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2024-25 MLC Wish List
Consider funding these non-budgeted items. Click on project title for more details.
If you wish to donate to a project, click the donate button and select “MLC Ladies’ Auxiliary” in the designation dropdown.
Projects are funded in the order they appear.
Ladies’ Auxiliary Scholarship - $3,000 FUNDED!
Description: This provides $750 scholarships for four students that are renewable for a total of four years.
Our students are thankful:
“Thank you for all the support you give me. This gift towards my tuition lightens my heart. You are fulfilling Galatians chapter 6 as you share my burdens and lighten my load. I give thanks for you!”
“Thank you so much for helping support me financially in my training for the public ministry. MLC helps equip Christians for service in the church and world. The scholarship will help support my education in becoming an early childhood teacher. I want all the little children in my future classroom to know that they have a Savior who loved them so much that he died for them. ”
“I would like to thank you again for the scholarship awarded to me last year. Your generous gift has helped me more comfortably finance my college education. I am learning so much about God’s Word and how to incorporate it into every subject. Thank you also for your prayers for both me and my classmates as we continue to train to become faithful ministers of God’s Word in our respective fields.”
Travel Assistance for Student Teachers - $3,000 FUNDED!
Department: Education
Description: This project assists student teachers with the financial burden associated with public school student teaching placement in schools with distances greater than 70 miles round trip. Gas gift cards (in $50 increments) are given to qualifying students – one card to students traveling 70-99 miles round trip, and two cards to students traveling 100 miles or more.
Daylight Outreach Opportunities - $2,500 FUNDED!
Description: We will use your gift to fund short-term missions, also known as Daylight experiences, in this school year.
Every year MLC partners with mission-minded congregations to send MLC students to fill mission needs all over the WELS and in international mission fields. Most mission trips last one week, some up to 10 weeks, but the benefits go on for years. God grows our students through these experiences. Students gain confidence for ministry and insight into ministry in a different setting, perhaps even in a different culture. Future church workers learn from the people with whom they serve to share the gospel in different ways. And they are motivated by their experience sharing the gospel to continue to study for ministry. These short-term mission experiences provide blessings for students that would be difficult to get in any other way. For that reason, MLC offers financial support for students who want to participate. Your gift, given out of love for your Lord and Savior, will make it possible for more students to serve, and more people to be served with the gospel. Thanks be to God!
Promotional Sponsorships - $1,000 FUNDED!
Department: Ladies Auxiliary
Description: Promoting Ladies’ Auxiliary through event sponsorships.
Preseminary Early Ministry Experience - Requesting $2,000 ($5,000 Needed)
Department: Preseminary
The preseminary Early Ministry Experience (EME) sends first-year pastor-track students into congregations to shadow a pastor for a few days and get an inside look at the pastoral ministry in a congregational setting that is different from the one they grew up in. The goal is increased motivation for students who are still more than seven years away from Call Day. The first year of EME was a great success. Thirty-five students traveled to a variety of congregations and returned with a greater understanding and appreciation for what pastoral ministry looks like. EME will be part of the MLC budget in the future. However, because there is a two-year budget cycle, it will not be funded by the budget until next school year.
Requesting $2,000 ($5,000 needed; additional donations will be accepted after the $2,000 has been reached)
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Whiteboards for Foreign Language Classroom - $1,000 FUNDED!
Department: Foreign Language
Description: Whiteboards are excellent tools for foreign language drills, exercises, assignments, and illustrations in the foreign language. It is easy to engage many students at one time. When some are at the board, others are working verbally with the professor, and all participate in the checking of the written assignments. These five boards would replace the two small boards that are currently installed.
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Preserving God-Given Strengths - Requesting $2,000, $6,960 Needed
Department: New Teacher Induction
Description: This grant provides 106 second-year teachers with the same encouragement and support as their peers in New Teacher Induction. They will have the opportunity to receive encouragement for resilience in faith, life, and ministry by learning more about their identity in Christ and the gifts God has given them. The project includes four online sessions and the CliftonStrengths Full 34 Assessment. This project is outside of the current MLC budget, and one more year is left in the current biennium budget. Careful planning and support have been budgeted for future new teacher and staff ministers starting in the next WELS biennium.
