This certificate program is intended to be used by lay and/or called workers in congregations to gain the understanding and skills to lead, create, and participate in congregational evangelism efforts.
Evangelism Certificate Goals:
The goals of the Evangelism Certificate program are to develop congregational evangelism leaders who
- understand the scriptural foundation for a congregation’s evangelism ministry,
- can evaluate and plan congregational evangelism efforts,
- are equipped to give an answer for the hope they have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15), and
- seize opportunities for personal evangelism in all aspects of their lives.
Participants in the program will complete three online one-credit courses to earn an Evangelism Certificate.These three one-credit courses were developed with the goal of keeping costs low and the time commitment reasonable for the participants.
Program Courses
The Evangelism Certificate program consists of the three required courses below. These courses have been approved by the college’s Theology Division and the Curriculum Oversight Committee.
THE9101 The Mission of the Church 1 credit
“Lord, what do you want my church to do?” Rediscover the mission of the church to propel a mission mindset and to guide a congregation’s ministry to share Christ with your community.
THE9102 Practical Evangelism for Congregations. 1 credit
Overview of key components that make up a congregational evangelism program and guidance for putting them into practice.
THE9103 Friendship Evangelism 1 credit
Designed to enable learners to confidently share the faith they are already publicly sharing at worship
each Sunday in a personal, transparent, and informed approach.