Formal Recognition for Informal Learning
BDG0100 Developing Background
DESCRIPTION: Teachers who earn the Developing Background Micro-Credential are able to connect students’ prior knowledge with new material to build understanding.
EARNING THE MICRO-CREDENTIAL: To earn the Developing Background Micro-Credential, teachers demonstrate various lesson introduction methods to activate pre-existing student knowledge and positively impact student learning. Earners write three lesson introductions using a different background knowledge activator for each, explain how each chosen method promotes student learning, and compose a reflection on the effectiveness of their strategies. The earner video-records the planned lessons to demonstrate an ability to activate student background knowledge without detracting from the stated learning target.
RESEARCH BASE: Marzano (2004) reported a correlation coefficient of .66 (moderate) between a person’s background knowledge and learning success. Marzano (2001) also reported that activating prior knowledge yielded gains of 16 to 39 percentile points in standardized achievement tests.
BACKGROUND: Consider these resources to better understand the topic.
Neuman, Susan B., Kaefer, Tanya, & Pinkham, Ashley. Building background knowledge. http://www.readingrockets.org/article/building-background-knowledge
Mizerny, Cheryl. (2017) Background knowledge: 12 ways to set the stage. https://www.middleweb.com/34094/background-knowledge-12-ways-to-set-the-stage/
Uher, Alan E. (2019) If You Build It, They Will Learn. Issues in Lutheran Education.
MICRO-CREDENTIAL CRITERIA: The developing background micro-credential earner can do the following:
- Articulate the value of activating student prior background knowledge in order to achieve daily and long-term learning targets.
- Assess depth of student prior background knowledge on a given topic, concept, or learning target.
- Implement whole-class activities that will activate student pre-existing knowledge.
- Smoothly connect prior knowledge to new information as the lesson or unit unfolds.
Create Three Lesson Plans
Include the following:
- The lesson targets or objectives.
- Three different techniques to activate student background knowledge you will use during the lesson introductions.
- Explain the connections of the chosen techniques to lesson understanding.
- Explain how student responses will be used to assess the depth of student pre-existing knowledge, and how those might guide further instruction.
Submit a Lesson Video
Keep in mind the following:
- Teach and video-record the planned lessons with special emphasis on the techniques to activate student background knowledge.
- Obtain permission from parents or guardians for students to be video-recorded.
- Show the techniques in practice and the resulting student participation.
- Edit the video clips so their total length does not exceed 15 minutes.
Submit a Written Reflection
After completing the recorded lesson, prepare a written reflection on the lesson (maximum 400 words) that explains:
- The positive impact of the selected technique for developing background chosen for each lesson
- An assessment of the depth of students’ pre-existing knowledge
- The change(s) that can be made to improve the use of techniques that effectively activate student pre-existing knowledge without detracting from learning targets
Dean, Ceri B., Hubbell, Elizabeth Ross, Pitler, Howard, & Stone, Bj. (2012) Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria VA. ASCD http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/classroom-instruction-that-works.aspx
Himmele, Pérsida & Himmele, William. (2017) Total participation techniques: Making every student an active learner. Alexandria VA. ASCD http://www.ascd.org/Publications/Books/Overview/Total-Participation-Techniques-Making-Every-Student-an-Active-Learner-2nd-Edition.aspx
Lent, ReLeah Cosset. (2012) Overcoming textbook fatigue: 21st century tools to revitalize teaching and learning. Alexandria VA. ASCD https://www.amazon.com/Overcoming-Textbook-Fatigue-Revitalize-Teaching/dp/1416614729
Marzano, Robert J. (2004) Building background knowledge for academic achievement: Research on what works in schools. Alexandria VA. ASCD http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/104017.aspx
Schmoker, Mike. (2011) Focus: Elevating the essentials to radically improve student learning. Alexandria VA. ASCD http://www.ascd.org/Publications/Books/Overview/Focus-Elevating-the-Essentials-to-Radically-Improve-Student-Learning-2nd-Edition.aspx
Alber, Rebecca. (2011) Are you tapping into prior knowledge often enough in your classroom? Activating prior knowledge of students is key to learning. Edutopia https://www.edutopia.org/blog/prior-knowledge-tapping-into-often-classroom-rebecca-alber
Reading for Mastery: Prior Knowledge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kfVV68MylU
Building Background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FZlkwrKrxA
Building Social Studies Background Knowledge for English Language Learners: