
LC Classification










K — LAW – WP version












BC 50 .H84 2018
Huemer, Michael, 1969- author.   Paradox lost : logical solutions to ten puzzles of philosophy / Michael Huemer.
BR 100 .B6483 2009 v.3
Brown, Colin, 1932- author.   Christianity & western thought : a history of philosophers, ideas & movements.
BR 515 .P38 2018
Patel, Eboo, 1975- author.   Out of many faiths : religious diversity and the American promise / Eboo Patel.
BS 1475.2 .R44 2003
Reflecting with Solomon : selected studies on the book of Ecclesiastes / edited by Roy B. Zuck.   Eugene, Or. : Wipf and Stock, 2003.
BS 1700 .D47 2012
DeSilva, David Arthur.   The Jewish teachers of Jesus, James, and Jude : what earliest Christianity learned from the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha / David A. deSilva.   New York : Oxford University Press, ©2012.
BS 2655 .T75 H55 2015
Hill, Wesley, 1981-.   Paul and the Trinity : persons, relations, and the Pauline letters / Wesley Hill.
BS 2725.53 .K86 2019
Kuske, David P., author. aut.   A commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians / David P. Kuske.
BT 732.4 .S286 2016
Saunders, Stephen M. (Stephen Martin), 1962- author. aut.   A Christian guide to mental illness / Stephen M. Saunders, Ph. D.
BT 77 .O275 2018
Okholm, Dennis L., author.   Learning theology through the church’s worship : an introduction to Christian belief / Dennis Okholm.
BV 601 .L55 2011
Like “living stones” : Lutheran reflections on the one holy, Catholic, and apostolic church / edited by Hans-Peter Grosshans and Martin L. Sinaga on behalf of The Lutheran World Federation.   Minneapolis, Minn. : Lutheran University Press, 2011.
BX 4700 .D7 G64 2016
Goergen, Donald, author.   St. Dominic : the story of a preaching friar / Donald J. Goergen, OP ; foreword by Timothy Radcliffe, OP.
D 568.4 .L45 A66 2014
Anderson, Scott, 1959- author.   Lawrence in Arabia : war, deceit, imperial folly and the making of the modern Middle East / Scott Anderson.   First Anchor books edition.
D 810 .S7 C635 2019
Corera, Gordon, author.   Secret pigeon service : Operation Columba, resistance and the struggle to liberate Europe / Gordon Corera.   William Collins paperback edition.
DA 130 .A45 2013
Ackroyd, Peter, 1949- author.   Foundation : the history of England from its earliest beginnings to the Tudors / Peter Ackroyd.   First St. Martin’s Griffin edition.
DA 334 .A1 B67 2019
Borman, Tracy, author.   Henry VIII and the men who made him / Tracy Borman.   First Grove Atlantic edition.
DA 86.22 .R2 B43 2018
Beer, Anna R., 1964- author.   Patriot or traitor : the life and death of Sir Walter Ralegh / Anna Beer.
DK 258 .S47 2017
Service, Robert, 1947- author.   The last of the tsars : Nicholas II and the Russian Revolution / Robert Service.   First Pegasus books hardcover edition.
DK 268 .S8 F593 2015
Fitzpatrick, Sheila.   On Stalin’s team : the years of living dangerously in Soviet politics / Sheila Fitzpatrick.
DS 119.76 .Z68 2014
Zoughbie, Daniel, 1984-.   Indecision points : George W. Bush and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / Daniel E. Zoughbie, Belfer Center Studies in International Security.
DS 389.22 .B48 M86 2014
Muñoz, Heraldo, author.   Getting away with murder : Benazir Bhutto’s assassination and the politics of Pakistan / Heraldo Muñoz.   First edition.
E 184 .A75 Y38 2018
Yang, Wesley, author.   The souls of yellow folk : essays / Wesley Yang.   First edition.
E 185.97 .K5 W588 2019 * * *
Wittenstein, Barry, author.   A place to land : Martin Luther King Jr. and the speech that inspired a nation / Barry Wittenstein ; illustrated by Jerry Pinkney.   First edition.
E 263 .V5 W74 2018
Wren, Christopher S. (Christopher Sale), 1936- author.   Those turbulent sons of freedom : Ethan Allen’s Green Mountain boys and the American Revolution / Christopher S. Wren.   First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
E 457.2 .H35 2018
Harrold, Stanley, author.   Lincoln and the abolitionists / Stanley Harrold.