Requesting $2,000 ($6,960 needed; additional donations will be accepted after the $2,000 has been reached)
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Special Education Community Building & Recruitment - $1,900
Department: Special Education
Description: The undergraduate special education (SPED) program at Martin Luther College is the largest among our Lutheran colleges; however, it is still not large enough to meet the growing needs within WELS schools for bringing qualified educators to the role. It is critical that we build a strong community of our undergraduates in the SPED program here on campus for retention and put specific efforts to recruit students to the program. Our aim is to have events each month that allow for fellowship and encouragement, that will continue to excite current students within the major and potentially attract additional students. The funds would be utilized through CEC Pre-Service Student Memberships, Specialized Professional Guest Speakers, Monthly Group Events, CEC Professional Development Training, and Field Trips.
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Celebration of Ministry Retreats for Faculty - $3,000
Department: Administration
Description: Each year MLC is invited to send pastorally trained faculty members (and spouses) to the Celebration of Ministry Retreats sponsored by Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. This year, a new effort by MLC’s New Teacher Induction program will begin a similar effort to mark ministry milestones for those trained as teachers and staff ministers. These retreats, held at key ministry milestones, celebrate God’s blessings to those called workers in the past and encourage them for the years ahead. This project would fund the total cost for two attendees, paying for their registration, hotel, and travel expenses. (about $1,500 each)
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Archive Boxes - $1,500
Department: Alumni Relations/Archives
Description: MLC reopened its archives with the hire of Michelle Markgraf. Archive materials are expensive, but they are needed to properly preserve our college’s heritage. Especially expensive are items for irregular objects like clothing, VHS tapes, vinyl records, and mugs. Volunteers will be reactivated this fall to begin processing items and adding them to the archive. This project will assist with building our inventory of the archive-safe boxes and packing materials for objects with extra needs. Because of the costs, we have focused on print materials. The number of other materials is growing, and I’d like to get some cataloged and preserved. This project would cover 20 small (10″ x 20″ x 4″) storage boxes and packing material.
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MLC Athletic Branding Door Wraps - $1,818 FUNDED!
Department: Athletics
Description: The MLC athletic department would like to start the process of putting up some athletic branding materials in and around our athletic facilities. We would like to purchase some colorfully branded door wraps, fence signs, and wall decals that use our MLC Knights logo to make our athletic facilities look more collegiate, more welcoming, and more appealing to our recruits and student athletes. While we can’t do the whole project at one time, a donation from the MLC Ladies’ Auxiliary would allow us to get things going.
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Shelves for Infant Room – $460 FUNDED!
Department: Early Childhood Learning Center
Description: The infant room would love to add two of these corner shelves to their classroom space. Often throughout the year, we go through a transition where our little babies suddenly turn into big babies and start motoring around. Once they become crawlers, and even more, once they become walkers, it’s wonderful for them to have different types of shelving to invite them to try out some new toys and materials.
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Theater Appreciation and Community Engagement - $1,360
Department: Education
Description: The Forum board would like to promote theatre appreciation and community engagement on MLC’s campus by sponsoring student tickets to Bethany College’s theatrical productions. This would help more students, besides Forum students, grow in their appreciation of the arts and cultural and community engagement. It would also model positive ways to foster collaborative, positive relationships with our sister college, Bethany. We are looking to sponsor the ticket costs of two shows per year (one a semester).
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Manikins for PED1205 First Aid/CPR - $560 FUNDED!
Department: Physical Education
Description: I would like to purchase four manikins that provide feedback to students to make them more effective as CPR rescuers. You purchased four of the manikins in the past for us, and I would like to expand the number so the whole class will be able to train on one. In addition to the use in our course, our campus nurse provides classes in CPR to all our coaches, early childhood majors, and RAs. She uses the American Heart Association program, which actually requires the use of manikins that provide feedback. She could use these to supplement hers and allow more participants in each of her adult training sessions.
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Snowshoes and Ice Skates for Campus Outdoor Equipment - $2,000
Department: Student Life
Description:The Student Life Office is looking to update our snowshoe and ice skate collection in the Outdoor Equipment Room, since most of our current selection are quite worn and/or damaged from extensive use. Any extra funds would be used for other outdoor activity purchases.