LC Classification
K — LAW – WP version
BC 117 .L3 L52 1868 RB TxtBk Liberatore, Matteo, 1810-1892. Compendium logicae et metaphysicae / P. Matthaei Liberatore. Romae : Ufficio della Civiltà Cattolica ; Neapoli : Domenico Paradisi, 1868. |
BR 141 .R86 1905 RB TxtBk Runkel, Heinrich. Quellenbuch zur Kirchengeschichte für den Unterricht an Lehrer-Bildungsanstalten / Heinrich Runkel. Leipzig : Dürr, 1904-1905. |
BX 8061 .W6 A3 Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and Other States. Our Synod and its work : a reader for Lutheran schools / [by the] Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and Other States. Milwaukee : Board of Education, Wisconsin Synod, 1947. |
BX 8065.2 .L85 1999 Lull, Timothy F. My conversations with Martin Luther : in which I learn about God, faith, marriage, sexuality, education, war, spirituality, church life, the future, ecumenism, politics, heaven and hell, and other things, too / Timothy F. Lull. Minneapolis, Minn. : Augsburg, ©1999. |
CT 107 .W6 1904 RB TxtBk Whitcomb, Ida Prentice, 1843-1931. Heroes of history / by Ida Prentice Whitcomb. New York : Maynard, Merrill, & Co., [1904]. |
D 209 .S45 1908 RB Schevill, Ferdinand, 1868-1954. A political history of modern Europe from the reformation to the present day / by Ferdinand Schwill … with sixteen genealogical tables and twenty-two maps. New York : C. Scribner’s Sons, 1908. |
D 21 .H8 1957 RB TxtBk Hughes, R. O. (Ray Osgood), 1879-1959. The making of today’s world / Revised by C.H.W. Pullen. Boston : Allyn & Bacon, 1957. |
E 178.1 .K293 1937 RB TxtBk Kelty, Mary G. (Mary Gertrude), 1890-1964. The story of the American people / by Mary G. Kelty. Boston, New York : Ginn and Company, [©1937]. |
E 178.1 .M9926 1946 RB TxtBk Muzzey, David Saville, 1870-1965. A history of our country : a textbook for high-school students / by David Saville Muzzey. Boston ; New York : Ginn and Co., 1946. |
E 211 .B97 1895 RB TxtBk Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797. Conciliation with the American colonies / by Edmund Burke. New York : American Book Co., ©1895. |
LB 1557 .T74 1885 RB TxtBk Townsend, G. W. (George Washington), 1839-1905. The wherewithal : or, New discoveries in cause and effect / Townsend … [Philadelphia] : [Wherewithal Manufacturing Pub. Co.], [©1885]. |
LB 1561 .S8 A5 1922 RB South Dakota. Department of Public Instruction. Course of study for the elementary schools of South Dakota / Rev. under the direction of Fred L. Shaw, superintendent of public instruction. Authorized ed. Pierre, South Dakota : J. Fred Olander Company, [©1922]. |
LB 1761 .H52 1886 RB TxtBk Henry, W. H. F., editor. The high school question book : questions and answers embracing advanced English studies/usually pursued in public high scools, academies, etc. Interspersed with appropriate explanatory notes … With an appendix / Ed. by W.H.F. Henry. Indianapolis : J.E. Sherrill, 1886. |
LC 261 .T7 1887 RB Todd, John, 1800-1873. The student’s manual / by John Todd. New York : J.B. Alden, 1887. |
MT 189 .E53 1986 Engel, James. An introduction to organ registration / James Engel. St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House, ©1986. |
MT 50 .H44 1927 RB Heinze, Leopold, 1828-1905. Theoretisch-praktische Harmonielehre für Musik-Institute, Volke-Hochschulen, Lehrerbildungsanstalten, Organisten und Freunde d. Tonkunst / Leopold Heinze und Wilhelm Osburg ; Neubearbeitet von Wilhelm Osburg. 22. Auflage. Breslau : Heinrich Handels Verlag, 1927. |
MT 6 .B26 1959 RB TxtBk Bauman, Alvin. Elementary musicianship / Alvin Bauman, Charles W. Walton. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1965, ©1959. |
MT 930 .G453 1919 RB Giddings, Thaddeus P. (Thaddeus Philander), 1868-1954. Grade school music teaching : for superintendents, music supervisors, and grade teachers / by T.P. Giddings. New York : C.H. Congdon, ©1919. |
