
LC Classification










K — LAW – WP version












BF 323 .S63 N385 2014
Navigating the social world : what infants, children, and other species can teach us / edited by Mahzarin R. Banaji, Susan A. Gelman.
BJ 301 .M63 2018
Modern ethics in 77 arguments : a Stone reader / edited by Peter Catapano and Simon Critchley.
BR 60 .F34 A42 v.1
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280, author.   St. Albert the Great on Job. Volume 1 / translated by Franklin T. Harkins.
BR 60 .F34 P48 v.1
Peter Damian, Saint, 1007?-1072.   Letters. [1] 1-30 / Peter Damian ; translated by Owen J. Blum.   Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, ©1989.
BS 2665.52 .K37 2019
Keesmaat, Sylvia C., author.   Romans disarmed : resisting empire, demanding justice / Sylvia C. Keesmaat and Brian J. Walsh.
BT 1220 .M67 2018
Moreland, James Porter, 1948- author.   Scientism and secularism : learning to respond to a dangerous ideology / J.P. Moreland ; foreword by Dan Egeler.
BV 4910.9 .M379 W435 2019
Marxhausen, Kim.   Weary joy : the caregiver’s journey / Kim Marxhausen.   Saint Louis : Concordia Publishing House, 2019.
D 753 .H259 2019
Hamilton, Nigel, author. aut.   War and peace : FDR’s final odyssey, D-Day to Yalta, 1943-1945 / Nigel Hamilton.
D 810 .S8 G597 2020
Purnell, Sonia, author.   A woman of no importance : the untold story of the American spy who helped win World War II / Sonia Purnell.
DC 148 .P665 2019
Popkin, Jeremy D., 1948- author.   A new world begins : the history of the French Revolution / Jeremy D. Popkin.   First edition.
DK 268 .S8 D375 2014
Davies, Sarah (Sarah Rosemary), author.   Stalin’s World : Dictating the Soviet Order / Sarah Davies and James Harris.
DL 1012 .H33 2016
Haarmann, Harald, author.   Modern Finland / Harald Haarmann.
DR 48.6 .A87 2019
Austin, Robert C. (Robert Clegg), 1964- author.   Making and remaking the Balkans : nations and states since 1878 / Robert C. Austin.
DS 557.7 .W368 2017
Ward, Geoffrey C., author.   The Vietnam War : an intimate history / Geoffrey C. Ward ; based on a documentary film by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick ; with an introduction by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick ; picture research by Salimah El-Amin with Lucas B. Frank ; design by Maggie Hinders.   First edition.
DS 87.53 .S63 2019
Sloyan, Patrick J., author.   When Reagan sent in the Marines : the invasion of Lebanon / Patrick J. Sloyan.   First edition.
E 183.8 .S65 B768 2019
Brown, Brian (Television producer), author.   Someone is out to get us : a not so brief history of Cold War paranoia and madness / Brian T. Brown.   First edition.
E 447 .K47 2019
Kerr-Ritchie, Jeffrey R., author.   Rebellious passage : the Creole revolt and America’s coastal slave trade / Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie.
E 475.27 .M65 2019
Miller, Donald L., 1944- author.   Vicksburg : Grant’s campaign that broke the Confederacy / Donald L. Miller.   First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
E 99 .D1 P49 2019
Pexa, Chris, author.   Translated nation : rewriting the Dakhóta Oyáte / Christopher Pexa.
E 99 .W2 S545 2019
Silverman, David J., 1971- author.   This land is their land : the Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the troubled history of Thanksgiving / David J. Silverman.
F 1407 .A685 2019
Arana, Marie (Writer), author.   Silver, sword, and stone : three crucibles in the Latin American story / Marie Arana.   First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
F 2321 .T56 2015
Tinker Salas, Miguel.   Venezuela : what everyone needs to know / Miguel Tinker Salas.
F 606 .S77 2010
The state we’re in : reflections on Minnesota history / edited by Annette Atkins and Deborah L. Miller.   St. Paul, MN : Minnesota Historical Society Press, ©2010.
GV 951 .S73 2013
St. John, Allen.   Newton’s football : the science behind America’s game / Allen St. John, Ainissa G. Ramirez, PH. D.   First edition.
JC 574.2 .U6 Z37 2012
Zaretsky, Eli.   Why America needs a left : a historical argument / Eli Zaretsky.
JK 2249 .R47 2019
Responses of the presidents to charges of misconduct.   Presidential misconduct : from George Washington to today / edited by James M. Banner, Jr.
KF 223 .B6 R63 2020
Robertson, Cara, author.   The trial of Lizzie Borden : a true story / Cara Robertson.   First Simon & Schuster trade paperback edition.
