
LC Classification










K — LAW – WP version












B 765 .T54 K7945 2020
Krom, Michael P., author.   Justice and charity : an introduction to Aquinas’s moral, economic, and political thought / Michael P. Krom.
BD 450 .T695 2013
The transhumanist reader : classical and contemporary essays on the science, technology, and philosophy of the human future / edited by Max More and Natasha Vita-More.
BR 115 .C5 H554 2019
Holland, Tom, Dr., author. aut.   Dominion : how the Christian revolution remade the world / Tom Holland.   First US edition.
BR 526 .F575 2020
Fisk, Jonathan (Jonathan McAdam).   Without flesh : Why the Curch is dying even though Jesus is still alive / Jonathan Fisk.
BR 67 .H39 2011
Haykin, Michael A. G.   Rediscovering the church fathers : who they were and how they shaped the church / Michael A.G. Haykin.   Wheaton, Ill. : Crossway, ©2011.
BS 1405.2 .W8 2017
Wu, Zhongcheng, 1958- author.   Basics of Hebrew poetry : theory and practice / Samuel T.S. Goh ; foreword by Tremper Longman III.
BS 1515.52 .E713 2020
Erlandsson, Seth.   The scroll of Isaiah : its unity, structure, and message / Seth Erlandsson.
BS 1560 .G647 2021
Goldingay, John, author.   Hosea-Micah / John Goldingay.
BS 1575.53 .B368 2020
Barker, Joel, 1979- author.   Joel : despair and deliverance in the day of the Lord / Joel Barker.
BS 1575.53 .H33 2020
Hadjiev, Tchavdar S. (Tchavdar Stoyanov), 1971- author.   Joel and Amos : an introduction and commentary / Tchavdar S. Hadjiev.
BS 2506.3 .J68 2019
Journeys of the Apostle Paul / edited by David Bomar.
BS 2625.6 .J44 S77 2020
Stroup, Christopher, author.   The Christians who became Jews : Acts of the Apostles and ethnicity in the Roman city / Christopher Stroup.
BS 450 .G85 2019
A guide to Bible translation : people, languages, and topics / edited by Philip A. Noss and Charles S. Houser.   First edition.
BS 511.3 .G67 2020
Gorman, Michael J., 1955- author.   Elements of biblical exegesis : a basic guide for students and ministers / Michael J. Gorman.   Third edition.
BS 537 .H453 2018
Hendel, Ronald S., author.   How old is the Hebrew Bible? : a linguistic, textual, and historical study / Ronald Hendel and Jan Joosten.
BT 235 .M58 2019
The Moody handbook of Messianic prophecy : studies and expositions of the Messiah in the Old Testament / Michael Rydelnik and Edwin Blum, general editors .
BV 1536 .S763 1992 CURR
Stohs, Anita Reith.   Praise God with paper plates : more than 50 Bible-based crafts for kids / Anita Reith Stohs.   St. Louis, MO : Concordia, ©1992.
BV 255 .S575 2006
Simon, Mary Manz, 1948-.   Little visits for toddlers / Mary Manz Simon ; illustrated by Nancy Munger.   St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House, 2006, ©1995.
BV 340 .S54 2019
Shoup, Timothy J., author. aut.   Praise & honor : hymn-inspired devotions / Timothy J. Shoup.
BV 4006 .L513 2020
Lieberg, Hellmut, author.   The office and ordination in Luther and Melanchthon / Hellmut Lieberg ; translated by Matthew Carver.
BV 4447 .M58 2016
Moore, Cassie, 1966- author. aut.   Authentic youth ministry : straight talk about working with kids, teens & in-betweens / Cassie Moore.
BV 4529 .E28 2020
Eckrich, John, author.   Family wellness : raising resilient, Christ-purposed children / John D. Eckrich, M.D.
BV 4740 .L45 2020
Leininger, Jeffrey, author.   Callings for life : God’s plan, your purpose / Jeffrey Leininger.
BV 4870 .S54 2011
Simon, Mary Manz, 1948- author.   Little visits with Jesus / Dr. Mary Manz Simon ; illustrated by Beverly Warren.   Twenty-fifth anniversary edition.
