EDT8011    Dynamic Classroom Presentations                                                   1 Credit
Using presentation software (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, Google Slides) in a more sophisticated and dynamic way. Includes how to use sound design principles to help the non-designer build beautiful slides and enhance any instructional content. The most powerful and compelling principles behind communicating with digital media are discussed.

EDT8012    Webpage Design and Construction                                                   1 Credit
Webpage design principles, introduction to HTML basics, and using online webpage editing tools (WYSIWYG editor) to create pages and embed widgets from other websites. Students will create content using WordPress, Google Sites, or FinalWeb content management systems.

EDT8013    Designing and Constructing Church/School Websites                     1 Credit
Examinations and evaluations of existing church/school websites. Constructing and/or editing a church/school website. The WELS site “FinalWeb” is examined as a possible solution for webhosting. (Prerequisite: EDT8012 Webpage Design and Construction)

EDT8017    Using Google Tools to Communicate, Create, and Collaborate        1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An exploration of tools in G Suite in Education (formerly Google Apps for Education). Participants will learn the in-depth functionality of Google Drive (including Docs, Forms, Sheets, Slides, Sites, and Drawings), as well as other Chromebook tools, and will develop a project incorporating these tools.

EDT9503    Google Tools in the Classroom: Docs, Slides, and Classroom        0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
A hands-on approach for basic use and practical applications of Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Classroom.

EDU8010    Designing and Presenting Professional Development for Adult      1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Produce meaningful and responsive learning experiences using the fundamental principles, theory, and strategies that support adult learning.

EDU8101    Intellectual, Social, & Emotional Development                                  1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
The social and emotional development of preprimary children and its impact on cognitive functioning and instructional approaches.

EDU8102    Operation & Management of ECE Programs                                     1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An overview of the operation and management of early childhood education programs.

EDU8103    Developing Home & School Relationships                                       1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Emphasis on developing a family-oriented classroom, techniques of communication, methods of actively engaging families, and resources to benefit family nurturing and school interaction. A family take-home kit and plan for implementing partnerships will be developed.

EDU8105    Encouraging Literacy Development                                                  1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Theoretical and practical approach to promoting children’s emergent language development in early childhood settings.

EDU8106    Play and Learning Experiences                                                        1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A study of young children’s learning through play. Includes identifying active learning experiences, establishing and maintaining an environment for play, and identifying teacher roles in play-based learning.

EDU8108    Preprimary Curriculum Essentials I                                                 1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Theory, research evidence, standards, teaching practices, Christian ECE philosophy, an active early learning environment, and a consistent daily routine that underlie and support a quality ECE curriculum.

EDU8109    Preprimary Curriculum Essentials II                                                1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Theory, research evidence, standards, teaching practices that underlie and support the ECE curriculum areas of mathematics, science and technology, social studies, and the visual and dramatic arts.

EDU8112    Health and Safety in Early Childhood Centers                                  1 Credit
Planning for safety, first aid, health, and nutrition in the early childhood learning environment.

EDU8114    Roles and Responsibilities of the Lutheran Early Childhood           1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An examination of the role of the early childhood educator in a Lutheran early childhood ministry setting.

EDU8201    Exploring Art Media                                                                          1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A hands-on workshop that explores techniques of working with various art media. Participants will work on a variety of projects suitable for use in their classroom. Especially for those who feel their knowledge with art material is limited. Suitable for K-8.

EDU8204    Teaching Spelling                                                                             1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
To understand spelling development and its implications for spelling instruction.

EDU8205    Teaching Writing in the Elementary School                                     1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
The philosophy and implementation of a process-approach model of teaching writing in language as well as across the curriculum.

EDU8206    Multidisciplinary Teaching K-8                                                         1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Exploring the philosophy of multidisciplinary teaching and how it is implemented in the classroom. Applying standards to this design will be included.

EDU8207    The Benefits of Small Group Reading Instruction                 1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Exploring the philosophy, instructional strategies, resources, and assessment tools of small group reading for its implementation in the classroom.

EDU8208    Using Standards in Teaching Elementary Science                           1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Theory and practice in teaching science to elementary children. Participants will explore and experience standards, processes, and current teaching methodologies.

EDU8502    Developing a Discipline-Based Art Ed. Curriculum                          1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Incorporating art history, criticism, appreciation, and hands-on projects into a unified art curriculum.