MT 935 .G4 A4 1931 RB TxtBk Giddings, Thaddeus P. (Thaddeus Philander), 1868-1954, author. Adventures in music / by Thaddeus P. Giddings, Will Earhart, Ralph L. Baldwin, Earl L. Baker ; Elbirdge W. Newton, managing editor. |
N 350 .K46 1933 RB TxtBk Kibbe, Delia E. (Delia Emma), 1882-. Picture study for elementary schools : a teachers’ manual ; a complete unit for directing picture study in all elementary grades / by Delia E. Kibbe, Jane Rehnstrand and Maybell G. Bush. Milwaukee : E.M. Hale, 1933. |
N 72 .S6 L6 2017 The Low Countries : arts and society in Flanders and the Netherlands. 25 / chief editor, Luc Devoldere. |
PA 2087 .C69 1895 RB TxtBk Coy, E. W. Latin lessons for beginners : by E. W. Coy. New York : American Book Co., [©1895]. |
PA 2087 .S35 D7 1903 RB TxtBk Schmidt, Hermann. Dr. Hermann Schmidts Elementarbuch der Lateinischen Sprache. zweiter teil / Völlig neu bearbeitet von L. Schmidt und E. Lierse. Zwölfte Auflage. Halle : Hermann Gesenius, 1903. |
PA 2995 .S26 1929 RB TxtBk Sanford, Frederick Warren. Manual with translation for a second-year Latin reader : For the use of teachers / By Frederick Warren Sanford and Harry Fletcher Scott. Rev. ed. Chicago : Scott, Foresman, [©1929]. |
PA 6279 .A4 K42 1947 RB TxtBk Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Third year Latin / New revision of Kelsey’s Cicero with added selections from Cicero, Sallust, Livy, and Pliny, arranged and edited with explanatory notes, a companion, essentials of grammar and syntax, and vocabulary, by Bruno Meinecke. Boston, New York : Allyn and Bacon, 1947. |
PE 1106 .M55 1918 RB TxtBk Miller, Albert Herrman, 1864-. Modern grammar / by Albert H. Miller. St. Louis, Mo. : Concordia Pub. House, 1918. |
PE 1117 .B266 1907 RB TxtBk Baker, Franklin T. (Franklin Thomas), 1864-1949. Sixth year language reader / by Franklin T. Baker, George R. Carpenter, and Jennie F. Owens. New York ; London : Macmillan, 1907, ©1906. |
PE 1117 .B37 T52 1912 #3 RB TxtBk Thayer, S. Proctor. New national third reader / by S. Proctor Thayer, Harlan H. Ballard, Charles J. Barnes. New York : American Book Company, ©1912. |
PE 1117 .B376 1884 #4 RB TxtBk Barnes, Charles J. (Charles Joseph), 1837-1921. New national fourth reader. New York : A.S. Barnes & Co., ©1884. |
PE 1117 .C691 1929 RB TxtBk Cordts, Anna Dorothea, 1888-1978. Manual for the primer / by Anna Dorothea Cordts. Boston : Ginn, 1929. |
PE 1117 .E463 1913 RB TxtBk Elson, William H. (William Harris), 1856-1935. Elson primary school reader. Book three / by William H. Elson ; illustrated by H.O. Kennedy. Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1913. |
PE 1117 .E47 1914 RB TxtBk Elson, William H. (William Harris), 1856-1935. Elson-Runkel primer / by William H. Elson and Lura E. Runkel. Teachers’ ed. Chicago ; New York : Scott, Foresman, ©1914-©1915. |
PE 1117 .G722 1941 gr.2.1 RB TxtBk Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960. Guidebook for Friends and neighbors / by William S. Gray and Lillian Gray. Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., [©1941]. |
PE 1117 .G722 1946 gr.2.1 RB TxtBk Friends and neighbors / [compiled] by William S. Gray and May Hill Arbuthnot ; illustrated by Ellen B. Segner and Keith Ward. 1946-47 ed. Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1946. |
PE 1117 .G722 1946 gr.2.2 RB TxtBk Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960. More friends and neighbors / by William S. Gray and May Hill Arbuthnot ; illustrated by Ellen B. Segner and Keith Ward. 1946-47 ed. Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1946. |
