EDT5001 Enhancing the Curriculum with Technology   3 Credits
The integration of technology with curriculum content and instruction.

EDT5002 Emerging Technologies in Education   3 Credits
An investigation of recent trends in hardware, software, policy, and pedagogy to develop a clearer picture of the possibilities for emerging technologies in the K-12 classroom.

EDT5003 Multimedia Technologies   3 Credits
Instructional uses of stand-alone and internet-based multimedia technologies including experiences with multimedia tools to produce multimedia components, audio and video, for classroom use.

EDT5004 Coordinating Technology in Education   3 Credits
An investigation of common duties and responsibilities of a technology coordinator in an educational setting. Topics include school technology plans, curriculum plans, learning spaces and environments, ethics, digital equity, technology policies, management of resources, and technology training for faculty/staff. Basic infrastructures, such as hardware, software, operating systems, networking, equipment care, security issues, etc., are included.

EDT5005 Teaching Online   3 Credits
Issues related to online learning, resources, ethics, copyright issues, learning styles, management of online courses, role of the online student and instructor, online communication, learner assessment, and course evaluation.

EDT5008 Leading Technology Professional Development   3 Credits
An investigation of adult learning theory and research-based practices in professional development with respect to teaching teachers to use technology. These principles are applied in a faculty development plan.

EDT5009 Issues in Educational Technology   3 Credits
A deeper dive into legal topics related to technology in education, including copyright, digital citizenship, licensing, data sharing and protection, children and technology, etc. Addresses the unique challenges of using technology in education and the data collected by companies and schools related to students, faculty, and staff. (e.g. FERPA, COPPA, CIPA)

EDT5010 Technology and Universal Design for Learning   3 Credits
Using technology through the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to successfully engage diverse learners in the general education classroom. Participants analyze the learner, the content, and the instructional process for ensuring that all students have equal access to the school’s curriculum.

EDT5011 Enhancing Ministry with Technology   3 Credits
An exploration of how technology can be harnessed to improve, enhance, and extend ministries, including information systems/databases, communication tools, productivity/project management tools, and many other aspects of ministry.

EDT5012 School Technology Infrastructure   3 Credits
A thorough investigation of networks, the backbone of technology installations in ministry settings. Examines current network offerings for various sizes of institutions and how to approach various network design decisions and troubleshooting opportunities. Also explores planning for future network upgrades, working with vendors, and talking through other infrastructure needs.

EDU5001 Issues in Education   3 Credits
An overview of the critical issues affecting public and private education, including American pluralism/multiculturalism and the common school ideal, demographic shifts and their effects on education, outreach and evangelism, marketing the school, choice proposals and vouchers, economic issues, competition for students, high‐stakes testing and assessment, standards‐based education, and others. The focus will be on helping teachers and principals understand the research related to these issues and reflect on their effects on Christian education.

EDU5002 The School as a Learning Community   3 Credits
A study of the relationship of a school’s philosophy to its practice and how it affects curriculum and instruction. Will discuss the role of staff development, strategic planning, internal and external relationships, group dynamics, team building, and managing change as these relate to curriculum, instruction, and leadership style in the school.

EDU5003 Curriculum Design & Implementation   3 Credits
An exploration of the school leader’s role in collaboratively developing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum to achieve a comprehensive and coordinated plan of instruction throughout the school.

EDU5004 Family Issues in Education   3 Credits
Explores issues such as cultural influences on families, demographic changes in families, divorce and its effects on learning, child abuse and neglect, understanding family systems, generation theory and young parents, school/home partnership, family ministry, crisis intervention, and reaching out to non‐member families.

EDU5005 Foundations of Educational Research   3 Credits
Understanding quantitative and qualitative research and the critical analysis and application of such research to educational issues. Includes such topics as measurement theory, research designs, sampling, appropriate statistical analyses, developing research problems and hypotheses, and the use of variables in research.

EDU5006 Foundations of Ministry   3 Credits
This course is a discussion of the theological foundations of church and ministry and how these principles apply in the practice of ministry. Topics include biblical authority in a changing world, the Great Commission of church and school, understanding and articulating the Christian worldview, leadership and servanthood in the church, shared ministry in church and school, and preparation for service in the church. Through this course participants will develop a personal philosophy of the practice of ministry. (Cross-listed with THE5006)

EDU5010 Diversity Issues in Education   3 Credits
Issues and approaches to educating a diverse American society by exploring culture, values, and bias as they relate to schools and classrooms.