EDU8505    Portfolio Assessment                                                                        1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Participants will identify authentic assessment activities, plan student and parental involvement in portfolio assessment, and develop models of portfolio assessment for classroom and school-wide use.

EDU8506    Developing a Model of Christian Discipline                                      1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Identifies the difference between discipline and classroom management. A logical and sequential plan for discipline and classroom management is provided.

EDU8507    An Alternative Structure for Instruction: Cooperative Learning       1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Competitive, cooperative, and individualistic structuring of lessons, application to all students and grade levels, and appropriateness in the Lutheran school.

EDU8509    Elements of Effective Instruction                                                      1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Models of structuring lessons which are appropriate to particular subjects. Included also are questioning procedures, reinforcement skills, time on task, and effective assignments.

EDU8511    Designing Instruction Using Authentic Assessment                         1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Suitable for teachers of all grade levels, this course teaches participants the key characteristics of authentic assessment and teaching strategies that complement its use. Criteria and standards for the development of authentic assessments will be shared so that participants can design authentic tasks they can use in their teaching. Scoring student work through the use of rubrics will be addressed.

EDU8512    Integrating Children’s Literature into Your Teaching                        1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Connecting teachers to children’s literature as they assist their students in responding to books that are integrated into the school curriculum.

EDU8513    Reaching and Teaching the Gifted and Talented                              1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
This course overviews the characteristics of children who are gifted and talented, examines theoretical implication (including acceleration and enrichment), and provides practical strategies for serving gifted learners.

EDU8519    Teaching History with Primary Sources, Trade Books, and Literature        1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Development and enhancement of historical themes using primary sources, trade books and literature. Teaching history in the narrative form is also demonstrated and practiced.

EDU8521    Philosophies of Education                                                                1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A study and discussion of selected secular theories on education. Readings from famous philosophers as well as contemporary thinkers and educators will be considered, critiqued, and compared with a Christian perspective on the purpose and process of education.

EDU8532    Rethinking Homework                                                                      1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A study of the value of homework. Homework policies and practices are discussed and evaluated.

EDU8533    Grading Techniques                                                                         1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An exploration of assessment, evaluation, and effective grading techniques.

EDU8534    Differentiated Lesson Planning That Works                                     1 Credit
Assists teachers to design and create content area lessons that are based on student interests, needs, and strengths using differentiated instructional (DI) strategies such as flexible grouping, menu boards, cubing, web-quests, rafts, and tiered tasks.

EDU8535    The Role of Grammar in Your Language Arts Curriculum      1 Credit
Discussion and demonstration of grammar instruction strategies that will help students with their grammar skills.

EDU8537    Brain-Based Learning                                                                       1 Credit
Applies current brain research to your classroom instruction and student learning.

EDU8538    Standards-Based Assessments                                                        1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Apply current research concerning standards-based assessments to improve student achievement by focusing instruction and the alignment of curriculum with essential standards.

EDU8540    Law & Gospel in the Classroom                                                     1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Teachers will examine the doctrines of law and gospel through Bible study and by reading commentary from Lutheran theologians. This information will support the evaluation of case studies, discussions to reflect on past practice, and planning for continued application in their classrooms.

EDU9009    Developmental Milestones for Children Ages 5-14                           1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
The social and emotional development of middle to late childhood and its impact on cognitive functioning and instructional approaches.

EDU9010    Fostering Student Growth                                                                1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A study of the theory behind mindset and how it affects student achievement and teacher practices.

EDU9011    Social-Emotional Learning for Student and School Success            1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Prepares participants with the research, skills, and support for connecting social-emotional learning (SEL) and school culture and climate concepts to various lifelong student outcomes, including academic performance, life skills, and emotional intelligence.

EDU9025    Five Pillars of Reading Instruction: Text Comprehension                 1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A study of strategies to help students comprehend written texts.

EDU9026    Five Pillars of Reading Instruction: Vocabulary                                1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Discussion and demonstration of strategies related to vocabulary instruction that will help students comprehend written texts.

EDU9031    Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders                                     1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Theoretical foundations and research base for interventions that can be used by teachers and that can assist families when making decisions about their children.

EDU9032    Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders                                     0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
Theoretical foundations and research base for interventions applicable to children with autism that can assist teachers families when making decisions about children with autism.