BV 4905.2 .K56 2020
Kincaid, Kristian, author.   Living with grief : bound by sorrow, wrapped in comfort / Kristian Kincaid.   Saint Louis : Concordia Publishing House, 2020.
BV 4908.5 .W66 2020
Woodington, William, author.   Whatever is true : a Christian view of anxiety / William Woodington.
BV 600.3 .K63 2017
Kober, Ted, author.   Built on the rock : the healthy congregation / Ted Kober.
BV 639 .C4 B49 2017
Bestian, Kim, author.   Blueprints for children’s ministry / Kim E. Bestian.
BX 1406.3 .T46 2020
Tentler, Leslie Woodcock, author.   American Catholics : a history / Leslie Woodcock Tentler.
BX 4844 .K635 2019
Kloes, Andrew, 1985- author.   The German awakening : Protestant renewal after the Enlightenment, 1815-1848 / Andrew Kloes.
BX 8065.3 .P33 2019
Paavola, Daniel E., author.   Grace, faith, scripture : portrait of a Lutheran / Daniel Paavola.
BX 8067 .A1 L63 2020
Lochner, Friedrich, 1822-1902.   Chief divine service of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church : explained, and furnished with historic church melodies for the preservation of the liturgical heritage and for the advancement of liturgical study in the American-Lutheran Church / Friedrich Lochner ; translated by Matthew Carver ; edited by Jon D. Vieker, Kevin J. Hildebrand, Nathaniel S. Jensen.
BX 8069.4 .A1 2018
Formula Concordiae. Epitome. English. (Dau and Bente : 2006).   The Formula of Concord: Epitome : excerpted from the Book of Concord in Concordia: the Lutheran confessions.   The Concordia reader’s edition.
BX 8074 .C7 J87 2018
Jurchen, Pete, author.   Timeless truth : an essential guide for teaching the faith / by Pete Jurchen.
DF 214 .X4613 2010
Xenophon.   The Landmark Xenophon’s Hellenika : a new translation / by John Maricola ; with maps, annotations, appendices, and encyclopedic index ; edited by Robert B. Strassler ; with an introduction by David Thomas.   First Anchor Books Edition, November 2010 – – t.p. verso.   New York : Anchor Books, 2010, c2009.
DG 317 .T4513 2020
Teitler, H. C., author.   The last pagan emperor : Julian the Apostate and the war against Christianity / H.C. Teitler.   First Oxford University Press paperback.
E 169.12 .R587 2011
Rodgers, Daniel T.   Age of fracture / Daniel T. Rodgers.   Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011.
E 184 .A1 S767 2015
Steele, Shelby.   Shame : how America’s past sins have polarized our country / Shelby Steele.
E 185.6 .W685 2010
Wilkerson, Isabel, author.   The warmth of other suns : the epic story of America’s great migration / Isabel Wilkerson.   First edition.
E 185.8 .W49 2011
Williams, Walter E. (Walter Edward), 1936-.   Race & economics : how much can be blamed on discrimination? / Walter E. Williams.   Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, ©2011.
E 468 .A98 2003
Ayers, Edward L., 1953-.   In the presence of mine enemies : war in the heart of America, 1859-1863 / Edward L. Ayers.   1st ed.   New York : W.W. Norton, ©2003.
E 470.3 .A94 2018
Ayers, Edward L., 1953- author.   The thin light of freedom : the Civil War and emancipation in the heart of America / Edward L. Ayers.
F 474 .S257 J65 2020
Johnson, Walter, 1967- author.   The broken heart of America : St. Louis and the violent history of the United States / Walter Johnson.   First edition.
F 612 .M36 T33 2019
Taconite, new life for Minnesota’s iron range : the history of Erie Mining Company / Pamela Koch, editor.
LA 5 .G74 2017
The great tradition : classic readings on what it means to be an educated human being / edited by Richard M. Gamble.
LB 1025.3 .W463 2018
The Wiley handbook of teaching and learning / edited by Gene E. Hall, Linda F. Quinn, Donna M. Gollnick.
LB 1027.23 .B46 2020
Berger, Warren, author.   Beautiful questions in the classroom : transforming classrooms into cultures of curiosity and inquiry / Warren Berger, Elise Foster ; foreword by Dan Rothstein and Luz Santana.
