
LC Classification










K — LAW – WP version












BF 1611 .F75 2008
Freke, Timothy, 1959-.   The hermetica : the lost wisdom of the pharaohs / Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy.   1st ed.   New York : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2008.
BM 487 .E93 2010
Evans, Craig A.   Holman quicksource guide to the Dead Sea scrolls / Craig Evans.   Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Publishing Group, ©2010.
BR 162.2 .A52 .T46 2019
Thompson, Glen L., author.   The ancient and medieval church (to A.D. 1400) : an elementary textbook / Glen L. Thompson.
BR 165 .S36513 2020
Schnelle, Udo, author.   The first one hundred years of Christianity : an introduction to its history, literature, and development / Udo Schnelle ; translated by James W. Thompson.
BR 60 .F3 A4 2020
Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397, author.   Treatises on Noah and David / St. Ambrose ; translated by Brian P. Dunkle, SJ, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.
BR 60 .F34 P48 v.1
Peter Damian, Saint, 1007?-1072.   Letters. [1] 1-30 / Peter Damian ; translated by Owen J. Blum.   Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, ©1989.
BS 1430.53 .S35 2020
Saleska, Timothy E., author.   Psalms 1-50 / Timothy E. Saleska.
BS 1830 .E6 C65 2016
Ethiopic book of Enoch. English.   The book of Enoch : from the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament / [translated by] R. H. Charles.
BS 551.2 .O52 2015 * * *
One Hundred Bible Stories : In the Words of Holy Scripture.
BT 202 .N68 2018
Novotny, Mike, author.   More than enough : Jesus is what you need! / Pastor Mike Novotny.
BT 315 .A3 P53 1984 * * *
Bible. Gospels. Selections. English. Authorized. 1984.   Christmas, the King James Version / with pictures by Jan Pieńkowski.   [New York] : Knopf, 1984.
BV 1534.3 .W48 1982
White, William R. (William Robert), 1939-.   Speaking in stories : resources for Christian storytellers / William R. White.   Minneapolis : Augsburg Pub. House, ©1982.
BV 4501.3 .B4958 2019
Bird, Chad, author.   Upside-down spirituality : the 9 essential failures of a faithful life / Chad Bird.
BV 4832.2 .P372 1952
Pasche, F. E. (Friedrick Emil), 1872-1954.   Things above / by F. E. Pasche..   [Milwaukee] : [Northwestern Publishing House], [©1952].
BX 8015 .S38 1967
Schultz, Richard J., author.   This is the Christian faith / written by Richard J. Schultz ; illustrated by Betty Wind.   [St. Louis] : [Concordia Pub. House], [1967].
D 767.99 .I9 M23 2020
MacCallum, Martha, 1964- author.   Unknown valor : a story of family, courage, and sacrifice from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima / Martha MacCallum ; with Ronald J. Drez.   First edition.
D 774 .I5 N35 2002 * * *
Nelson, Peter, 1953-.   Left for dead : a young man’s search for justice for the USS Indianapolis / Peter Nelson ; with a preface by Hunter Scott.   New York, N.Y. : Delacorte Press, ©2002.
DA 880 .H76 Z33 2005
Zaczek, Iain.   The complete book of Tartan : a heritage encyclopedia of over 400 tartans and the stories that shaped Scottish history / Iain Zaczek and Charles Phillips.   London : Hermes House, ©2005.
DC 130 .M35 E45 1992
Elliott, Charles (Charles W.), author.   Princesse of Versailles : the life of Marie Adelaide of Savoy / Charles Elliott.   New York : Ticknor & Fields, 1992.
DG 78 .B37 1993
Barton, Carlin A., 1948-.   The sorrows of the ancient Romans : the gladiator and the monster / Carlin A. Barton.   Princeton, N.J. ; Chichester : Princeton University Press, 1993.
DK 508.935 .Y45 2014
Yekelchyk, Serhy.   Stalin’s citizens : everyday politics in the wake of total war / Serhy Yekelchyk.
DS 281 .O4 1959
Olmstead, A. T. (Albert Ten Eyck), 1880-1945.   History of the Persian Empire / A.T. Olmstead.   Pbk. ed.   Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1959.
DS 557.7 .C36 2005 * * *
Caputo, Philip.   10,000 days of thunder : a history of the Vietnam War / Philip Caputo.   1st ed.   New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2005.
DS 747.9 .C47 C42313 1998
Zhang, Wenli, 1937-.   The Qin terracotta army : treasures of Lintong / Zhang Wenli ; [translated from Chinese by Li Tianshu and others].   London : Scala Books ; [Beijing] : Cultural Relics Pub. House ; New York : Distributed in the USA and Canada by Antique Collectors’ Club, 1998.