EDU5101 An Evidence-Based Approach to Reading Instruction   3 Credits
The theory and best practices of teaching reading. Emphasis is on the organization of an evidence-based, developmental reading curriculum. Topics include current teaching strategies, emergent literacy, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, text comprehension, national and state standards, and assessment.

EDU5102 Integrating the Language Arts   3 Credits
Curricular and methodological issues of language arts based on current research. Uses national and state language arts standards to examine best practices for language arts instruction. Emphasis on the integration of the language arts components: reading, listening, speaking, viewing, and visual representation.

EDU5103 Improving Instruction in Mathematics and Science   3 Credits
The teacher’s guiding role in inquiry teaching and problem solving: the current science and mathematics curriculum; resources for teaching mathematics and science; state and national standard-based curriculum and instruction.

EDU5105 Improving Instructional Methodology   3 Credits
Equips participants to improve classroom instruction and to lead staff development initiatives. Attention is given to research on effective teaching practices, brain research and its impact on instruction, multiple intelligence theory, learning styles, differentiated instruction, and practical approaches for presenting these practices to teachers.

EDU5106 Assessment of Learning and Instruction   3 Credits
The design and application of appropriate learning assessment strategies that consider the pedagogical intent; state, federal, and subject standards; and the diversity of the students. Teaching theory and practice will be viewed in the context of student learning assessment.

EDU5107 Cognitive Psychology   3 Credits
The study of how information is acquired, processed, and stored (how the mind works) with implications for teaching and learning.

EDU5109 Designing Classroom Instruction   3 Credits
Constructing curriculum at the classroom level by creating units of instruction that align standards and desired outcomes with instruction and assessment, so that the needs of all learners are met.

EDU5110 High-Impact Instruction   3 Credits
Explores research-proven teaching strategies to increase student engagement and retention of course knowledge at all levels, using the work of Marzano and others. Participants identify and use effective instructional strategies to build a cohesive unit for any grade level or content area.

EDU5301 Educational Leadership   3 Credits
Provides an overview of school leadership in Lutheran schools, including such topics as the biblical model of servant leadership, leadership aptitudes, personal leadership profile, team leadership and its application in the congregational setting, and the role of school leader and pastor in relation to the Lutheran school.

EDU5302 Supervision of Instruction   3 Credits
Examines supervisory theory and provides a framework for matching supervisory approach to teacher need, preference, and career stage. Techniques for effective observation and collection of meaningful data are presented and practiced. The distinction between formative and summative evaluation and the need for both are emphasized. Students are equipped to apply developmental philosophy to supervisory relationships.

EDU5303 Open Transfer of Elective   3 Credits
An approved, 3-credit, graduate-level course taken at another accredited institution that fits the student’s graduate program objectives and goals but has no comparable course in Martin Luther College’s program.

EDU5304 School Law   3 Credits
Provides insights into how law intersects with learning. Constitutional, statutory, and case law are studied and applied to school and classroom.

EDU5306 Introduction to School Administration   3 Credits
A job-embedded application of key leadership elements for novice principals and early childhood directors.

EDU5308 Leading the School Community   3 Credits
Understanding the school’s role in assisting parents and the school leader’s role in building collaborative partnerships with families around a shared vision of student learning, school climate, and school culture. Fosters communication skills necessary to represent the school among families, the congregation, and the community.

EDU5309 Leadership for Change   3 Credits
Creating a culture of learning and achievement that reflects Christ’s love for all. Identifies contemporary issues facing schools, including diversity and equity issues. Explores data-driven decision making and professional learning communities. Examines the dynamics of change in organizations and individuals, and how to lovingly implement needed reform.

EDU5310 School Business Administration   3 Credits
Introduces skills, strategies, and technology used in school planning, budgeting, reporting, marketing, communication, recruitment, enrollment, and retention.

EDU5311 The Principalship   3 Credits
Reviews the role and responsibilities of the principal as policymaker and facilitator, especially in areas of health and safety, human relations, student and enrollment management, and other duties. Develops skills in leading meetings, setting agendas, and communicating effectively.

EDU5312 School Leadership   3 Credits
An overview of leadership theory and application in contemporary schools. Leadership topics include servant leadership, leadership aptitudes, personal leadership profile, and team leadership as applied to modern school issues – especially diversity and special education.

EDU5321 Early Childhood Director as Leader   3 Credits
Reviews the role and responsibilities of the early childhood director as facilitator for areas of health and safety, human relations, student and enrollment management, and other duties. Develops skills in leading meetings, setting agendas, and communicating effectively.

