LC Classification
K — LAW – WP version
B 4378 .C5 B346 2016 Barnett, Christopher B. (Christopher Baldwin), 1976-. Kierkegaard, pietism and holiness / Christopher B. Barnett. London : Routledge, 2016. |
BR 150 .S54 C58 2020 Shelley, Bruce L. (Bruce Leon), 1927-2010, author. Church history in plain language / Bruce L. Shelley. Fifth edition. / revised by Marshall Shelley. |
BR 516 .H355 2019 Hall, Mark David, 1966- author. Did America have a Christian founding? : separating modern myth from historical truth / Mark David Hall. |
BS 1585.53 .H69 2019 Hoyt, Joanna, author. Amos, Jonah, & Micah / Joanna M. Hoyt ; general editor: H. Wayne House ; Old Testament editor: William D. Barrick. |
BS 1605.6 .M436 K45 2020 Keller, Timothy, 1950- author. Rediscovering Jonah : the secret of God’s mercy / Timothy Keller. |
BS 1615.53 .D38 2015 Davis, Dale Ralph, author. A study commentary on Micah / Dale Ralph Davis. |
BS 1665.53 .L47 2021 Lessing, R. Reed (Robert Reed), 1959- author. Zechariah / R Reed Lessing. |
BS 2555.52 .K44 2019 Keener, Craig S., 1960- author. Christobiography : memory, history, and the reliability of the Gospels / Craig S. Keener. |
BS 2575.3 .M677 1992 Morris, Leon, 1914-2006. The Gospel according to Matthew / Leon Morris. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. ; Leicester, England : Inter-Varsity Press, 1992. |
BS 2585.3 .E39 2002 Edwards, James R. The Gospel according to Mark / James R. Edwards. Grand Rapids, Mich : Eerdmans ; Leicester, England : Apollos, 2002. |
BS 2585.53 .S74 2008 Stein, Robert H., 1935-. Mark / Robert H. Stein. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, ©2008. |
BS 2595.53 .E39 2015 Edwards, James R., author. The gospel according to Luke / James R. Edwards. |
BS 2615.3 .B35 2001 c.3-4 Baumler, Gary P. John / Gary P. Baumler. 2nd ed. Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2001. |
BS 2615.3 .B75 2018 Bruce, F. F. (Frederick Fyvie), 1910-1990, author. The Gospel of John : introduction, exposition, and notes / F.F. Bruce. Eerdmans Classic Biblical Commentaries edition. |
BS 2615.53 .J655 2021 John 13-21 / edited by Christopher Boyd Brown. |
BS 2615.53 .M53 2010 Michaels, J. Ramsey. The Gospel of John / J. Ramsey Michaels. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2010. |
BS 2665.53 .K78 2012 Kruse, Colin G. Paul’s letter to the Romans / Colin G. Kruse. |
BS 2675.53 .S45 2014 Seifrid, Mark A. The second letter to the Corinthians / Mark Seifrid. |
BS 2695.53 .T45 2010 Thielman, Frank. Ephesians / Frank Thielman. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, ©2010. |
BS 2715.53 .M66 2008 Moo, Douglas J. The letters to the Colossians and to Philemon / Douglas J. Moo. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., ©2008. |
BS 2725.53 .G74 2002 Green, Gene L. The letters to the Thessalonians / Gene L. Green. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. ; Leicester, England : Apollos, 2002. |
BS 2735.3 .S37 2000 c.3-5 Schuetze, Armin W. 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus / Armin W. Schuetze. 2nd ed. Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 2000. |
BS 2735.53 .T69 2006 Towner, Philip H., 1953-. The letters to Timothy and Titus / Philip H. Towner. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2006. |
BS 2735.53 .Y37 2018 Yarbrough, Robert W., author. The letters to Timothy and Titus / Robert W. Yarbrough. |
BV 1534.4 .C46 2010 Center stage. Volume 1, Volume 2. |
BV 410 .A1 V54 2013 Vieker, Jon D., author. August Crull and the story of the Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book (1912) / Jon D. Vieker. |
BV 4813 .P38 2021 Paustian, Mark author. Our worth to him : devotions for Christian worship / Mark Paustian. |
BX 9427 .M334 W677 2021 Maag, Karin, author. Worshiping with the Reformers / Karin Maag. |
D 675 .W2 G68 2021 * * * Gottesfeld, Jeff, author. Twenty-one steps : guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier / Jeff Gottesfeld ; illustrated by Matt Tavares. First edition. |
