New Materials


LC Classification










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BC 117 .L3 L52 1868 RB TxtBk
Liberatore, Matteo, 1810-1892.   Compendium logicae et metaphysicae / P. Matthaei Liberatore.   Romae : Ufficio della Civiltà Cattolica ; Neapoli : Domenico Paradisi, 1868.
BR 141 .R86 1905 RB TxtBk
Runkel, Heinrich.   Quellenbuch zur Kirchengeschichte für den Unterricht an Lehrer-Bildungsanstalten / Heinrich Runkel.   Leipzig : Dürr, 1904-1905.
BX 8061 .W6 A3
Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and Other States.   Our Synod and its work : a reader for Lutheran schools / [by the] Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and Other States.   Milwaukee : Board of Education, Wisconsin Synod, 1947.
BX 8065.2 .L85 1999
Lull, Timothy F.   My conversations with Martin Luther : in which I learn about God, faith, marriage, sexuality, education, war, spirituality, church life, the future, ecumenism, politics, heaven and hell, and other things, too / Timothy F. Lull.   Minneapolis, Minn. : Augsburg, ©1999.
CT 107 .W6 1904 RB TxtBk
Whitcomb, Ida Prentice, 1843-1931.   Heroes of history / by Ida Prentice Whitcomb.   New York : Maynard, Merrill, & Co., [1904].
D 209 .S45 1908 RB
Schevill, Ferdinand, 1868-1954.   A political history of modern Europe from the reformation to the present day / by Ferdinand Schwill … with sixteen genealogical tables and twenty-two maps.   New York : C. Scribner’s Sons, 1908.
D 21 .H8 1957 RB TxtBk
Hughes, R. O. (Ray Osgood), 1879-1959.   The making of today’s world / Revised by C.H.W. Pullen.   Boston : Allyn & Bacon, 1957.
E 178.1 .K293 1937 RB TxtBk
Kelty, Mary G. (Mary Gertrude), 1890-1964.   The story of the American people / by Mary G. Kelty.   Boston, New York : Ginn and Company, [©1937].
E 178.1 .M9926 1946 RB TxtBk
Muzzey, David Saville, 1870-1965.   A history of our country : a textbook for high-school students / by David Saville Muzzey.   Boston ; New York : Ginn and Co., 1946.
E 211 .B97 1895 RB TxtBk
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797.   Conciliation with the American colonies / by Edmund Burke.   New York : American Book Co., ©1895.
LB 1557 .T74 1885 RB TxtBk
Townsend, G. W. (George Washington), 1839-1905.   The wherewithal : or, New discoveries in cause and effect / Townsend …   [Philadelphia] : [Wherewithal Manufacturing Pub. Co.], [©1885].
LB 1561 .S8 A5 1922 RB
South Dakota. Department of Public Instruction.   Course of study for the elementary schools of South Dakota / Rev. under the direction of Fred L. Shaw, superintendent of public instruction.   Authorized ed.   Pierre, South Dakota : J. Fred Olander Company, [©1922].
LB 1761 .H52 1886 RB TxtBk
Henry, W. H. F., editor.   The high school question book : questions and answers embracing advanced English studies/usually pursued in public high scools, academies, etc. Interspersed with appropriate explanatory notes … With an appendix / Ed. by W.H.F. Henry.   Indianapolis : J.E. Sherrill, 1886.
LC 261 .T7 1887 RB
Todd, John, 1800-1873.   The student’s manual / by John Todd.   New York : J.B. Alden, 1887.
MT 189 .E53 1986
Engel, James.   An introduction to organ registration / James Engel.   St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House, ©1986.
MT 50 .H44 1927 RB
Heinze, Leopold, 1828-1905.   Theoretisch-praktische Harmonielehre für Musik-Institute, Volke-Hochschulen, Lehrerbildungsanstalten, Organisten und Freunde d. Tonkunst / Leopold Heinze und Wilhelm Osburg ; Neubearbeitet von Wilhelm Osburg.   22. Auflage.   Breslau : Heinrich Handels Verlag, 1927.
MT 6 .B26 1959 RB TxtBk
Bauman, Alvin.   Elementary musicianship / Alvin Bauman, Charles W. Walton.   2nd ed.   Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1965, ©1959.
MT 930 .G453 1919 RB
Giddings, Thaddeus P. (Thaddeus Philander), 1868-1954.   Grade school music teaching : for superintendents, music supervisors, and grade teachers / by T.P. Giddings.   New York : C.H. Congdon, ©1919.
