March 5, 2022 Power Outage, Maintenance, and Nuvera Transition Recap
It has been nearly a week since March 5 rolled around and we completed the power outage, maintenance, and Nuvera transition. Here is a quick recap of where we are today:
- The campus has completely transitioned to Nuvera as our internet service provider along with the new pair of firewalls. This transition will help eliminate some specific issues we have had in the evenings when internet usage was at its highest. Now, a single dorm will not be able to use so much bandwidth that it affects the other dorms. This change will not eliminate all issues, and it may even surface some new ones, but it should help eliminate a class of issues plaguing campus during certain times of day.
- The other maintenance we had planned during the power outage has been completed as well. Needed updates to our virtual server infrastructure and network switches were completed in a timely fashion and without incident.
- Issues with the Archive server which came to light after the power outage have been mitigated. We will be rolling out similar fixes for some additional servers (not affected in the same way, but trying to stay ahead of future issues) will be rolled out in the near future.
- An unintended network outage which cause some corruption on a database server (affecting MLC’s Moodle instance) has been mitigated for the time being. Additional work will need to take place to protect against future issues. Moodle should be working as designed now, but please be on the lookout for issues and report them.
Please keep watch for future maintenance window announcements as we continue to work through additional changes and updates. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you!