D 767.2 .G53 2020 Giangreco, D. M., 1952-. Hell to pay : Operation Downfall and the invasion of Japan, 1945-1947 / D.M. Giangreco. Annapolis, MD. : Naval Institute Press, 2020. |
D 804.66 .W56 S57 2021 * * * Sís, Peter, 1949- author, illustrator. Nicky & Vera : a quiet hero of the Holocaust and the children he rescued / Peter Sís. First edition. |
D 810 .G6 O46 2017 Olson, Lynne, author. Last Hope Island : Britain, occupied Europe, and the brotherhood that helped turn the tide of war / Lynne Olson. First edition. |
DS 135 .B38 B46 2014 Beorn, Waitman Wade, 1977- author. Marching into darkness : the Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus / Waitman Wade Beorn. |
E 176.8 .M47 2020 * * * Messner, Kate, author. The next president : the unexpected beginnings and unwritten future of America’s presidents / Kate Messner, Adam Rex. |
E 185 .C5125 2021 * * * Cherry-Paul, Sonja, author. Stamped (for kids) : racism, antiracism, and you / adapted by Sonja Cherry-Paul, from Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds, a remix of Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi ; with art by Rachelle Baker. First edition. |
E 302.6 .F8 K53 2017 Kidd, Thomas S., author. Benjamin Franklin : the religious life of a founding father / Thomas S. Kidd. |
E 467.1 .L4 G84 2021 Guelzo, Allen C., author. Robert E. Lee : a life / Allen C. Guelzo. First edition. |
E 912 .H37 2020 Hart, Roderick P., author. Trump and us : what he says and why people listen / Roderick P. Hart. |
F 1788 .T355 2015 Teel, Leonard Ray, author. Reporting the Cuban Revolution : how Castro manipulated American journalists / Leonard Ray Teel ; foreword by Patrick Washburn. |
F 349 .M68 I94 2015 Ivester, Jo, author. The outskirts of hope / by Jo Ivester, based on the journals of her mother, Aura Kern Kruger. |
F 548.9 .A1 M66 2017 Moore, Natalie Y., author. The South Side : a portrait of Chicago and American segregation / Natalie Y. Moore. First Picador edition. |
G 700 1596 .P58 2021 Pitzer, Andrea, author. Icebound : shipwrecked at the edge of the world / Andrea Pitzer. First Scribner hardcover edition. |
GC 30 .V45 G75 2021 * * * Griffith, Evan, author. Secrets of the sea : the story of Jeanne Power, revolutionary marine scientist / by Evan Griffith ; illustrated by Joanie Stone. |
HQ 281 .F73 2018 Freitag, Danielle, author. The garden keys : 22 keys of restoration Volume I, The beginning to Israel. |
HQ 281 .F73 2019 Freitag, Danielle, author. The garden keys : 22 keys of restoration Volume II, Awakening daughter Zion. |
JF 2112 .A4 F68 2016 Fowler, Erika Franklin, author. Political advertising in the United States / Erika Franklin Fowler, Wesleyan University ; Michael M. Franz, Bowdoin College ; Travis N. Ridout, Washington State University. |
KZ 1176 .B793 2020 Bryant, Michael, 1962- author. Nazi crimes and their punishment, 1943-1950 : a short history with documents / Michael S. Bryant. |
LB 1025.3 .L487 2021 Lemov, Doug, 1967- author. Teach like a champion 3.0 : 63 techniques that put students on the path to college / Doug Lemov. Third edition. |
LB 3051 .S8538 2017 Stiggins, Richard J., author. The perfect assessment system / Rick Stiggins. |
LD 3231 .M660 S44 2018 Martin Luther College (New Ulm, Minn.). Assurance Argument and Final Report, Martin Luther College, 2018 : for the Reaffirmation of Accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. New Ulm, Minnesota : Martin Luther College, 2018. |
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.1 c.2 Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 1, tunes A / edited by Kevin Hildebrand. |
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.2 c.2 Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 2, tunes BC / edited by Kevin Hildebrand. |
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.3 c.2 Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 3, tunes DE / edited by Kevin Hildebrand. |