LB 1042 .R44 2013
Reese, Elaine.   Tell me a story : sharing stories to enrich your child’s world / Elaine Reese.   New York : Oxford University Press, ©2013.
LB 1049 .A7 1995
Armstrong, William H. (William Howard), 1914-1999, author.   Study is hard work / William H. Armstrong.   Second edition.
LB 1140.5 .S35 E64 2016 CURR
Englehart, Deirdre, author.   STEM play : integrating inquiry into learning centers / Deirdre Englehart, Debby Mitchell, Junie Albers-Biddle, Kelly Jennings-Towle, and Marnie Forestieri.
LB 1532 .M59 2017 Gr.K-2 CURR
Morgan, Emily R. (Emily Rachel), 1973- author.   Picture-perfect STEM lessons, K-2 : using children’s books to inspire STEM learning / by Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry.
LB 1585 .A57 2007 CURR
Ansberry, Karen Rohrich, 1966-.   More picture-perfect science lessons : using children’s books to guide inquiry, K-4 / by Karen Ansberry, Emily Morgan.
LB 1585 .M67 2017 Gr.3-5 CURR
Morgan, Emily R. (Emily Rachel), 1973- author.   Picture-perfect STEM lessons, 3-5 : using children’s books to inspire STEM learning / by Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry.
LB 1590.3 .B43 2018
Beghetto, Ronald A., 1969- author.   What if? : building students’ problem-solving skills through complex challenges / Ronald A. Beghetto.
LB 1623.5 .B56 2019
Bishop, Penny, 1969- author.   Personalized learning in the middle grades : a guide for classroom teachers and school leaders / Penny A. Bishop, John M. Downes, Katy Farber.
LB 1632 .R63 2018
Roberts, Kate, 1973- author.   A novel approach : whole-class novels, student-centered teaching, and choice / Kate Roberts.
LB 1715 .D344 2019
Darling-Hammond, Linda, 1951- author.   Preparing teachers for deeper learning / Linda Darling-Hammond, Jeannie Oakes, with Steven K. Wojcikiewicz, Maria E. Hyler, Roneeta Guha, Anne Podolsky, Tara Kini, Channa M. Cook-Harvey, Charmaine N. Jackson Mercer, Akeelah Harrell.
ML 3557 .D376 2016
Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957, author.   World of the Teton Sioux Indians : their music, life, and culture / by Frances Densmore ; edited by Joseph A. Fitzgerald ; foreword by Charles Trimble.
ML 600 .N43 2019
Near, John Richard, author.   Widor on organ performance practice and technique / John R. Near.
MT 1 .B337 2014
Bauer, William I.   Music learning today : digital pedagogy for creating, performing, and responding to music / William I. Bauer.
MT 220 .P79 2019
Polischuk, Derek Kealii, author.   Transformational piano teaching : mentoring students from all walks of life / Derek Kealii Polischuk.
PA 3612 .A64 2019
Appianus, of Alexandria, author.   Roman history / Appian ; edited and translated by Brian McGing.
PA 3612 .H6681 2018 v.11
Hippocrates, author.   Hippocrates. Volume XI, Diseases of women. I-II / edited and translated by Paul Potter.
PA 4009 .A2 2018
Hesiod, author.   Hesiod / edited and translated by Glenn W. Most.   Revised.
PA 4248 .M13 A26 2019
Menander, of Laodicea, active 3rd century, author.   Menander Rhetor, [Dionysius of Halicarnassus] : Ars rhetorica / edited and translated by William H. Race.
PA 4407 .Q5 E5 2018
Quintus, Smyrnaeus, active 4th century, author.   Posthomerica / Quintus Smyrnaeus ; edited and translated by Neil Hopkinson.
PA 6138 .O8 2019
Fragmentary republican Latin. Oratory / edited and translated by Gesine Manuwald.
PA 6666 .A1 F59 2018
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D.   [Tragedies] / Seneca ; edited and translated by John G. Fitch.   Revised.
PN 1009 .A1 W287 2019
Waller, Alison, author.   Rereading childhood books : a poetics / Alison Waller.
PN 1083 .P74 H65 2019
Holyoak, Keith James, 1950- author.   The spider’s thread : metaphor in mind, brain, and poetry / Keith J. Holyoak.
PN 1992.8 .C66 R63 2019
Robinson, Mark A., 1973- author.   Sitcommentary : television comedies that changed America / Mark A. Robinson.
PN 6269 .A2 H85 2019
Hui, Andrew, 1980- author.   A theory of the aphorism : from Confucius to Twitter / Andrew Hui.
PN 6728 .P4 P44 2019
The Peanuts papers : writers and cartoonists on Charlie Brown, Snoopy & the gang, and the meaning of life / Andrew Blauner, editor.