DS 747.9 .Q254 L58 2012
Liu, Yang, 1961- author.   China’s terracotta warriors : the first emperor’s legacy / Liu Yang ; with contributions by Edmund Capon, Albert E. Dien, Jeffrey Riegel, Eugene Wang, Yuan Zhongyi ; [editors, Elisabeth Sövik and Laura Silver].
DT 61 .C57 2001 * * *
Cole, Joanna.   Ancient Egypt / by Joanna Cole ; illustrated by Bruce Degen.   1st ed.   New York : Scholastic, ©2001.
E 178.3 .B88 2017 * * *
Brown, Carron, author.   Wonders of the USA / Carron Brown ; illustrated by Bee Johnson.   First American edition.
E 744 .N5 2008
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971.   The irony of American history / Reinhold Niebuhr ; with a new introduction by Andrew J. Bacevich.   University of Chicago Press ed.   Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2008.
E 78 .N78 M23 2007
McLennan, Bill.   The transforming image : painted arts of Northwest Coast First Nations / Bill McLennan and Karen Duffek.   1st pbk. ed.   Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, 2007.
E 78 .S7 H67 1999
Hirschmann, Fred, photographer.   Rock art of the American Southwest / photography by Fred Hirschmann ; text by Scott Thybony.   Portland, Oregon : Graphic Arts Center Publishing®, 1999.
E 98 .A7 S43 1999 OVERSIZE
Shaw, George Everett.   Art of grace and passion : antique American Indian art / George Everett Shaw, with a commentary by Klaus Kertess.   Aspen, Colo. : Aspen Art Museum, ©1999.
E 98 .R3 F47 2001
Ferguson, Diana, 1947-.   Native American myths / Diana Ferguson ; consultant, Colin Taylor.   London : Collins & Brown, 2001.
E 99 .E7 H493 1998 OVERSIZE
Hessel, Ingo.   Inuit art : an introduction / Ingo Hessel ; photography by Dieter Hessel ; with a foreword by George Swinton.   New York : Harry N. Abrams, 1998.
E 99 .M77 F87 2001
Furst, Jill Leslie McKeever, 1944-.   Mojave pottery, Mojave people : the Dillingham Collection of Mojave ceramics / Jill Leslie Furst ; photographs by Peter T. Furst.   1st ed.   Santa Fe, N.M. : School of American Research Press, ©2001.
G 850 1910 .S465 2016
Cherry-Garrard, Apsley, 1886-1959.   The worst journey in the world : Antarctic, 1910-1913 / Apsley Cherry-Garrard.   Second Skyhorse Publishing edition.
GF 891 .B95 1993 * * *
Byles, Monica.   Life in the polar lands / Monica Byles.   New York : Scholastic Inc., ©1990 (1993 printing).
GN 281 .S87 1997
Stringer, Chris, 1947-.   African exodus : the origins of modern humanity / Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie.   1st American ed.   New York : Henry Holt, 1997.
GV 1203 .B45 1966
Bentley, William G.   Indoor and outdoor games / William G. Bentley.   Carthage, Ill. : Fearon Teacher Aids, ©1966.
HB 501 .F72 1990
Friedman, Milton, 1912-2006, author.   Free to choose : a personal statement / Milton & Rose Friedman.   First Harvest/HBJ edition.
HN 29 .F53 1998
Fink, Arlene.   How to conduct surveys : a step by step guide / Arlene Fink, Jacqueline Kosecoff.   2nd ed.   Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, ©1998.
HQ 281 .T7179 2012
Trafficking in slavery’s wake : law and the experience of women and children / edited by Benjamin N. Lawrance and Richard L. Roberts.   Athens : Ohio University Press, ©2012.
LB 1027.28 .C87 2017
Curtis, Deb, author.   Really seeing children : a collection of teaching and learning stories to inspire an everyday practice of reflection, observation, and joyful presence with children / Deb Curtis.
LB 1576 .H257 2019
Harris, Towanda, author.   The right tools : a guide to selecting, evaluating, and implementing classroom resources and practices / Towanda Harris.
LB 1585 .S76 2003 CURR
Stepans, Joseph.   Targeting students’ science misconceptions : physical science concepts using the conceptual change model / written by Joseph Stepans.   [Rev. ed.].   Tamapa, FL : Showboard, ©2003.
LB 3013 .F67 2006
Forbes, Sean A.   Classroom assessment case book / Sean A. Forbes, David M. Shannon.   Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, ©2006.
LC 1201 .L558 2012 CURR
Lipsky, Dorothy Kerzner.   Inclusion : a service, not a place : a whole school approach / Dorothy Kerzner Lipsky, Alan Gartner.   Rev. ed. 2012.   Port Chester, N.Y. : Dude Pub., 2012.