LB 1027.23 .P49 2019 CURR
Pica, Rae, 1953- author.   Acting out! : avoid behavior challenges with active learning games and activities / by Rae Pica.   First edition.
LB 1115 .W82 2017
Wood, Chip, author.   Yardsticks : child and adolescent development ages 4-14 / Chip Wood.   4th edition.
LB 1139.35 .P55 M86 2019
Murphy, Lisa, M.Ed. author.   Lisa Murphy on being child centered / by Lisa Murphy, MEd.   First edition.
LB 1140.5 .S35 S63 2020
Sobel, David, 1949-.   The sky above and the mud below : lessons from nature preschools and forest kindergartens / David Sobel.   First edition.
LC 1091 .E53 2020
Ehrenworth, Mary, author.   The civically engaged classroom : reading, writing, and speaking for change / Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe, Marc Todd.
LC 192.2 .H377 2020
Hass, Chris (Teacher), author.   Social justice talk : strategies for teaching critical awareness / Chris Hass.
LC 5225 .L42 L35 2010
Lakey, George.   Facilitating group learning : strategies for success with diverse adult learners / George Lakey.   1st ed.   San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, ©2010.
NC 867 .C37 2020
Carlson, Kara, author, illustrator.   A little story about sidewalk chalk art : drawn by Kara Carlson during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic / by Kara Carlson.
ND 550 .C55 1999
Clark, T. J. (Timothy J.).   The painting of modern life : Paris in the art of Manet and his followers / T.J. Clark.   Rev. ed.   Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1999.
PA 6156 .P487 2020
Petronius Arbiter, author.   Satyricon / Petronius. Apocolocyntosis / Seneca ; edited and translated by Gareth Schmeling.
PA 695 .L56 2020
Linguistics and New Testament Greek : key issues in the current debate / David Alan Black and Benjamin L. Merkle, eds.
PL 8701 .F4 * * *
Feelings, Muriel L.   Jambo Means Hello / by Muriel Feelings ; pictures by Tom Feelings.   New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1974.
PN 6727 .L39 Z74 2020
Leibovitz, Liel, author.   Stan Lee : a life in comics / Liel Leibovitz.
PQ 6555 .F7 2018
Pérez Galdós, Benito, 1843-1920, author.   Fortunata y Jacinta / Beníto Pérez Galdós ; edición de María Luisa Sotelo Vázquez y Adolfo Sotelo Vázquez.   Primera edición.
PQ 8180.17 .A73 A27 1999b
García Márquez, Gabriel, 1927-2014.   Collected stories / Gabriel García Márquez ; translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa and J.S. Bernstein.   1st Perennial Classics ed.   New York : Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 1999.
PS 3561 .L478 O77 2016
Kline, Christina Baker, 1964- author.   Orphan train / Christina Baker Kline.   Second William Morrow paperback edition, updated edition.
PS 3619 .C412 I35 2011 * * *
Schkade, Jonathan.   Icky sticky, hairy scary Bible stories / poems by Jonathan Schkade ; art by Tuesday Mourning.   St. Louis, MO : Concordia Pub. House, ©2011.
PZ 7 .H6524 Cit * * *
Hobbs, Will, author.   City of gold / Will Hobbs.   First edition.
PZ 7 .H7918 Bo * * *
Hort, Lenny.   The boy who held back the sea / paintings by Thomas Locker ; retelling by Lenny Hort.   [Place of publication not identified] : Puffin Pied Piper, 1987.
PZ 7 .M512765 Eve * * *
Medina, Meg, author.   Evelyn Del Rey is moving away / Meg Medina ; illustrated by Sonia Sánchez.   First edition.
PZ 7 .M82862 Be * * *
Morris, Richard T., 1969- author.   Bear came along / by Richard T. Morris ; illustrated by LeUyen Pham.   First edition.
PZ 7.1 .C327 Do * * *
Cameron, Josephine, author.   A dog-friendly town / Josephine Cameron.   First edition.
Q 182.3 .G76 2016 CURR
Grooms, Jonathon, 1981- author.   Argument-driven inquiry in physical science : lab investigations for grades 6-8 / Jonathon Grooms, Patrick J. Enderle, Todd Hutner, Ashley Murphy, and Victor Sampson.