EDU5322 Development of Young Children   3 Credits
Understanding the social, emotional, and physical development of young children, and its application to developmentally appropriate learning environments.

EDU5323 Early Childhood Curriculum   3 Credits
An exploration of the director’s role in understanding theory, evaluating curriculum, and implementing a cohesive instructional approach throughout the early childhood learning center.

EDU5324 Legal and Ethical Issues in Early Childhood Education   3 Credits
Describes the legal and ethical issues surrounding early childhood education in general, and Lutheran early childhood ministries in particular. Focuses on both responding to and influencing the political arena for the benefit of children and their families.

EDU5901 Instructional Mentoring   1 Credit
Establishes how to create professional growth environments for beginning teachers, grounded in the language and protocols of continuous improvement and problem solving to enrich student learning.

EDU5903 Observation and Conferencing   1 Credit
Develops ways to collect observation data in relation to teaching standards and to critique the ways in which data can be shared with the beginning teacher to improve their instructional practice and consequently student achievement.

EDU5904 Coaching in Complex Situations   1 Credit
Analyze case studies and solutions to address challenging situations facing beginning teachers using research-based techniques and an understanding of human dynamics.

EDU5905 Using Data to Inform Instruction   2 Credits
Apply tools and strategies to help beginning teachers analyze student needs, plan for differentiated instruction, and ensure equitable learning outcomes.

EDU5906 Designing Effective Instruction   1 Credit
Develop the ability to provide meaningful feedback to improve beginning teachers’ lesson plans and instruction.

EDU5907 Conditions for Equitable Instruction   1 Credit
Produce a framework for teaching for equitable outcomes and for mentoring beginning teachers from an equity perspective, within the context of Professional Teaching Standards through a uniquely Christian worldview. Address inequities regarding race, language, and culture in the classroom and school.

EDU5908 Understanding, Supporting, and Facilitating a Professional Development Plan   2 Credits
Synthesize the research, theory, and writing, as well as teacher and administrator standards, behind a professional development plan, in order to be a resource in your school or district and assist new teachers in writing a professional development plan.

EDU6100 Comprehensive Examination   0 Credits
A five-hour comprehensive examination of a graduate-level education course of study.

EDU6200 Field Project   3 Credits
An applied project that investigates an educational problem or issue. The professional paper details the project and its results.

EDU6201 Curriculum Project   6 Credits
An applied project that focuses on a specific aspect of education. The professional paper gives sufficient background for the project, detail of the project, and assessment of the project.

EDU6300 Internship   3 Credits
The internship is completed in an educational setting. A three-credit internship is working full days in the summer or half-days for one semester.

EDU6301 Internship   6 Credits
The internship is completed in an educational setting. A six-credit internship is working full days during the school year for one semester.

EDU6302 Internship   3 Credits
The internship is completed in an educational setting focusing on specific learning disabilities, under the supervision of a licensed special education teacher who is approved by MLC Graduate Studies.

EDU6500 Thesis   6 Credits
The thesis is an investigation of an issue in education by means of data gathering and analysis. The research design may be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method.

EDU6900 Introduction to Graduate Writing   0 Credits
A self-paced, introductory writing course for graduate students in education programs. The primary focus is to understand the current edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style, with an emphasis on citations and references. Basics of good writing are encouraged by introducing participants to the MLC provided software tool, Grammarly.

EDU6999 Continued Graduate Study   0 Credits
Maintains active status for students not enrolled in coursework.

SPE5201 Educating the Exceptional Learner   3 Credits
Study of legislation, current issues, instruction, and resources as they apply to the needs and characteristics of exceptional learners, ages birth to 21.

SPE5202 Diagnosis and Assessment of Students with Special Needs   3 Credits
Administration and interpretation of standardized instruments used in the identification of students with disabilities.

SPE5203 Transition Planning and Collaboration in Special Education   3 Credits
Facilitating effective planning for transitions (preschool, elementary, middle, high school, and postsecondary/adult) and collaboration with parents and professionals.

SPE5204 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties   3 Credits
Explores causes, diagnosis and assessment, prevention and correction of reading difficulties, as well as intervention practices useful to the classroom teacher and reading specialist.

SPE5205 Communication Disabilities   3 Credits
Historical and current issues related to education of individuals who have communication disabilities, including the deaf or hard of hearing, with implications for classroom teaching and mainstreaming.