E 458 .R64 2013
Rodrigue, John C.   Lincoln and Reconstruction / John C. Rodrigue.
E 767 .O95 2019
O’Toole, Patricia, author.   The moralist : Woodrow Wilson and the world he made / Patricia O’Toole.   First Simon & Schuster trade paperback edition.
E 77 .T797 2019
Treuer, David, author.   The heartbeat of Wounded Knee : native America from 1890 to the present / David Treuer.
E 840.8 .K58 B75 2018
Brigham, Robert K. (Robert Kendall), 1960- author.   Reckless : Henry Kissinger and the tragedy of Vietnam / Robert K. Brigham.   First edition.
E 860 .B35 2019 * * *
Balis, Andrea, author.   Bringing down a president : the Watergate scandal / Andrea Balis & Elizabeth Levy ; illustrations by Tim Foley.   First edition.
E 98 .S6 R47 2017
Reséndez, Andrés, author.   The other slavery : the uncovered story of indian enslavement in America / Andrés Reséndez.   First Mariner books edition.
F 1391 .T7 H4713 2019
Herbert, Julián, 1971- author.   The house of the pain of others : chronicle of a small genocide / Julián Herbert ; translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney.
GV 346 .C64 2018
Coffino, Michael, author.   The other classroom : the essential importance of high school athletics / Michael J. Coffino.
GV 426 .G7 1976
Gronholz, John H.   A perceptual-motor rationale for the selection of playground equipment / by John H. Gronholz.   1976.
HV 6431 .S2553 2018
Sandler, Todd, author.   Terrorism : what everyone needs to know / Todd Sandler.
HV 6432.7 .T558 2017
Thompson, J. William, author.   From memory to memorial : Shanksville, America, and Flight 93 / J. William Thompson.
LA 1013.7 .S34 2015
Sahlberg, Pasi.   Finnish lessons 2.0 : what can the world learn from educational change in Finland? / Pasi Sahlberg ; foreword by Diane Ravitch and Andy Hargreaves ; afterword by Sir Ken Robinson.   Second edition.
LB 1065 .W282 2017
Walker, Timothy D., author.   Teach like Finland : 33 simple strategies for joyful classrooms / Timothy D. Walker ; foreword by Pasi Sahlberg.   First edition.
LB 1631 .P676 2019
Prather, Liz, author.   Story matters : teaching teens to use the tools of narrative to argue and inform / Liz Prather.
LB 41 .S479 2019
Sexton, John Edward, 1942- author.   Standing for reason : the university in a dogmatic age / John Sexton ; foreword by Gordon Brown.
LC 214.23 .L56 F56 2018
The first twenty-five : an oral history of the desegregation of Little Rock’s public junior high schools / edited by Laverne Bell-Tolliver.
M 21 .H45 P52 2019 v.2
Piano prelude series : Lutheran service book. Volume 2, tunes BC / edited by Kevin Hildebrand.
PA 6209 .M3 R83 2011
Apuleius.   The golden ass / Apuleius ; translated by Sarah Ruden.   New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, ©2011.
PL 729 .S1887 2018
Sato, Hiroaki, 1942- author, translator.   On haiku / Hiroaki Sato.
PN 1042 .S66 2019
Sol, Adam, 1969- author.   How a poem moves : a field guide for readers of poetry / Adam Sol.
PR 149 .R44 B76 2018
Brown, Janice, 1947- author.   The lion in the waste land : fearsome redemption in the work of C.S. Lewis, Dorothy L. Sayers, and T.S. Eliot / Janice Brown.
PR 3330 .A1 C53 2018 * * *
Cleary, Steve R., author.   The Pilgrim’s Progress : based on John Bunyan’s epic masterpiece / Steve R. Cleary with Robert Fernandez.
PR 3330 .A1 C532 2019 DVD
The pilgrim’s progress / a Cat in the Mill production in association with Herald Entertainment & American Family Association ; a Steve Cleary film ; produced by Steve Cleary ; written and directed by Robert Fernandez.
PR 6023 .E926 A6 2019
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963, author.   The reading life : the joy of seeing new worlds through others’ eyes / edited by David C. Downing and Michael G. Maudlin.   First edition.