Q 182.3 .G76 2017 SE CURR
Grooms, Jonathon, 1981- author.   Student lab manual for argument-driven inquiry in physical science : lab investigations for grades 6-8 / Jonathon Grooms, Patrick J Enderle, Todd Hutner, Ashley Murphy, and Victor Sampson.
QA 12 .E9 K3 1997 CURR
Karwowski, Cindy.   Extra help : math and language arts. Grade 2 / written by Cindy Karwowski ; illustrated by Pat Biggs.   Grand Rapids, MI : Instructional Fair-TS Denison, ©1997.
QA 12 .E9 K5 1997 CURR
Kimble, Linda.   Extra help : math and language arts. grade 3 / written by Linda Kimble ; illustrated by Pat Biggs ; cover illustration by Vickie Lane.   Grand Rapids, MI : Instructional Fair, ©1997.
QB 541.5 .F73 2017 * * *
Fraknoi, Andrew, author.   When the sun goes dark / Andrew Fraknoi, Dennis Schatz ; illustrated by Eric Freeberg.
QC 129.5 .S36 2017 CURR
Sampson, Victor, 1974- author.   Argument-driven inquiry in physics / Victor Sampson, Todd L. Hutner, Daniel FitzPatrick, Adam LaMee, and Jonathon Grooms.
QC 129.5 .S36 2017 SE CURR
Sampson, Victor, 1974- author.   Student lab manual for argument-driven inquiry in physics. Volume 1, Mechanics lab investigations for grades 9-12 / Victor Sampson, Todd L. Hunter, Daniel FitzPatrick, Adam LaMee, and Jonathon Grooms.
QC 903 .T83 2019 CURR
Tucker, Laura, 1956- author.   Understanding climate change : grades 7-12 / Laura Tucker, Lois Sherwood.
QC 921.35 .M67 2016 * * *
Morgan, Emily R. (Emily Rachel), 1973- author.   Next time you see a cloud / by Emily Morgan.
QD 43 .A72 2015 CURR
Sampson, Victor, 1974- author.   Argument-driven inquiry in chemistry : lab investigations for grades 9-12 / Victor Sampson, Peter Carafano, Patrick Enderle, Steve Fannin, Jonathon Grooms, Sherry A. Southerland, Carol Stallworth, and Kiesha Williams.
QD 43 .A72 2016 SE CURR
Sampson, Victor, 1974- author.   Student lab manual for Argument-driven inquiry in chemistry : lab investigations for grades 9-12 / Victor Sampson, Peter Carafano, Patrick Enderle, Steve Fannin, Jonathon Grooms, Sherry A. Southerland, Carol Stallworth, and Kiesha Williams.
QE 40 .A74 2018 CURR
Argument-driven inquiry in earth and space science : lab investigations for grades 6-10 / by Victor Sampson, Ashley Murphy, Kemper Lipscomb, and Todd L. Hutner.
QK 495 .A17 M67 2014 * * *
Morgan, Emily R. (Emily Rachel), 1973- author.   Next time you see a maple seed / by Emily Morgan.
QL 444 .M34 M67 2013 * * *
Morgan, Emily R. (Emily Rachel), 1973- author.   Next time you see a pill bug / by Emily Morgan.
QL 458.4 .M635 2015 * * *
Morgan, Emily R. (Emily Rachel), 1973- author.   Next time you see a spiderweb / by Emily Morgan.
QL 544.6 .R53 2015 * * *
Rich, Steve, 1962- author.   Mrs. Carter’s butterfly garden / Steve Rich.
QL 596 .L28 M67 2013 * * *
Morgan, Emily R. (Emily Rachel), 1973- author.   Next time you see a firefly / by Emily Morgan.
TA 174 .C74 2020 CURR
Creating engineering design challenges : success stories from teachers / edited by Helen Meyer, Anant R. Kukreti, Debora Liberi, and Julie Steimle.
TL 617 .M66 L69 2013 * * *
Lowery, Lawrence F., author.   Up, up in a balloon / by Lawrence F. Lowery ; illustrated by Gordon Laite.
Z 658 .U5 K35 2005
Karolides, Nicholas J.   120 banned books : censorship histories of world literature / Nicholas J. Karolides, Margaret Bald, and Dawn B. Sova.   New York : Checkmark Books/Facts On File, ©2005.