MT 935 .G4 A4 1931 RB TxtBk
Giddings, Thaddeus P. (Thaddeus Philander), 1868-1954, author.   Adventures in music / by Thaddeus P. Giddings, Will Earhart, Ralph L. Baldwin, Earl L. Baker ; Elbirdge W. Newton, managing editor.
N 350 .K46 1933 RB TxtBk
Kibbe, Delia E. (Delia Emma), 1882-.   Picture study for elementary schools : a teachers’ manual ; a complete unit for directing picture study in all elementary grades / by Delia E. Kibbe, Jane Rehnstrand and Maybell G. Bush.   Milwaukee : E.M. Hale, 1933.
N 72 .S6 L6 2017
The Low Countries : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. 25 / chief editor, Luc Devoldere.
PA 2087 .C69 1895 RB TxtBk
Coy, E. W.   Latin lessons for beginners : by E. W. Coy.   New York : American Book Co., [©1895].
PA 2087 .S35 D7 1903 RB TxtBk
Schmidt, Hermann.   Dr. Hermann Schmidts Elementarbuch der Lateinischen Sprache. zweiter teil / Völlig neu bearbeitet von L. Schmidt und E. Lierse.   Zwölfte Auflage.   Halle : Hermann Gesenius, 1903.
PA 2995 .S26 1929 RB TxtBk
Sanford, Frederick Warren.   Manual with translation for a second-year Latin reader : For the use of teachers / By Frederick Warren Sanford and Harry Fletcher Scott.   Rev. ed.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman, [©1929].
PA 6279 .A4 K42 1947 RB TxtBk
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.   Third year Latin / New revision of Kelsey’s Cicero with added selections from Cicero, Sallust, Livy, and Pliny, arranged and edited with explanatory notes, a companion, essentials of grammar and syntax, and vocabulary, by Bruno Meinecke.   Boston, New York : Allyn and Bacon, 1947.
PE 1106 .M55 1918 RB TxtBk
Miller, Albert Herrman, 1864-.   Modern grammar / by Albert H. Miller.   St. Louis, Mo. : Concordia Pub. House, 1918.
PE 1117 .B266 1907 RB TxtBk
Baker, Franklin T. (Franklin Thomas), 1864-1949.   Sixth year language reader / by Franklin T. Baker, George R. Carpenter, and Jennie F. Owens.   New York ; London : Macmillan, 1907, ©1906.
PE 1117 .B37 T52 1912 #3 RB TxtBk
Thayer, S. Proctor.   New national third reader / by S. Proctor Thayer, Harlan H. Ballard, Charles J. Barnes.   New York : American Book Company, ©1912.
PE 1117 .B376 1884 #4 RB TxtBk
Barnes, Charles J. (Charles Joseph), 1837-1921.   New national fourth reader.   New York : A.S. Barnes & Co., ©1884.
PE 1117 .C691 1929 RB TxtBk
Cordts, Anna Dorothea, 1888-1978.   Manual for the primer / by Anna Dorothea Cordts.   Boston : Ginn, 1929.
PE 1117 .E463 1913 RB TxtBk
Elson, William H. (William Harris), 1856-1935.   Elson primary school reader. Book three / by William H. Elson ; illustrated by H.O. Kennedy.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1913.
PE 1117 .E47 1914 RB TxtBk
Elson, William H. (William Harris), 1856-1935.   Elson-Runkel primer / by William H. Elson and Lura E. Runkel.   Teachers’ ed.   Chicago ; New York : Scott, Foresman, ©1914-©1915.
PE 1117 .G722 1941 gr.2.1 RB TxtBk
Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960.   Guidebook for Friends and neighbors / by William S. Gray and Lillian Gray.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., [©1941].
PE 1117 .G722 1946 gr.2.1 RB TxtBk
Friends and neighbors / [compiled] by William S. Gray and May Hill Arbuthnot ; illustrated by Ellen B. Segner and Keith Ward.   1946-47 ed.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1946.
PE 1117 .G722 1946 gr.2.2 RB TxtBk
Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960.   More friends and neighbors / by William S. Gray and May Hill Arbuthnot ; illustrated by Ellen B. Segner and Keith Ward.   1946-47 ed.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1946.
PE 1117 .G722 1952 gr.2.1 RB TxtBK
Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960.   Guidebook to accompany The New friends and neighbors / William S. Gray, A. Sterl Artley, May Hill Arbuthnot, Marion Monroe, Lillian Gray.   1952 ed.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1952.
