Nuvera Internet Upgrade Update

Greetings MLC campus family!
It has been a number of weeks since I was able to update you on the progress being made for switching from XFINITY/Comcast to Nuvera as our campus’s internet service provider. In that time, while some progress has been made, we have not been able to make the switch over to Nuvera, and with it, an increase in bandwidth available to the entire campus.
Staffing challenges, work at the Betty Kohn Fieldhouse, and other projects have pushed the rollout of this infrastructure upgrade, temporarily, to the back burner. We are continuing to reach out to various vendors who will need to be made aware of the upcoming change so that they are ready for the transition as well. We will then be scheduling a series of evenings to continue configuring our campus firewalls/gateways so that we are prepared for the transition.
After that work is complete, we will announce when the final transition will happen. While we hope to announce that final transition date in mid-February, competing priorities may push that off to Spring Break.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please make sure to reach out to me, Bob Martens, Director of Information Technology. I would be more than happy to discuss any aspect of the project along with any other questions you may have.