- author.   Christobiography : memory, history, and the reliability of the Gospels / Craig S. Keener.
BS 2575.3 .M677 1992
Morris, Leon, 1914-2006.   The Gospel according to Matthew / Leon Morris.   Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. ; Leicester, England : Inter-Varsity Press, 1992.
BS 2585.3 .E39 2002
Edwards, James R.   The Gospel according to Mark / James R. Edwards.   Grand Rapids, Mich : Eerdmans ; Leicester, England : Apollos, 2002.
BS 2585.53 .S74 2008
Stein, Robert H., 1935-.   Mark / Robert H. Stein.   Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, ©2008.
BS 2595.53 .E39 2015
Edwards, James R., author.   The gospel according to Luke / James R. Edwards.
BS 2615.3 .B35 2001 c.3-4
Baumler, Gary P.   John / Gary P. Baumler.   2nd ed.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2001.
BS 2615.3 .B75 2018
Bruce, F. F. (Frederick Fyvie), 1910-1990, author.   The Gospel of John : introduction, exposition, and notes / F.F. Bruce.   Eerdmans Classic Biblical Commentaries edition.
BS 2615.53 .J655 2021
John 13-21 / edited by Christopher Boyd Brown.
BS 2615.53 .M53 2010
Michaels, J. Ramsey.   The Gospel of John / J. Ramsey Michaels.   Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2010.
BS 2665.53 .K78 2012
Kruse, Colin G.   Paul’s letter to the Romans / Colin G. Kruse.
BS 2675.53 .S45 2014
Seifrid, Mark A.   The second letter to the Corinthians / Mark Seifrid.
BS 2695.53 .T45 2010
Thielman, Frank.   Ephesians / Frank Thielman.   Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, ©2010.
BS 2715.53 .M66 2008
Moo, Douglas J.   The letters to the Colossians and to Philemon / Douglas J. Moo.   Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., ©2008.
BS 2725.53 .G74 2002
Green, Gene L.   The letters to the Thessalonians / Gene L. Green.   Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. ; Leicester, England : Apollos, 2002.
BS 2735.3 .S37 2000 c.3-5
Schuetze, Armin W.   1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus / Armin W. Schuetze.   2nd ed.   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2000.
BS 2735.53 .T69 2006
Towner, Philip H., 1953-.   The letters to Timothy and Titus / Philip H. Towner.   Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006.
BS 2735.53 .Y37 2018
Yarbrough, Robert W., author.   The letters to Timothy and Titus / Robert W. Yarbrough.
BV 1534.4 .C46 2010
Center stage. Volume 1, Volume 2.
BV 410 .A1 V54 2013
Vieker, Jon D., author.   August Crull and the story of the Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book (1912) / Jon D. Vieker.
BV 4813 .P38 2021
Paustian, Mark author.   Our worth to him : devotions for Christian worship / Mark Paustian.
BX 9427 .M334 W677 2021
Maag, Karin, author.   Worshiping with the Reformers / Karin Maag.
D 675 .W2 G68 2021 * * *
Gottesfeld, Jeff, author.   Twenty-one steps : guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier / Jeff Gottesfeld ; illustrated by Matt Tavares.   First edition.
D 767.2 .G53 2020
Giangreco, D. M., 1952-.   Hell to pay : Operation Downfall and the invasion of Japan, 1945-1947 / D.M. Giangreco.   Annapolis, MD. : Naval Institute Press, 2020.
D 804.66 .W56 S57 2021 * * *
Sís, Peter, 1949- author, illustrator.   Nicky & Vera : a quiet hero of the Holocaust and the children he rescued / Peter Sís.   First edition.
D 810 .G6 O46 2017
Olson, Lynne, author.   Last Hope Island : Britain, occupied Europe, and the brotherhood that helped turn the tide of war / Lynne Olson.   First edition.
DS 135 .B38 B46 2014
Beorn, Waitman Wade, 1977- author.   Marching into darkness : the Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus / Waitman Wade Beorn.
E 176.8 .M47 2020 * * *
Messner, Kate, author.   The next president : the unexpected beginnings and unwritten future of America’s presidents / Kate Messner, Adam Rex.
E 185 .C5125 2021 * * *
Cherry-Paul, Sonja, author.   Stamped (for kids) : racism, antiracism, and you / adapted by Sonja Cherry-Paul, from Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds, a remix of Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi ; with art by Rachelle Baker.   First edition.
E 302.6 .F8 K53 2017
Kidd, Thomas S., author.   Benjamin Franklin : the religious life of a founding father / Thomas S. Kidd.
E 467.1 .L4 G84 2021
Guelzo, Allen C., author.   Robert E. Lee : a life / Allen C. Guelzo.   First edition.
E 912 .H37 2020
Hart, Roderick P., author.   Trump and us : what he says and why people listen / Roderick P. Hart.
F 1788 .T355 2015
Teel, Leonard Ray, author.   Reporting the Cuban Revolution : how Castro manipulated American journalists / Leonard Ray Teel ; foreword by Patrick Washburn.
F 349 .M68 I94 2015
Ivester, Jo, author.   The outskirts of hope / by Jo Ivester, based on the journals of her mother, Aura Kern Kruger.
F 548.9 .A1 M66 2017
Moore, Natalie Y., author.   The South Side : a portrait of Chicago and American segregation / Natalie Y. Moore.   First Picador edition.
G 700 1596 .P58 2021
Pitzer, Andrea, author.   Icebound : shipwrecked at the edge of the world / Andrea Pitzer.   First Scribner hardcover edition.