PE 1117 .G722 1952 gr.2.1 RB TxtBK Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960. Guidebook to accompany The New friends and neighbors / William S. Gray, A. Sterl Artley, May Hill Arbuthnot, Marion Monroe, Lillian Gray. 1952 ed. Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1952. |
PE 1117 .G722 1956 gr.1.1 RB TxtBk The new we look and see / William S. Gray [and others] ; illustrated by Eleanor Campbell. 1956 ed. Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1956. |
PE 1117 .G722 1956 gr.1.2 RB TxtBk Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960. The new we work and play / William S. Gray [and others] ; Illustrated by Eleanor Campbell. 1956 ed. Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1956. |
PE 1117 .G722 1956 gr.1.3 RB TxtBk Gray, William S. (William Scott), 1885-1960. The new we come and go / by William S. Gray, Marion Monroe. A. Sterl Artley, May Hill Arbuthnot ; illustrated by Eleanor Campbell. Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1956. |
PE 1117 .M2636 1879 RB TxtBk McGuffey, William Holmes, 1800-1873. McGuffey’s sixth eclectic reader. Rev. ed. Cincinnati ; New York : Van Antwerp, Bragg, 1879. |
PE 1117 .O865 1964 RB TxtBk Ousley, Odille, 1897-. My little red story book / Odille Ousley, David H. Russell ; [illustrations by Ruth Steed]. Rev. ed. Boston : Ginn, ©1964. |
PE 1117 .R62 1962 RB TxtBk Robinson, Helen M. (Helen Mansfield), 1906-. Sally, Dick and Jane / Helen M. Robinson, Marion Monroe, A. Sterl Artley ; linguistic advisor, W. Cabell Greet ; illustrator, Bob Childress. Chicago : Scott, Foresman, ©1962. |
PE 1117 .S711 1906 RB TxtBk Spaulding, Frank E. (Frank Ellsworth), 1866-1960, author. A first reader / by Frank E. Spaulding and Catherine T. Bryce ; with illustrations by Margaret Ely Webb. New York, Newson [©1906]. |
PE 1119 .A43 1913 RB TxtBk Akin, Florence, 1878-1962. Word mastery : a course in phonics for the first three grades / by Florence Akin. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, ©1913. |
PE 1119 .F37 1921 RB TxtBk Fassett, James H. (James Hiram), 1869-1930. The new Beacon primer by James H. Fassett, illustrated by Blanche Fisher Laite. Boston, New York : Ginn & Co., [©1921]. |
PE 1119 .R584 1912 RB TxtBk Van Sickle, James H. (James Hixon), 1852-1926. The Riverside readers. Fourth reader / by James H. Van Sickle and Wilhelmina Seegmiller, assisted by Frances Jenkins ; illustrated by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., ©1912. |
PE 1127 .S3 F73 1947 RB TxtBk Frasier, George Willard, 1890-1958. We see / by George Willard Frasier, Helen Dolman MacCracken, Lois Gabel Armstrong ; illustrated by Guy Brown Wiser. Syracuse, NY. : L.W. Singer, ©1947. |
PE 1129 .G3 A4 1892 RB TxtBk Ahn, F. (Franz), 1796-1865. Praktischer Lehrgang zur schnellen und leichten Erlernung der englischen Sprache / von dr. F. Ahn. Revisirte americanische Ausg. St. Louis : Concordia, 1892. |
PE 1145 .G78 1890 RB TxtBk Graves, Joseph A. A New graded spelling-book : a complete course in spelling for schools and academies / by Joseph A. Graves. Boston : Ginn, ©1890. |
PE 1145 .J66 1924 RB TxtBk Jones, W. Franklin. The Jones complete course in spelling : for second to eighth years inclusive. Chicago : Hall & McCreary Co., [©1924]. |
PE 1408 .W7 1920 RB TxtBk Woolley, Edwin C. (Edwin Campbell), 1878-1916. Handbook of composition : a compendium of rules regarding good English, grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing, manuscript arrangement, punctuation, spelling, essay writing and letter writing / by Edwin C. Woolley. Rev. ed. Boston : D.C. Heath & Co., ©1920. |
PF 3115 .D75 1913 RB TxtBk Drittes Deutsches Lesebuch für deutsch-amerikanische Schulen / herausgegeben von der Allgemeinen Ev. Luth. Synode von Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan u. a. St. ; In deren Auftrage bearbeitet von H.L. Wedekind, H. Eggebrecht und R.M. Albrecht. [Neue Serie]. Milwaukee, Wis. : Northwestern Pub. House, 1913. |