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.4 c.2 Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 4, tunes FG / edited by Kevin Hildebrand. |
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.5 c.2 Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 5, tunes HI / edited by Kevin Hildebrand. |
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.6 c.2 Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 6, tunes JKL / edited by Kevin Hildebrand. |
M 21 .H45 P52 2018 v.7 c.1-2 Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 7, tunes M / edited by Kevin Hildebrand. |
M 32.8 .I42 M6 2016 Ijames, Molly, arranger of music. Modern praise : contemporary worship music arranged for today’s pianist / [arranged by] Molly Ijames. |
NA 1469 .H33 T46 2020 * * * Tentler-Krylov, Victoria, author. Building Zaha : the story of architect Zaha Hadid / Victoria Tentler-Krylov. First edition. |
PL 2925 .L54 Z4613 2021 Yan, Lianke, 1958- author. Three brothers : memories of my family / Yan Lianke ; translated from the Chinese by Carlos Rojas. |
PZ 7 .B22125 No * * * Bandy, Michael S., author. Northbound : a train ride out of segregation / Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein ; illustrated by James E. Ransome. First edition. |
PZ 7 .F91661 Rus * * * Friesen, Jonathan. Rush / Jonathan Friesen. New York, N.Y. : Speak, 2010. |
PZ 7 .F9515375 Li * * * Fukuda, Andrew Xia, author. This light between us : a novel of World War II / Andrew Fukuda. First edition. |
PZ 7 .G77224 Gt * * * Gratz, Alan, 1972- author. Ground Zero : a novel of 9/11 / Alan Gratz. First edition. |
PZ 7 .L59114 Sh * * * LeZotte, Ann Clare, author. Show me a sign / Ann Clare LeZotte. First edition. |
PZ 7 .P3725 Mil * * * de la Peña, Matt, author. Milo imagines the world / words by Matt de la Peña ; pictures by Christian Robinson. |
PZ 7.1 .K5815 St * * * Kim, Jessica, 1980- author. Stand up, Yumi Chung! / Jessica Kim. |
PZ 7.1 .P532 My * * * Phung, Nguyen Quang, author, illustrator. My first day / written and illustrated by Phùng Nguyên Quang & Huỳnh Kim Liên. First Make Me a World edition. |
PZ 7.1 .Y365 Thr * * * Yang, Kelly, author. Three keys / Kelly Yang. First edition. |
PZ 7.5 .H67 Wh * * * Hopkins, Ellen, author. What about Will / Ellen Hopkins. |
Q 125 .T724 2012 Trefil, James, 1938-. Science in world history / James Trefil. London ; New York : Routledge, 2012. |
QB 36 .R83 N53 2021 * * * Nickel, Sandra, author. The stuff between the stars : how Vera Rubin discovered most of the universe / written by Sandra Nickel ; illustrated by Aimée Sicuro. |
QB 539 .T4 H35 2015 Haigh, Joanna D. The sun’s influence on climate / Joanna D. Haigh and Peter Cargill. |
QH 31 .L79 L36 2021 * * * Lang, Heather, 1966- author. The leaf detective : how Margaret Lowman uncovered secrets in the rainforest / Heather Lang ; illustrated by Jana Christy. First edition. |
QP 517 .B56 N67 2021 * * * Nordstrom, Kristen, author. Mimic makers : biomimicry inventors inspired by nature / Kristen Nordstrom ; illustrated by Paul Boston. |
QR 31 .S25 R63 2021 * * * Robbins, Dean, 1957- author. Thank you, Dr. Salk! : the scientist who beat polio and healed the world / words by Dean Robbins ; pictures by Mike Dutton. First edition. |
RA 418.5 .T73 F33 2012 Fadiman, Anne, 1953- author. The spirit catches you and you fall down : a Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures / Anne Fadiman. Paperback edition. |
RC 552 .P67 V358 2015 Van der Kolk, Bessel A., 1943- author. The body keeps the score : brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma / Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D. |
REF AE 5 .W55 2021 The World Book encyclopedia / World Book Inc. 2021 edition. |
TL 540 .R655 S67 2021 * * * Sorell, Traci, author. Classified : the secret career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee aerospace engineer / Traci Sorell ; illustrated by Natasha Donovan. |