GC 30 .V45 G75 2021 * * *
Griffith, Evan, author.   Secrets of the sea : the story of Jeanne Power, revolutionary marine scientist / by Evan Griffith ; illustrated by Joanie Stone.
HQ 281 .F73 2018
Freitag, Danielle, author.   The garden keys : 22 keys of restoration Volume I, The beginning to Israel.
HQ 281 .F73 2019
Freitag, Danielle, author.   The garden keys : 22 keys of restoration Volume II, Awakening daughter Zion.
JF 2112 .A4 F68 2016
Fowler, Erika Franklin, author.   Political advertising in the United States / Erika Franklin Fowler, Wesleyan University ; Michael M. Franz, Bowdoin College ; Travis N. Ridout, Washington State University.
KZ 1176 .B793 2020
Bryant, Michael, 1962- author.   Nazi crimes and their punishment, 1943-1950 : a short history with documents / Michael S. Bryant.
LB 1025.3 .L487 2021
Lemov, Doug, 1967- author.   Teach like a champion 3.0 : 63 techniques that put students on the path to college / Doug Lemov.   Third edition.
LB 3051 .S8538 2017
Stiggins, Richard J., author.   The perfect assessment system / Rick Stiggins.
LD 3231 .M660 S44 2018
Martin Luther College (New Ulm, Minn.).   Assurance Argument and Final Report, Martin Luther College, 2018 : for the Reaffirmation of Accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission.   New Ulm, Minnesota : Martin Luther College, 2018.
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.1 c.2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 1, tunes A / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.2 c.2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 2, tunes BC / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.3 c.2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 3, tunes DE / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.4 c.2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 4, tunes FG / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.5 c.2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 5, tunes HI / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.6 c.2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 6, tunes JKL / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.7 c.1-2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 7, tunes M / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
M 32.8 .I42 M6 2016
Ijames, Molly, arranger of music.   Modern praise : contemporary worship music arranged for today’s pianist / [arranged by] Molly Ijames.
NA 1469 .H33 T46 2020 * * *
Tentler-Krylov, Victoria, author.   Building Zaha : the story of architect Zaha Hadid / Victoria Tentler-Krylov.   First edition.
PL 2925 .L54 Z4613 2021
Yan, Lianke, 1958- author.   Three brothers : memories of my family / Yan Lianke ; translated from the Chinese by Carlos Rojas.
PZ 7 .B22125 No * * *
Bandy, Michael S., author.   Northbound : a train ride out of segregation / Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein ; illustrated by James E. Ransome.   First edition.
PZ 7 .F91661 Rus * * *
Friesen, Jonathan.   Rush / Jonathan Friesen.   New York, N.Y. : Speak, 2010.
PZ 7 .F9515375 Li * * *
Fukuda, Andrew Xia, author.   This light between us : a novel of World War II / Andrew Fukuda.   First edition.
PZ 7 .G77224 Gt * * *
Gratz, Alan, 1972- author.   Ground Zero : a novel of 9/11 / Alan Gratz.   First edition.
PZ 7 .L59114 Sh * * *
LeZotte, Ann Clare, author.   Show me a sign / Ann Clare LeZotte.   First edition.
PZ 7 .P3725 Mil * * *
de la Peña, Matt, author.   Milo imagines the world / words by Matt de la Peña ; pictures by Christian Robinson.
PZ 7.1 .K5815 St * * *
Kim, Jessica, 1980- author.   Stand up, Yumi Chung! / Jessica Kim.
PZ 7.1 .P532 My * * *
Phung, Nguyen Quang, author, illustrator.   My first day / written and illustrated by Phùng Nguyên Quang & Huỳnh Kim Liên.   First Make Me a World edition.
PZ 7.1 .Y365 Thr * * *
Yang, Kelly, author.   Three keys / Kelly Yang.   First edition.
PZ 7.5 .H67 Wh * * *
Hopkins, Ellen, author.   What about Will / Ellen Hopkins.
Q 125 .T724 2012
Trefil, James, 1938-.   Science in world history / James Trefil.   London ; New York : Routledge, 2012.
QB 36 .R83 N53 2021 * * *
Nickel, Sandra, author.   The stuff between the stars : how Vera Rubin discovered most of the universe / written by Sandra Nickel ; illustrated by Aimée Sicuro.
QB 539 .T4 H35 2015
Haigh, Joanna D.   The sun’s influence on climate / Joanna D. Haigh and Peter Cargill.
QH 31 .L79 L36 2021 * * *
Lang, Heather, 1966- author.   The leaf detective : how Margaret Lowman uncovered secrets in the rainforest / Heather Lang ; illustrated by Jana Christy.   First edition.
QP 517 .B56 N67 2021 * * *
Nordstrom, Kristen, author.   Mimic makers : biomimicry inventors inspired by nature / Kristen Nordstrom ; illustrated by Paul Boston.
QR 31 .S25 R63 2021 * * *
Robbins, Dean, 1957- author.   Thank you, Dr. Salk! : the scientist who beat polio and healed the world / words by Dean Robbins ; pictures by Mike Dutton.   First edition.
RA 418.5 .T73 F33 2012
Fadiman, Anne, 1953- author.   The spirit catches you and you fall down : a Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures / Anne Fadiman.   Paperback edition.
RC 552 .P67 V358 2015
Van der Kolk, Bessel A., 1943- author.   The body keeps the score : brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma / Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D.
REF AE 5 .W55 2021
The World Book encyclopedia / World Book Inc.   2021 edition.
TL 540 .R655 S67 2021 * * *
Sorell, Traci, author.   Classified : the secret career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee aerospace engineer / Traci Sorell ; illustrated by Natasha Donovan.