PE 1117 .G722 1956 gr.1.1 RB TxtBk
The new we look and see / William S. Gray [and others] ; illustrated by Eleanor Campbell.   1956 ed.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1956.
PE 1117 .G722 1956 gr.1.2 RB TxtBk
Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960.   The new we work and play / William S. Gray [and others] ; Illustrated by Eleanor Campbell.   1956 ed.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1956.
PE 1117 .G722 1956 gr.1.3 RB TxtBk
Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960.   The new we come and go / by William S. Gray, Marion Monroe. A. Sterl Artley, May Hill Arbuthnot ; illustrated by Eleanor Campbell.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1956.
PE 1117 .M2636 1879 RB TxtBk
McGuffey, William Holmes, 1800-1873.   McGuffey’s sixth eclectic reader.   Rev. ed.   Cincinnati ; New York : Van Antwerp, Bragg, 1879.
PE 1117 .O865 1964 RB TxtBk
Ousley, Odille, 1897-.   My little red story book / Odille Ousley, David H. Russell ; [illustrations by Ruth Steed].   Rev. ed.   Boston : Ginn, ©1964.
PE 1117 .R62 1962 RB TxtBk
Robinson, Helen M. (Helen Mansfield), 1906-.   Sally, Dick and Jane / Helen M. Robinson, Marion Monroe, A. Sterl Artley ; linguistic advisor, W. Cabell Greet ; illustrator, Bob Childress.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1962.
PE 1117 .S711 1906 RB TxtBk
Spaulding, Frank E. (Frank Ellsworth), 1866-1960, author.   A first reader / by Frank E. Spaulding and Catherine T. Bryce ; with illustrations by Margaret Ely Webb.   New York, Newson [©1906].
PE 1119 .A43 1913 RB TxtBk
Akin, Florence, 1878-1962.   Word mastery : a course in phonics for the first three grades / by Florence Akin.   Boston : Houghton Mifflin, ©1913.
PE 1119 .F37 1921 RB TxtBk
Fassett, James H. (James Hiram), 1869-1930.   The new Beacon primer by James H. Fassett, illustrated by Blanche Fisher Laite.   Boston, New York : Ginn & Co., [©1921].
PE 1119 .R584 1912 RB TxtBk
Van Sickle, James H. (James Hixon), 1852-1926.   The Riverside readers. Fourth reader / by James H. Van Sickle and Wilhelmina Seegmiller, assisted by Frances Jenkins ; illustrated by Lucy Fitch Perkins.   Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., ©1912.
PE 1127 .S3 F73 1947 RB TxtBk
Frasier, George Willard, 1890-1958.   We see / by George Willard Frasier, Helen Dolman MacCracken, Lois Gabel Armstrong ; illustrated by Guy Brown Wiser.   Syracuse, NY. : L.W. Singer, ©1947.
PE 1129 .G3 A4 1892 RB TxtBk
Ahn, F. (Franz), 1796-1865.   Praktischer Lehrgang zur schnellen und leichten Erlernung der englischen Sprache / von dr. F. Ahn.   Revisirte americanische Ausg.   St. Louis : Concordia, 1892.
PE 1145 .G78 1890 RB TxtBk
Graves, Joseph A.   A New graded spelling-book : a complete course in spelling for schools and academies / by Joseph A. Graves.   Boston : Ginn, ©1890.
PE 1145 .J66 1924 RB TxtBk
Jones, W. Franklin.   The Jones complete course in spelling : for second to eighth years inclusive.   Chicago : Hall & McCreary Co., [©1924].
PE 1408 .W7 1920 RB TxtBk
Woolley, Edwin C. (Edwin Campbell), 1878-1916.   Handbook of composition : a compendium of rules regarding good English, grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing, manuscript arrangement, punctuation, spelling, essay writing and letter writing / by Edwin C. Woolley.   Rev. ed.   Boston : D.C. Heath & Co., ©1920.
PF 3115 .D75 1913 RB TxtBk
Drittes Deutsches Lesebuch für deutsch-amerikanische Schulen / herausgegeben von der Allgemeinen Ev. Luth. Synode von Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan u. a. St. ; In deren Auftrage bearbeitet von H.L. Wedekind, H. Eggebrecht und R.M. Albrecht.   [Neue Serie].   Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1913.
