Prerequisite for People without a Theology Minor from MLC

THE9534 Grounded in Scripture
Instructor: Rev. Paul Ziemer

Required Courses

Courses can be taken in any order. 

THE9520 Communicating Forgiveness
Instructor: Rev. Ed Frey

THE9521 A Scriptural Approach to Addiction Counseling
Instructor: Rev. Alan Siggelkow

THE9522 Chaplaincy Issues and Fieldwork
Instructor: Rev. Dan Krause

THE9532 Chaplaincy Issues and Fieldwork Seminar
Instructor: Dan Krause

Elective Courses — Choose one

Courses can be taken in any order.

THE9523 Ministry to the Incarcerated and Their Families
Instructor: Rev. Dan Krause

THE9524 Frontline Chaplaincy
Instructor: Rev. David Rosenbaum

THE9525 Geriatric and Care Facility Ministry
Instructor: Rev. Dan Krause

THE9531 Trauma Basics
Instructor: Rev. Robert Dick

THE9533 Grief, Loss, and Trauma – Help for the Hurting
Instructor: Rev. John Schuetze

THE9601 The Spiritual Side of PTSD
Instructor: Rev. Jon Fischer

Summer 2025
THE9531 Trauma Basics
Fall 2025
THE9520 Communicating Forgiveness
THE9525 Geriatric and Care Facility Ministry
THE9533 Grief, Loss, and Trauma – Help for the Hurting
THE9534 Grounded in Scripture
Spring 2026
THE9521 Scriptural Approach to Addiction Counseling
THE9522 Chaplaincy Issues and Fieldwork
THE9523 Ministry to the Incarcerated and Their Families
THE9534 Grounded in Scripture
Summer 2026
THE9531 Trauma Basics
THE9532 Chaplaincy Issues and Fieldwork Seminar
Fall 2026
THE9520 Communicating Forgiveness
THE9524 Frontline Chaplaincy
THE9534 Grounded in Scripture
THE9525 Geriatric and Care Facility Ministry