SPE5206 Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities   3 Credits
A survey in the field of learning disabilities designed for educators and administrators. Addresses the theoretical foundation and the practical issues in the field of learning disabilities. Topics include the following: characteristics of children with learning disabilities, assessment of specific learning disabilities, strategies that help children with learning disabilities, and contributions from other disciplines.

SPE5208 Teaching Reading and Mathematics to Students with Disabilities   3 Credits
Addresses the cognitive needs of reading and mathematics underachievers through an exploration of pedagogy, research, materials, and practices related to reading and math instruction. Applying skills in real contexts using practices such as Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), progress monitoring, Database Individualization (DBI), and designing differentiated unit plans for literacy and mathematics.

SPE5209 Learning Disabilities and Emotional/Behavioral Disorders   3 Credits
Identification and instructional supports for students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) and emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD).

SPE5211 Foundations of Special Education   3 Credits
An introduction to a variety of disabling conditions in children as described in IDEIA Special Education guides.

SPE5213 The IEP Process and Professional Practice   3 Credits
Roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher in planning and delivering instruction.

THE5001 Old Testament Theology   3 Credits
An examination of the major teachings of the Old Testament, with a concentration on key themes addressed by the biblical writers.

THE5002 New Testament Theology   3 Credits
An examination of the major teachings of the New Testament, with a concentration on key themes addressed by the biblical writers.

THE5003 Biblical Hermeneutics   3 Credits
Bible interpretation to deepen practical skills for understanding and applying God’s Word appropriately. Topics include seeing the “big themes” of the Bible, identifying genre, tracing the arc of the biblical narrative, and exploring the rhetorical beauty of various texts, with the emphasis being on practice, not theory.

THE5004 History of Christianity   3 Credits
A survey of major movements and individuals in the history of the church from the time of its birth in the 1st century through contemporary developments in the 21st century.

THE5005 Systematic Theology   3 Credits
A study of the tools and methodology of a systematic approach to theology, as well as an advanced study of selected aspects of the doctrines of Scripture, God, humanity, Christ, salvation, the church, and the end times.

THE5006 Foundations of Ministry   3 Credits
Discusses the theological foundations of church and ministry and how these principles apply to the work of teachers and school leaders. Topics include biblical authority in a changing world, the Great Commission of church and school, understanding and articulating the Christian worldview, leadership and servanthood in the church, shared ministry in church and school, and preparation for service in the church. Participants will develop a personal philosophy of the practice of ministry. (Cross-listed with EDU5006)

THE5101 Genesis   3 Credits
A study of Genesis that challenges students to grapple with the historical and theological implications of this foundational book of Holy Scripture.

THE5201 Christian Apologetics   3 Credits
Defines a uniquely Lutheran apologetic and equips students to undermine dominant cultural narratives and patterned dismissals of Christian truth; argue effectively for the resurrection of Christ, the authenticity of the New Testament, and the necessity of God for objective meaning, morality, and the like; and to develop positive communication approaches for vital sites of struggle over truth in contemporary society.

THE5105 Christ in the Old Testament   3 Credits
A survey of messianic prophecy and typology found in the Old Testament with special emphasis on the apologetic value of prophecy and application to ministry.

THE5207  Views of the Afterlife  3 Credits
Explores many of the cultural, religious, and popular views of the afterlife and provides a biblical foundation for gospel-centered conversations about them.

THE5303 Lutheranism in America   3 Credits
A study of Lutheranism in United States history from the colonial era to the present, with special attention given to the history of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

THE5401 Adult Christian Education   3 Credits
Equips students with andragogical knowledge and skills for leading adult Christian education in ministry settings.

THE5403 Maximum Impact with Short-Term Mission Trips   3 Credits
A study of the rationale for and characteristics of a short-term mission that applies Confessional Lutheran theology and best-practice methodologies.

THE5404 Ministering to Families in Crisis   3 Credits
Defines family crisis, identifies some major theoretical frameworks for studying families in crises, considers major lifestyle transitions, and explores major catastrophic crises families face. Examines resources and strengths that enable families to deal with crises more adequately within a Confessional Lutheran worldview.

THE6100 Comprehensive Examination   0 Credits
A five-hour comprehensive examination of a graduate-level theological course of study.

THE6200 Field Project   3 Credits
An applied project that investigates a theological or ministry problem of issue. The professional paper details the project and its results.

THE6500 Thesis   6 Credits
The thesis is an issue in theology or ministry either by means of data gathering and analysis or through an exploration of historical and theological scholarship.