ML 3869 .G67 2010
Gordon, T. David, 1954-.   Why Johnny can’t sing hymns : how pop culture rewrote the hymnal / T. David Gordon.   Phillipsburg, N.J. : P & R Pub., ©2010.
ML 410 .H13 K34 2017
Keates, Jonathan, 1946- author.   Messiah : the composition and afterlife of Handel’s masterpiece / Jonathan Keates.   First U.S. edition.
N 5963 .N4 M44 1987 OVERSIZE
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.).   Europe in the Middle Ages / the Metropolitan Museum of Art ; introduction by Charles T. Little and Timothy Husband, Associate Curators, Department of Medieval Art.
N 6275 .G73 2013
Graham-Campbell, James, author.   Viking art / James Graham-Campbell.
N 6370 .C59513 1997 * * *
Corrain, Lucia.   The art of the Renaissance / Lucia Corrain ; illustrated by L.R. Galante, Simone Boni.   1st ed.   New York : Peter Bedrick Books, 1997.
N 7301 .W45 1985 OVERSIZE
Welch, Stuart Cary, author.   India : art and culture, 1300-1900 / Stuart Cary Welch.
N 7340 .C59 1997
Clunas, Craig, author.   Art in China / Craig Clunas.
N 7340 .C66 1997 OVERSIZE
Cooper, Rhonda.   Masterpieces of Chinese art / Rhonda and Jeffrey Cooper.   New York : Todtri, ©1997.
N 7343.22 .W35 2004 OVERSIZE
A walk through the ages : Chinese archaic art from the Sondra Landy Gross collection / essays by Richard A. Pegg ; photography by John Bigelow Taylor.   1st ed.   Brookville, N.Y. : Hillwood Art Museum, ©2004.
N 7343.24 .G57 2003 OVERSIZE
The glory of the Silk Road : art from ancient China / Li Jian, general editor ; with essays by Valerie Hansen [and others].   [Dayton, Ohio] : Dayton Art Institute, ©2003.
NB 90 .M3 2006 OVERSIZE
Mach, Edmund von, 1870-1927.   Greek sculpture : its spirit and its principles / Edmund von Mach.   New York : Parkstone, 2006.
NB 91 .A7 J45 1994
Jenkins, Ian (Ian Dennis).   The Parthenon frieze / Ian Jenkins.   1st Univ. of Tex. Press ed.   Austin : University of Texas Press, 1994.
ND 3355.5 .S34 C34 2005 OVERSIZE
Calderhead, Christopher, author.   Illuminating the Word : the making of the Saint John’s Bible / by Christopher Calderhead.
ND 646 .N67 1997
North, Michael, 1954-.   Art and commerce in the Dutch Golden Age / Michael North ; translated by Catherine Hill.   New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1997.
NK 2808 .G585 2000
Gregorian, John B.   Oriental rugs of the Silk Route : culture, process, and selection / John B. Gregorian.   New York : Rizzoli, 2000.
NK 3600 .C37 1995
Carter, Patricia, miniaturist.   The art of illumination : alphabets, banners, bookmarks, bookplates … / Patricia Carter.   Kent : Search Press, 1996.
NK 4165 .R686 2005 OVERSIZE
Rotondo-McCord, Lisa E.   Five thousand years of Chinese ceramics from the Robin and R. Randolph Richmond, Jr. Collection / Lisa Rotondo-McCord.   New Orleans, La. : New Orleans Museum of Art, ©2005.
NK 7983.22 .L585 2000
Masks of mystery : ancient Chinese bronzes from Sanxingdui = 假面之謎 : 三星堆出土中國古代靑銅器 / Liu Yang, Edmund Capon.
Liu, Yang, 1961-.   Masks of mystery : ancient Chinese bronzes from Sanxingdui = Jia mian zhi mi : Sanxingdui chu tu Zhongguo gu dai qing tong qi / Liu Yang, Edmund Capon.   Sydney : Art Gallery of New South Wales, ©2000.
PA 6558 .E5 W5 1992
Petronius Arbiter.   The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter / translation ascribed to Oscar Wilde.   New York : Dorset Press, 1992.
PE 1155 .M378 2005 * * *
Mayer, Marianna.   The unicorn alphabet / by Marianna Mayer ; pictures by Michael Hague.   New York : Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club, 2005, ©1989.
PL 1171 .N6 2009 OVERSIZE
Ni, Yibin.   Symbols, art, and language from the land of the dragon : the cultural history of 100 Chinese characters / [Ni Yibin].   London : Duncan Baird Publishers ; New York : Distributed in the USA by Sterling Pub. Co., 2009.
PL 1281 .F3413 1987
Fazzioli, Edoardo.   Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters / Edoardo Fazzioli ; calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko.   1st American ed.   New York : Abbeville Press, ©1987.
