Your questions answered! If you have questions about anything, please email
Does OpenLearning@MLC cost anything to attend?
No, the online virtual conference and power hours are free.
Where is OpenLearning@MLC being held?
OpenLearning@MLC is an entirely online, virtual, remote experience. This means you can stay where you are or go to the lake! You will find all the information you need on the website.
What technology or device will I need to attend?
Due to the increased demand for the live sessions, we are going to utilize Zoom for the live sessions. You do not need a Zoom account, but for the best viewing experience you will want to download their mobile app or the desktop meeting client. You can find the Zoom app for mobile devices in your respective app store. We recommend that you download and install the desktop meeting client before the conference and use computer audio when connecting to the sessions. You can find a quick tutorial on how to join a Zoom meeting on their website.
Are the sessions going to be recorded?
Yes, the sessions will be recorded and will be made available.
Do I receive anything, like clock hours, for attending?
Yes! We will offer clock hours for those who attend, one clock hour per session. There will be instructions shared during the live session on how to receive your proof of attendance. We will also be offering clock hours for a limited time for viewing the recordings later.
Will I be able to watch the session later?
Recordings of the sessions will be available for a limited time.
Where can I watch past sessions?
Recordings of the sessions will be available on the Continuing Education Free Resource page.
Is there more information or training I can get?
MLC’s Office of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education offers many courses and other training opportunities covering the topics discussed. You can visit their website.
Are there any resources I can use to share the conference?
We have a social banner, square conference image, and the main conference banner you can download and use around the web and in your publications.
If I have more questions, whom should I contact?
Please email with any and all questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!