PR 9199.3 .B682 C55 2019 * * *
Bramer, Shannon, author.   Climbing shadows : poems for children / Shannon Bramer ; pictures by Cindy Derby.
PS 3053 .W28 2017
Walls, Laura Dassow, author.   Henry David Thoreau : a life / Laura Dassow Walls.
PS 3554 .E535 A6 2018
Dennis, Carl, author.   Night school / Carl Dennis.
PZ 7 .D41495 Bun * * *
Denise, Anika, author.   Bunny in the middle / Anika A. Denise ; illustrated by Christopher Denise.   First edition.
PZ 7 .D5455 Bev * * *
DiCamillo, Kate, author.   Beverly, right here / Kate DiCamillo.   First edition.
PZ 7 .E72554 Ch * * *
Erdrich, Louise.   Chickadee / Louise Erdrich.   1st ed.   New York : Harper, ©2012.
PZ 7 .L644 Big * * *
Lin, Grace, author, illustrator.   A big bed for Little Snow / by Grace Lin.   First edition.
PZ 7 .Z454 Am * * *
Zhang, Kat, 1991- author.   Amy Wu and the perfect bao / by Kat Zhang ; illustrated by Charlene Chua.   First Aladdin hardcover edition.
PZ 7.1 .A782 Al * * *
Arsenault, Isabelle, 1978- author, illustrator.   Albert’s quiet quest / words and pictures by Isabelle Arsenault.   First American edition.
PZ 7.1 .B751536 Be * * *
Brashares, Ben, author.   Being Edie is hard today / written by Ben Brashares ; illustrated by Elizabeth Bergeland.   First edition.
PZ 7.1 .C533 Cam * * *
Choi, Susan, 1969- author.   Camp tiger / written by Susan Choi ; illustrated by John Rocco.
PZ 7.1 .J565 Can * * *
Jobe, Lisa, author, illustrator.   Can I keep it? / Lisa Jobe.
PZ 7.1 .M78 Can * * *
Muir, Coll, author, illustrator.   Can Cat and Bird be friends? / by Coll Muir.   First edition.
PZ 7.7 .V36 All * * *
Vansant, Wayne, author, artist.   All quiet on the western front / adapted by Wayne Vansant.
Q 127 .G4 G75 2018
Gribbin, John, 1946- author.   Out of the shadow of a giant : how Newton stood on the shoulders of Hooke and Halley / John Gribbin and Mary Gribbin.   William Collins paperback edition.
QA 10.5 .F74 2018
A fresh look at formative assessment in mathematics teaching / edited by Edward A. Silver and Valerie L. Mills.
QA 21 .B47 2019
Berlinghoff, William P., author.   Math through the ages : a gentle history for teachers and others / William P. Berlinghoff, Fernando Q. Gouvêa, Colby College.   Second edition, Dover edition.
QA 93 .P6725 2018
Posamentier, Alfred S., author.   The mathematics of everyday life / Alfred S. Posamentier and Christian Spreitzer.
QH 31 .L55 A44 2019 * * *
Alexander, Lori, author.   All in a drop : how Antony van Leeuwenhoek discovered an invisible world / by Lori Alexander ; illustrated by Vivien Mildenberger.
QH 327 .R63 2011
Roach, Mary.   Packing for Mars : the curious science of life in the void / Mary Roach.
QK 605.5 .M53 K86 2014
Kuo, Michael, 1963- author.   Mushrooms of the Midwest / Michael Kuo and Andrew S. Methven.
QL 698.9 .B44 2018
Beehler, Bruce McP., author.   North on the wing : travels with the songbird migration of spring / Bruce M. Beehler ; illustrations by John T. Anderton.
RC 150.4 .A75 2018
Arnold, Catharine, author.   Pandemic 1918 : eyewitness accounts from the greatest medical holocaust in modern history / Catharine Arnold.   First U.S. edition.
RC 150.4 .O63 2014
Opdycke, Sandra.   The flu epidemic of 1918 : America’s experience in the global health crisis / Sandra Opdycke.
RC 564 .G75 2019
Grisel, Judith, author.   Never enough : the neuroscience and experience of addiction / Judith Grisel.   First edition.
SF 395 .E64 2015
Essig, Mark, 1969-.   Lesser beasts : a snout-to-tail history of the humble pig / Mark Essig.