PF 3115 .E77 RB TxtBk
Erstes Lesebuch für Unterklassen christlicher Gemeinde-Schulen / herausgegeben von der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Synode von Ohio and andern Staaten.   Sechste Auflage.
PF 3115 .L3557 1899 RB TxtBk
Lesebuch für unter-classen ev.-luth. Schulen.   St. Louis, Mo. : Concordia Publishing House, 1899.
PF 3115 .S42 1890 RB TxtBk
Schreiblesefibel / herausgegeben von der Evang.-Luth. Synode von Missouri, Ohio u. a. St.   St. Louis : M.C. Barthel, agent, [1890?].
PF 3115 .Z83 RB TxtBk
Zweites Lesebuch : für Evangelisch-Lutherische Schulen.
PN 4121 .W62 1929 RB TxtBk
Woolbert, Charles Henry, 1877-1929.   Better speech : a textbook of speech training for secondary schools / by Charles Henry Woolbert … and Andrew Thomas Weaver …   (Rev. and enl.).   New York : Chicago : Harcourt, Brace and Co., [©1929].
PN 4500 .F3 1924 RB TxtBk
Farrington, Dora Wilhelmina Davis, 1880-.   The essay : how to study and write it / by D. Davis Farrington …   Richmond, Va. : Johnson Pub. Co., [©1924].
PR 1109 .N45 1910 RB TxtBk
Twelve centuries of English poetry and prose / selected and ed. by Alphonso Gerald Newcomer … and Alice E. Andrews.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., 1910.
PS 2702 .P63 1931 RB
Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916.   Poems and stories every home should know : from the works / of James Whitcomb Riley.   [New York] : [P.F. Collier], [1931?].
PS 3503 .U198 P4 1948
Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973.   Peony / by Pearl S. Buck.   New York : John Day Co., ©1948.
PZ 3 .D55 C57 1906 RB Child Lit Eng
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.   A Christmas carol : The wreck of the Golden Mary, Richard Doubledick, the cricket on the hearth ; by Charles Dickens ; edited for school use by Edmund Kemper Broadus.   Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., 1906.
PZ 7.1 .B4347 Tr * * *
Beaty, Erin, author.   The traitor’s kiss / Erin Beaty.   First edition.
Q 161 .H885 1935 RB TxtBk
Hunter, George W. (George William), 1873-1948.   My own science problems / [by] George W. Hunter and Walter G. Whitman.   New York, Cincinnati : American Book Co., [©1935].
Q 161 .S66 1919 RB TxtBk
Snyder, William H. (William Henry), 1863-.   Everyday science / by William H. Snyder.   Boston, New York : Allyn and Bacon, [©1919].
Q 161 .S68 1925 RB TxtBk
Snyder, William H. (William Henry), 1863-.   General science / by William H. Snyder.   Boston : Allyn and Bacon, [©1925].
Q 163 .H77 1876 RB TxtBk
Hooker, Worthington, 1806-1867.   The child’s book of nature : three parts in one / by Worthington Hooker ; illustrated by numerous engravings.   New York : Harper & Bros., 1876.
QA 103 .A75 1888 RB TxtBk
Arithmetisches Exempelbuch für deutsche Volkschulen Nordamerikas / bearbeitet von F.F.S. Dümling.   14. Aufl.   St. Louis, Mo. : Lutherischer Concordia = Verlag, 1888.
QA 103 .B9147 1935 RB TxtBk
Brueckner, Leo J. (Leo John), 1890-1967.   The new curriculum arithmetics / by Leo J. Brueckner, C.J. Anderson, G.O. Banting [and] Elda L. Merton.   Philadelphia ; Chicago : The John C. Winston Company, [©1935].
QA 103 .M668 1895 RB TxtBk
Milne, William J. (William James), 1843-1914, author.   Standard arithmetic : embracing a complete course for schools and academies / by William J. Milne, president of New York State Normal College, Albany, N.Y.
QA 103 .S647 1904 RB TxtBk
Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944.   Primary arithmetic / by David Eugene Smith.   Boston ; London : Ginn & Co., 1904.
QA 106 .M25 1946 RB TxtBk
Mallory, Virgil S. (Virgil Sampson), 1888-1959.   Using arithmetic / By Virgil S. Mallory, Dennis H. Cooke [and] Amanda Loughren.   Rev. ed.   Chicago, B.H. Sanborn [1946].