EDU9109    Bible Storytelling in Early Childhood                                                1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Materials and methods for effective Bible storytelling and for enabling children’s retelling.

EDU9110 Teaching Young Children Social & Emotional Competence   0.5 credit or 6.25 clock hours
Presents ways to teach and support young children’s social and emotional development. Intended for preschool educators.

EDU9011 Social-Emotional Learning for Student and School Success   1 credit or 12.5 clock hours
Prepares participants with the research, skills, and support for connecting social-emotional learning (SEL) and school culture and climate concepts to various lifelong student outcomes, including academic performance, life skills, and emotional intelligence.

EDU9012 Crafting a Literacy Instruction Philosophy   1 credit or 12.5 clock hours
Helps educators develop their individual philosophy of literacy instruction by investigating its various components and philosophical underpinnings.

EDU9220 Teaching Bible History Using Art   0.5 credit or 6.25 clock hours
Explores the use of religious imagery to teach about art, writing, and Bible history to help students gain a deeper understanding of biblical truth.

EDU9221    Teaching Bible History Using Art                                                     1 Credit
Explores the use of religious imagery to teach about art, writing, and Bible history to help students gain a deeper understanding of biblical truth.

EDU9248    Supervisory Practices                                                                       1 Credit
A survey of techniques, strategies, and materials for the effective supervision of teacher candidates.

EDU9303    Methods and Techniques for Teaching Secondary Literature          1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Equips learners with current principles and practices underlying effective middle and secondary school instruction in teaching literature.

EDU9508    Effective Science Instruction                                                            1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Principles, applications, and assessment of using an inquiry approach for teaching science in elementary and middle school classrooms.

EDU9509    STEM in Lutheran Schools                                                               1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An in-depth exploration of various STEM curricula. Participants build confidence and directly apply skills in activity-, project-, and problem-based approaches.

EDU9513    Listening and Speaking Strategies to Foster Student Communication      1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Discussion and demonstration of strategies across grade levels that will help students develop listening and speaking skills for better communication.

EDU9520    Formative Assessment That Works                                                  1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A grounded understanding of the formative assessment process and terminology with practical applications in the classroom through modeling, planning, and implementation of the strategy.

EDU9530    Culturally Responsive Classroom Management                               1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Creating a principles-based approach to discipline in order to respond to the changing needs of our students, and applying strategies to restore relationships.

EDU9531    Planning and Support of Christian Discipline                                   0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
Creating a principles-based approach to discipline in order to respond to the changing needs of our students, and applying strategies for the loving application of law and gospel.

EDU9532    Developing Expert Learners: Universal Design for Learning            1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An exploration of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as an approach that bridges the gap between general education and special education, thus assuring that all students have equal access to the curriculum and become expert learners.

EDU9534    Leveraging Social-Emotional Learning for Student and School Success      0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
Prepares participants with the research, skills, and support for connecting social-emotional learning (SEL) and school culture and climate concepts to various lifelong student outcomes, including academic performance, life skills, and emotional intelligence.

EDU9536    Teaching Democratic Citizenship in the 21st Century                      0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
How to promote democratic citizenship in classrooms by engaging students in the core principles of the U.S. Constitution and by exploring what “active participant” means in the 21st Century. Pedagogy activities will focus on breaking down the complexities of civic education, social justice, and social engagement, and analyzing the controversial topics that arise when addressing individual rights and freedoms.

EDU9538    Developing Expert Learners: Universal Design for Learning            0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
An overview of the Universal Design for Learning framework. Participants analyze the UDL framework and the evidence-based instructional strategies that help ensure that all learners have equal access to the curriculum and become expert learners.

EDU9540    Principles of Christian Education                                                     3 Credits
An overview of Christian education, especially formal Lutheran early childhood, elementary, and secondary education, with the goal of understanding and appreciating Lutheran schools as one of the means by which the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod carries out the Lord’s command to “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done” (Psalm 78:4).

EDU9550    Teaching the Way People Learn                                                       1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Explores practical ways for teachers to bridge the gap between brain research and classroom practice.

EDU9551 Engaging the Disengaged   0.5 credit or 6.25 clock hours
An exploration of the Total Participation Techniques (TPT) Cognitive Engagement Model and other research-based academic and behavioral strategies that promote active engagement among hesitant and reluctant students and foster learner-focused classrooms.