PF 3115 .E77 RB TxtBk Erstes Lesebuch für Unterklassen christlicher Gemeinde-Schulen / herausgegeben von der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Synode von Ohio and andern Staaten. Sechste Auflage. |
PF 3115 .L3557 1899 RB TxtBk Lesebuch für unter-classen ev.-luth. Schulen. St. Louis, Mo. : Concordia Publishing House, 1899. |
PF 3115 .S42 1890 RB TxtBk Schreiblesefibel / herausgegeben von der Evang.-Luth. Synode von Missouri, Ohio u. a. St. St. Louis : M.C. Barthel, agent, [1890?]. |
PF 3115 .Z83 RB TxtBk Zweites Lesebuch : für Evangelisch-Lutherische Schulen. |
PN 4121 .W62 1929 RB TxtBk Woolbert, Charles Henry, 1877-1929. Better speech : a textbook of speech training for secondary schools / by Charles Henry Woolbert … and Andrew Thomas Weaver … (Rev. and enl.). New York : Chicago : Harcourt, Brace and Co., [©1929]. |
PN 4500 .F3 1924 RB TxtBk Farrington, Dora Wilhelmina Davis, 1880-. The essay : how to study and write it / by D. Davis Farrington … Richmond, Va. : Johnson Pub. Co., [©1924]. |
PR 1109 .N45 1910 RB TxtBk Twelve centuries of English poetry and prose / selected and ed. by Alphonso Gerald Newcomer … and Alice E. Andrews. Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., 1910. |
PS 2702 .P63 1931 RB Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Poems and stories every home should know : from the works / of James Whitcomb Riley. [New York] : [P.F. Collier], [1931?]. |
PS 3503 .U198 P4 1948 Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973. Peony / by Pearl S. Buck. New York : John Day Co., ©1948. |
PZ 3 .D55 C57 1906 RB Child Lit Eng Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. A Christmas carol : The wreck of the Golden Mary, Richard Doubledick, the cricket on the hearth ; by Charles Dickens ; edited for school use by Edmund Kemper Broadus. Chicago : Scott, Foresman and Co., 1906. |
PZ 7.1 .B4347 Tr * * * Beaty, Erin, author. The traitor’s kiss / Erin Beaty. First edition. |
Q 161 .H885 1935 RB TxtBk Hunter, George W. (George William), 1873-1948. My own science problems / [by] George W. Hunter and Walter G. Whitman. New York, Cincinnati : American Book Co., [©1935]. |
Q 161 .S66 1919 RB TxtBk Snyder, William H. (William Henry), 1863-. Everyday science / by William H. Snyder. Boston, New York : Allyn and Bacon, [©1919]. |
Q 161 .S68 1925 RB TxtBk Snyder, William H. (William Henry), 1863-. General science / by William H. Snyder. Boston : Allyn and Bacon, [©1925]. |
Q 163 .H77 1876 RB TxtBk Hooker, Worthington, 1806-1867. The child’s book of nature : three parts in one / by Worthington Hooker ; illustrated by numerous engravings. New York : Harper & Bros., 1876. |
QA 103 .A75 1888 RB TxtBk Arithmetisches Exempelbuch für deutsche Volkschulen Nordamerikas / bearbeitet von F.F.S. Dümling. 14. Aufl. St. Louis, Mo. : Lutherischer Concordia = Verlag, 1888. |
QA 103 .B9147 1935 RB TxtBk Brueckner, Leo J. (Leo John), 1890-1967. The new curriculum arithmetics / by Leo J. Brueckner, C.J. Anderson, G.O. Banting [and] Elda L. Merton. Philadelphia ; Chicago : The John C. Winston Company, [©1935]. |
QA 103 .M668 1895 RB TxtBk Milne, William J. (William James), 1843-1914, author. Standard arithmetic : embracing a complete course for schools and academies / by William J. Milne, president of New York State Normal College, Albany, N.Y. |
QA 103 .S647 1904 RB TxtBk Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944. Primary arithmetic / by David Eugene Smith. Boston ; London : Ginn & Co., 1904. |
QA 106 .M25 1946 RB TxtBk Mallory, Virgil S. (Virgil Sampson), 1888-1959. Using arithmetic / By Virgil S. Mallory, Dennis H. Cooke [and] Amanda Loughren. Rev. ed. Chicago, B.H. Sanborn [1946]. |
