Pastor Peter S imagePastor Peter Schlicht describes himself this way: “I grew up going to public school from K to 8th grade before attending LPS, MLC, and WLS. I was assigned in 2017 to Eastside Lutheran Church and School in Madison and recently accepted a call to serve at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School in West Bend, Wisconsin. I also serve on the Institute of Lutheran Apologetics and as a Grow in Grace (WLS Continuing Education) course advisor. The Lord has blessed me with my wife, Rachel, and four young children. Christian education is always on my mind!”

Dr. Ben Clemons has served as a classroom teacher at Mt. Lebanon Lutheran School and as a principal at Risen Savior Lutheran School, both in Milwaukee, as well as a year in China teaching English at Hangzhou Normal University. He is currently serving at Martin Luther College as a professor of Urban Educational Ministry and as the Academic Dean of Education. Ben is a graduate of Martin Luther College (’03) where he majored in Elementary and Secondary Science Education. He earned his master’s degree in Science Education at Wisconsin Lutheran College (’14) and completed his Doctorate of Education, specializing in Urban Leadership, from Johns Hopkins University (’21).

Philip Leyrer bio coming soon …

kari muente photoDr. Kari A. Muente serves as a professor of Social Studies Education at MLC. She earned a PhD in Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum with an emphasis in Social Studies Education and a focus in Special Education from the University of Missouri. Her scholarship focuses on implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL), culturally responsive pedagogy, and inclusive practices in the general education classroom.

rachel youngblom photoDr. Rachel Youngblom is a professor of Special Education at Martin Luther College. She is a licensed psychologist (LP) in Minnesota and Arizona, a licensed school psychologist in Minnesota, and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Youngblom has over 20 years of experience in the field of education and has worked with children diagnosed with various disabilities. She has knowledge of the special education process and experience working within schools that have adopted Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (i.e., RtI, PBIS). Additionally, she has experience collaborating and consulting with various related service providers to maximize support for students across environments.