EDU9552    Engaging the Disengaged                                                                 1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An exploration of the Total Participation Techniques (TPT) Cognitive Engagement Model and other research-based academic and behavioral strategies that promote active engagement among hesitant and reluctant students and foster learner-focused classrooms.

EDU9603 Fostering a Formative School Culture   1 credit or 12.5 clock hours
Explores the foundations for a formative school culture that focuses on student and adult learning. Topics include developing a growth mindset, assessing student learning, effective professional development, teacher collaboration models, and instructional coaching.

EDU9604 Formative Supervision of Instruction   0.5 credit or 6.25 clock hours
Studies, discusses, assesses, and applies various forms of formative teacher supervision. Participants will come away with a plan to implement strategies in their own school settings for the benefit of teacher development and student learning.

ENG8302   Writing Across the Curriculum                                                         1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An update on recent innovations to plan, implement, or renew a writing and language across the curriculum program.  Sessions include a discussion of integrated teaching methods for the middle and secondary school.

ENG8601   Communication                                                                                1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An examination of interpersonal communication skills (verbal and nonverbal) that emphasize the evangelical nature of Christian relationships. Topics include conflict resolution, effective listening, reflecting, paraphrasing, and encouraging communication.

ENG8602   Building and Maintaining Relationships                                           1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
An overview of the skills and tools needed to build and maintain healthy professional, personal, and intimate relationships.

ENG8303   Writing Across the Curriculum                                                         0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
An update on recent innovations to plan, implement, or renew a writing and language across the curriculum program. Sessions include a discussion of integrated teaching methods for the middle and secondary school.

ENG8604   Conflict Management and Resolution                                               1 Credit
Identifying, preventing, and resolving professional and personal conflicts; implementation of skills and strategies to resolve conflicts. Special emphasis on role-playing.

HEB9001    Hebrew Institute                                                                                1 Credit
An upper-level course in biblical Hebrew for parish pastors with a strong interest and ability in Hebrew and for those currently teaching Hebrew in the fellowship of WELS.

MTH8202   Mathematics for Today                                                                     1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
A survey of what mathematics methodology and curricula look like in a current mathematics classroom, including integration of technology, student-centered learning, and improved pedagogy. Intended for teachers of grades 3-12.

MTH9202   Making Mathematics Meaningful                                                      0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
Topics from the elementary and middle school curriculum with an emphasis on gaining conceptual understanding and problem solving skills.

MUS8101 Music and Worship in ECE   1 credit or 12.5 clock hours
Spiritual, musical, psychosocial, and cognitive aspects of music learning in early childhood. Participants will survey early childhood music learning theories and music teaching methods. The course will include the use of the WELS music curriculum, Sing and Make Music.

PED8101 Physical and Motor Development for Preprimary   1 credit or 12.5 clock hours
Teachers of young children play a vital role in fostering their physical and motor development. This two-day course addresses the physical needs of children from conception through childhood. Participants will plan for a week of physical education classes using a format presented in class.

PSY9301 Adolescent Mental Health   1 credit or 12.5 clock hours
Addresses mental health concerns and issues among adolescents and utilizes Mindsight as a specific tool to understand appropriate interventions that teachers can implement.

SPE8501     Educating the Exceptional Student                                                   1 Credit
Study of current issues, instruction, and resources as they apply to the needs and characteristics of learners ages birth to 21.

SPE9501     High-Leverage Practices for Teachers                                              0.5 Credit or 6.25 Clock Hours
Research-based practices in education, with an emphasis on practices for teachers of students with special needs.

SPE9502     Serving Exceptional Students: MTSS and Behavior Theory             1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Navigate local Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) with the goal of collaboration between public and private school professionals to support exceptional learners. Consider and integrate current research on behavior theory into the classroom setting.

SPE9503     Serving Exceptional Students: Trauma-Informed Christian             1 Credit or 12.5 Clock Hours
Understanding trauma’s effects on the brain and how we can respond with knowledgeable Christian love that results in positive outcomes, including higher academic achievement and improved classroom behavior.

THE8112    The Role of ECE in Mission Outreach                                               1 Credit
Strategies to increase gospel outreach through early childhood education.