PQ 7298.429 .E355 M8713 2019
Segovia, Sofía, author.   The murmur of bees / Sofía Segovia ; translated by Simon Bruni.   First edition.
PQ 8097 .N4 A2 2016
Neruda, Pablo, 1904-1973, author.   Then come back : the lost Neruda poems / Pablo Neruda ; translated by Forrest Gander.
PR 2981 .P35 2020
Pendergast, John S., 1963- author.   Shakespeare’s world : the comedies : a historical exploration of literature / John Pendergast.
PR 2983 .K457 2018
King, Douglas J. (Douglas James), 1958- author.   Shakespeare’s world: the tragedies : a historical exploration of literature / Douglas J. King.
PR 6023 .E926 P47 2003
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963.   Perelandra : a novel / C.S. Lewis.   1st Scribner trade pbk. ed.   New York : Scribner, 2003, ©1972.
PR 6023 .E926 T47 2003
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963.   That hideous strength : a modern fairy-tale for grown-ups / C.S. Lewis.   1st Scribner pbk. ed.   New York, NY : Scribner, 2003, ©1974.
PR 8769 .H38 2011
Heuston, Sean, 1971-.   Modern poetry and ethnography : Yeats, Frost, Warren, Heaney, and the poet as anthropologist / Sean Heuston.   First edition.
PS 3511 .I9 G849 2017
Kruse, Horst H. (Horst Hermann), 1929- author.   F. Scott Fitzgerald at work : the making of “The Great Gatsby” / Horst H. Kruse.
PS 3563 .C3658 A6 2019
McGrath, Campbell, 1962- author.   Nouns & verbs : new and selected poems / Campbell McGrath.   First edition.
PS 3564 .O795 S94 2017
Nottage, Lynn, author.   Sweat / Lynn Nottage.   First edition.
PS 3566 .H476 A6 2018
Phillips, Carl, 1959- author.   Wild is the wind / Carl Phillips.   First edition.
PS 3573 .H4768 N53 2019
Whitehead, Colson, 1969- author.   The nickel boys : a novel / Colson Whitehead.   First edition.
PS 3603 .O17 W38 2019
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, author.   The water dancer : a novel / Ta-Nehisi Coates.   First edition.
PS 3608 .A72535 T56 2019
Harding, Paul, 1967- author.   Tinkers / Paul Harding ; foreword by Marilynne Robinson.   Tenth anniversay edition.
PS 3608 .U3234 W38 2017
Hudes, Quiara Alegría, author.   Water by the spoonful / Quiara Alegría Hudes.   Revised edition.
PZ 7.1 .S7344 Ho * * *
Standish, Ali, author.   How to disappear completely / Ali Standish.   First edition.
QA 13 .R546 2018 CURR
Rigor, relevance, and relationships : making mathematics come alive with project-based learning / edited by Jean Lee and Enrique Galindo.
QA 20 .I53 S634 2010 CURR
Small, Marian.   More good questions : great ways to differentiate secondary mathematics instruction / Marian Small and Amy Lin.
QA 273 .A4 D53 2018
Diaconis, Persi, author.   Ten great ideas about chance / Persi Diaconis, Brian Skyrms.
QA 41.4 .S26 2018
Sammons, Laney, author.   Teaching students to communicate mathematically / Laney Sammons.
QA 466 .R535 2019
Richeson, David S. (David Scott), author.   Tales of impossibility : the 2000-year quest to solve the mathematical problems of antiquity / David S. Richeson.
QA 9.25 .S75 2018
Stillwell, John, author.   Reverse mathematics : proofs from the inside out / John Stillwell.
QB 835 .G75 2018
Griffiths, Martin, 1962- author.   Observer’s guide to variable stars / Martin Griffiths.
QC 174.12 .C365 2019
Carroll, Sean M., 1966- author.   Something deeply hidden : quantum worlds and the emergence of spacetime / Sean Carroll.
QL 696 .S473 P4527 2013
Penguins : natural history and conservation / edited by Pablo Garcia Borboroglu, P. Dee Boersma.
RC 552 .S62 M33 2017
Maass, Vera Sonja, author.   Understanding social anxiety : a recovery guide for sufferers, family, and friends / Vera Sonja Maass.
TA 712 .H86 2018
Hunt, Will (Urban adventurer), author.   Underground : a human history of the worlds beneath our feet / Will Hunt.   First edition.
TL 789.85 .A1 A28 2004
Ackmann, Martha.   The Mercury 13 : the true story of thirteen women and the dream of space flight / Martha Ackmann.   Random House trade pbk. ed.   New York : Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2004, ©2003.
TL 789.85 .H53 A3 2000
Hickam, Homer H., 1943- author.   Rocket boys : a memoir / Homer H. Hickam, Jr.