PQ 7797 .B535 I613 2003
Bioy Casares, Adolfo.   The invention of Morel / Adolfo Bioy Casares ; translated by Ruth L.C. Simms ; prologue by Jorge Luis Borges ; introduction by Suzanne Jill Levine.   New York : New York Review Books, 2003.
PR 1175 .T68 1980
A Treasury of the world’s best loved poems.   Avenel 1980 ed.   New York : Avenel Books : Distributed by Crown Publishers, [1980], ©1961.
PR 6023 .E926 O9 2003
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963.   Out of the silent planet / C.S. Lewis.   First Scribner trade paperback edition.
PR 6052 .U638 C5 2012
Burgess, Anthony, 1917-1993, author.   A clockwork orange : the restored edition / Anthony Burgess ; edited with an introduction and notes by Andrew Biswell.   1st American ed.   New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2012.
PZ 7 .B52285 Se * * *
Birney, Betty G.   Seven wonders of Sassafras Springs / written by Betty G. Birney ; illustrated by Matt Phelan.   1st ed.   New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, ©2005.
PZ 7 .C59118 Las * * *
Clements, Andrew, 1949-2019.   The last holiday concert / Andrew Clements.   New York : Scholastic, 2005.
PZ 7 .L5877 Kil * * *
Lewis, Richard, 1949-.   The killing sea / Richard Lewis.   1st ed.   New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, ©2006.
PZ 7 .W4369 Bar * * *
Weir, Bob, 1947-.   Baru Bay, Australia / Bob Weir and Wendy Weir.   1st ed.   New York : Hyperion Books for Children, ©1995.
PZ 8.1 .S257 Zu * * *
Zulu fireside tales : a collection of ancient Zulu tales to be read by young and old alike / [compiled and edited] by Phyllis Savory ; illustrated by Sylvia Baxter.   1st Carol Pub. Group ed.   Secaucus, N.J. : Carol Pub. Group, 1993.
PZ 8.3 .S587 Mi * * *
Simon, Carly.   Midnight farm / by Carly Simon ; illustrated by David Delamare.   1st ed.   New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, ©1997.
QA 11.2 .N376 2012
Navigating the mathematics common core state standards / Jan Christinson [and others].   Englewood, Colo. : Lead + Learn Press, ©2012.
QA 135.5 .K186 2000
Kamii, Constance.   Young children reinvent arithmetic : implications of Piaget’s theory.   2nd ed. / Constance Kamii with Leslie Baker Housman.   New York : Teachers College Press, ©2000.
QA 135.6 .S6255 2006 CURR
Solomon, Pearl G. (Pearl Gold), 1929-.   The math we need to know and do in grades preK-5 : concepts, skills, standards, and assessments / Pearl Gold Solomon.   2nd ed.   Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, ©2006.
QA 135.6 .W358 2009
Ward, Robin A.   Literature-based activities for integrating mathematics with other content areas, grades 3-5 / Robin A. Ward.   Boston : Pearson, ©2009.
QB 41 .G35513 1967
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.   Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems : Ptolemaic and Copernican / translated [with revised notes] by Stillman Drake, foreword by Albert Einstein.   Second revised edition.   Berkeley : University of California Press, 1967.
QB 46 .B463 1998 * * *
Berger, Melvin.   Do stars have points? : questions and answers about stars and planets / Melvin and Gilda Berger ; illustrated by Vincent Di Fate.   New York : Scholastic Reference, ©1998.
QL 104 .K435 1994 * * *
Khanduri, Kamini.   Polar wildlife / Kamini Khanduri ; designed by Mary Cartwright ; illustrated by Ian Jackson ; map illustrations by Aziz Khan.
REF PA 445 .S6 P31 2016
Pabón, José Manuel. Author.   Manual griego clásico-español : diccionario bilingüe : con apendice gramatical / por José M. Pabón S. de Urbina.   Vigesimonovena edición.
RJ 138 .R43 2019
Reber, Deborah, author.   Differently wired : a parent’s guide to raising an atypical child with confidence and hope / Deborah Reber.
T 16 .S44 2020
Sherwood, Andrew N. (Andrew Neil), 1955- author.   Greek and Roman technology : a sourcebook of translated Greek and Roman texts / Andrew N. Sherwood, Milorad Nikolic, John W. Humphrey, and John P. Oleson.   Second edition.
TR 820.5 .B43 1997 OVERSIZE
Black Star : 60 years of photojournalism / [Text], Hendrik Neubauer.   Köln : Könemann, ©1997.
TS 1449 .B634 1970
Bonadies, Anthony.   Yarn : a key to imagination / Anthony Bonadies.
UB 416 .T65 2019
Toler, Pamela D., author.   Women warriors : an unexpected history / Pamela D. Toler.