QA 106 .O83 1953 RB TxtBk Osborn, Jesse Otto, 1894-. Range riders / Jesse Osborn, Adeline Riefling ; illustrated by Roberta Paflin. St. Louis ; Atlanta ; Dallas : Webster Publishing Company, [1953]. |
QA 117 .L56 1865 RB TxtBk Lindemann, J. C. W. (Johann Christoph Wilhelm), 1827-1879. Arithmetisches Exempelbuch für deutsche Volkschulen Nordamerikas / bearbeitet und herausgegeben von J.C.W. Lindemann. 2. Auflage. |
QA 135 .O9 1920 RB TxtBk Overman, James Robert, 1888-. Principles and methods of teaching arithmetic / by James Robert Overman. Chicago ; New York : Lyons and Carnahan, ©1920. |
QA 152 .H42 1926 RB TxtBk Hawkes, Herbert E. (Herbert Edwin), 1872-1943. New first course in algebra / by Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby and Frank C. Touton. Boston : Ginn, [©1926]. |
QA 152 .M683 1881 RB TxtBk Milne, William J. (William James), 1843-1914. The inductive algebra : embracing a complete course for schools and academies / by William J. Milne. New York : American Book Co., 1881. |
QA 152 .S78 1870 RB TxtBk Stubba, A. Sammlung algebraischer Aufgaben : nebst Anleitung zur Auflösung derselben durch Verstandesschlüsse / von A. Stubba. 7., nach d. metrischen Maaß u. Gewicht berichtigte Aufl. Altenburg : Pierer, [1870]. |
QA 154 .D749 1900 RB TxtBk Downey, John F. (John Florin), 1846-. Higher algebra / by John F. Downey. New York ; Cincinnati : American Book Co., [©1900]. |
QA 37 .B852 1955 RB TxtBk Boyer, Lee Emerson, 1900-. An introduction to mathematics : a historical development / Lee Emerson Boyer. Revised edition. New York : Holt, [©1955]. |
QA 455 .W4 1958 RB TxtBk Welchons, A. M. (Alvie M.), 1894-1952. Plane geometry / by A.M. Welchons, W.R. Krickenberger and Helen R. Pearson. Boston : Ginn, [1958]. |
QC 23 .K65 1847 RB TxtBk Koppe, Karl, 1803-1874. Anfangsgründe der Physik für den Unterricht in den oberen Klassen der Gymnasien, sowie auch für gebildete Leser überhaupt / von Karl Koppe. Essen : Bädeker, 1847. |
QD 33 .S82 1887 RB TxtBk Steele, Joel Dorman, 1836-1886, author. A popular chemistry / by J. Dorman Steele. |
QK 47 .P8 1928 RB TxtBk Pool, Raymond J. (Raymond John), 1882-1967. First course in botany : an introduction to the study of plants as related to the development of a knowledge of the universe in which we live and as a phase of modern science / by Raymond J. Pool and Arthur T. Evans, with editorial coöperation of Otis W. Caldwell. Boston : Ginn, [©1928]. |
QK 47 .W65 1882 RB TxtBk Wood, Alphonso, 1810-1881. How to study plants, or, introduction to botany : being an illustrated flora / by Alphonso Wood ; edited by J. Dorman Steele to accompany the “Fourteen weeks series in natural science.”. New York : American Book Co., [1882]. |
QP 36 .T73 1886 RB TxtBk Tracy, Roger Sherman, 1841-1926. The essentials of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : a text-book for schools and academies / by Roger S. Tracy. New ed., rev. and enl. New York : American Book, ©1886. |
QP 36 .W18 1897 RB TxtBk Walker, Jerome, 1845-. Anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : a manual for the use of colleges, schools, and general readers / by Jerome Walker ; with original and carefully selected illustrations. Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1897. |
QP 37 .T6 1934 RB TxtBk Towse, Anna B. Health stories. Book two, by Anna B. Towse, Florence E. Matthews and William S. Gray. Chicago, Scott, Foresman and Co., ©1934. |
QP 39 .B4 1919 RB TxtBk Bernthal, Johann Balthasar. The human body : the human body from a Christian view-point ; an elementary text-book of physiology, anatomy, and hygiene for Christian high and common schools / by Joh. Balthasar Bernthal. Ixonia, Wis. : [publisher not identified], ©1919. |
Z 711.2 .M92 1937 RB TxtBk Mott, Carolyn. The children’s book on how to use books and libraries / by Carolyn Mott and Leo B. Baisden. New York : Scribner, [©1937]. |