QA 106 .O83 1953 RB TxtBk
Osborn, Jesse Otto, 1894-.   Range riders / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling ; illustrated by Roberta Paflin.   St. Louis ; Atlanta ; Dallas : Webster Publishing Company, [1953].
QA 117 .L56 1865 RB TxtBk
Lindemann, J. C. W. (Johann Christoph Wilhelm), 1827-1879.   Arithmetisches Exempelbuch für deutsche Volkschulen Nordamerikas / bearbeitet und herausgegeben von J.C.W. Lindemann.   2. Auflage.
QA 135 .O9 1920 RB TxtBk
Overman, James Robert, 1888-.   Principles and methods of teaching arithmetic / by James Robert Overman.   Chicago ; New York : Lyons and Carnahan, ©1920.
QA 152 .H42 1926 RB TxtBk
Hawkes, Herbert E. (Herbert Edwin), 1872-1943.   New first course in algebra / by Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby and Frank C. Touton.   Boston : Ginn, [©1926].
QA 152 .M683 1881 RB TxtBk
Milne, William J. (William James), 1843-1914.   The inductive algebra : embracing a complete course for schools and academies / by William J. Milne.   New York : American Book Co., 1881.
QA 152 .S78 1870 RB TxtBk
Stubba, A.   Sammlung algebraischer Aufgaben : nebst Anleitung zur Auflösung derselben durch Verstandesschlüsse / von A. Stubba.   7., nach d. metrischen Maaß u. Gewicht berichtigte Aufl.   Altenburg : Pierer, [1870].
QA 154 .D749 1900 RB TxtBk
Downey, John F. (John Florin), 1846-.   Higher algebra / by John F. Downey.   New York ; Cincinnati : American Book Co., [©1900].
QA 37 .B852 1955 RB TxtBk
Boyer, Lee Emerson, 1900-.   An introduction to mathematics : a historical development / Lee Emerson Boyer.   Revised edition.   New York : Holt, [©1955].
QA 455 .W4 1958 RB TxtBk
Welchons, A. M. (Alvie M.), 1894-1952.   Plane geometry / by A.M. Welchons, W.R. Krickenberger and Helen R. Pearson.   Boston : Ginn, [1958].
QC 23 .K65 1847 RB TxtBk
Koppe, Karl, 1803-1874.   Anfangsgründe der Physik für den Unterricht in den oberen Klassen der Gymnasien, sowie auch für gebildete Leser überhaupt / von Karl Koppe.   Essen : Bädeker, 1847.
QD 33 .S82 1887 RB TxtBk
Steele, Joel Dorman, 1836-1886, author.   A popular chemistry / by J. Dorman Steele.
QK 47 .P8 1928 RB TxtBk
Pool, Raymond J. (Raymond John), 1882-1967.   First course in botany : an introduction to the study of plants as related to the development of a knowledge of the universe in which we live and as a phase of modern science / by Raymond J. Pool and Arthur T. Evans, with editorial coöperation of Otis W. Caldwell.   Boston : Ginn, [©1928].
QK 47 .W65 1882 RB TxtBk
Wood, Alphonso, 1810-1881.   How to study plants, or, introduction to botany : being an illustrated flora / by Alphonso Wood ; edited by J. Dorman Steele to accompany the “Fourteen weeks series in natural science.”.   New York : American Book Co., [1882].
QP 36 .T73 1886 RB TxtBk
Tracy, Roger Sherman, 1841-1926.   The essentials of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : a text-book for schools and academies / by Roger S. Tracy.   New ed., rev. and enl.   New York : American Book, ©1886.
QP 36 .W18 1897 RB TxtBk
Walker, Jerome, 1845-.   Anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : a manual for the use of colleges, schools, and general readers / by Jerome Walker ; with original and carefully selected illustrations.   Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1897.
QP 37 .T6 1934 RB TxtBk
Towse, Anna B.   Health stories. Book two, by Anna B. Towse, Florence E. Matthews and William S. Gray.   Chicago, Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1934.
QP 39 .B4 1919 RB TxtBk
Bernthal, Johann Balthasar.   The human body : the human body from a Christian view-point ; an elementary text-book of physiology, anatomy, and hygiene for Christian high and common schools / by Joh. Balthasar Bernthal.   Ixonia, Wis. : [publisher not identified], ©1919.
Z 711.2 .M92 1937 RB TxtBk
Mott, Carolyn.   The children’s book on how to use books and libraries / by Carolyn Mott and Leo B. Baisden.   New York : Scribner, [©1937].