New Materials – 11/05/2015
BL 2525 .F325 2014 Faith and the founders of the American republic / edited by Daniel L. Dreisbach and Mark David Hall. |
BR 330 .E5 2010 v.58 Luther, Martin, 1483-1546, author. Luther’s Works. [American edition] / edited by Jaroslav Pelikan. |
BR 330 .E5 2012 v.59 Luther, Martin, 1483-1546, author. Luther’s Works. [American edition] / edited by Jaroslav Pelikan. |
BR 330 .E5 2013 v.76 Luther, Martin, 1483-1546, author. Luther’s Works. [American edition] / edited by Jaroslav Pelikan. |
BR 330 .E5 2015 v.67 Luther, Martin, 1483-1546, author. Luther’s Works. [American edition] / edited by Jaroslav Pelikan. |
BS 2315 .P67 2013 Porter, Stanley E., 1956-. How we got the New Testament : text, transmission, translation / Stanley E. Porter. |
BX 4654 .J4 L4213 2014 Le Goff, Jacques, 1924-2014. In search of sacred time : Jacobus de Voragine and the Golden legend / Jacques Le Goff ; translated by Lydia G. Cochrane. |
D 769.8 .A6 R43 2015 Reeves, Richard, 1936- author. Infamy : the shocking story of the Japanese American internment in World War II / Richard Reeves. First edition. |
DT 61 .S76 2014 Snape, S. R. (Steven R.), author. The complete cities of ancient Egypt / Steven Snape. |
E 183.8 .C5 C417 2015 Chang, Gordon H. Fateful ties : a history of America’s preoccupation with China / Gordon H. Chang. |
E 185.625 .H64 2013 Holloway, Jonathan Scott. Jim Crow Wisdom : Memory and Identity in Black America since 1940 / Jonathan Scott Holloway. |
E 450 .F66 2015 Foner, Eric, 1943-. Gateway to freedom : the hidden history of the underground railroad / Eric Foner. First edition. |
E 464 .C4384 2014 The Civil War, 1860-1865 / Editor, James M. McPherson, PhD. |
E 745 .M37 U54 2014 Unger, Debi, author. George Marshall : a biography / Debi and Irwin Unger ; with Stanley Hirshson. First edition. |
E 83.86 .N54 2014 Niebuhr, Gustav. Lincoln’s bishop : a president, a priest, and the fate of 300 Dakota Sioux warriors / Gustav Niebuhr. |
E 902 .M344 2015 Mann, Jim, 1946-. George W. Bush / James Mann. First edition. |
E 99 .O8 H43 2013 Heat Moon, William Least. An Osage journey to Europe, 1827-1830 : three French accounts / edited and translated by William Least Heat-Moon and James K. Wallace. |
F 1234 .M584 2013 The Mexican Revolution : conflict and consolidation, 1910-1940 / edited by Douglas W. Richmond and Sam W. Haynes ; introduction by John Mason Hart ; contributors: Nicholas Villanueva Jr. … [et al.]. 1st ed. College Station : Published for the University of Texas at Arlington by Texas A&M University Press, 2013. |
G 530 .J37 S53 2014 Sides, Hampton. In the kingdom of ice : the grand and terrible polar voyage of the USS Jeannette / Hampton Sides. First edition. |
HJ 8119 .W45 2014 White, William H., 1954-. America’s fiscal constitution : its triumph and collapse / Bill White. First edition. |
HQ 798 .T45 2014 Thiel-Stern, Shayla, 1972-. From the dance hall to Facebook : teen girls, mass media, and moral panic in the United States, 1905-2010 / Shayla Thiel-Stern. |
HV 5090 .I8 B38 2014 Bauer, Bryce T. Gentlemen bootleggers : the true story of Templeton Rye, Prohibition, and a small town in cahoots / Bryce T. Bauer. |
HX 343.8 .C37 P74 2014 Preston, Paul, 1946- author. The last Stalinist : the life of Santiago Carrillo / Paul Preston. |
KF 223 .H856 M34 2015 McGinty, Brian, author. Lincoln’s greatest case : the river, the bridge, and the making of America / Brian McGinty. |
KF 4772 .S53 2015 Shipler, David K., 1942- author. Freedom of speech : mightier than the sword / David K. Shipler. First edition. |
LC 2781.7 .T56 2014 Thomas, Audrey Alforque, 1974-. Immigrant and native black college students : social experiences and academic outcomes / Audrey Alforque Thomas. |
P 302.7 .M387 2014 Matravers, Derek, author. Fiction and narrative / Derek Matravers. First edition. |
PE 1098 .O88 2015 Ostler, Rosemarie, author. Founding grammars : how early America’s war over words shaped today’s language / Rosemarie Ostler. First Edition. |
PN 1995.9 .H5 N54 2013 Niemi, Robert. Inspired by true events : an illustrated guide to more than 500 history-based films / Robert Niemi. Second edition. |
PQ 2663 .A7678 L5613 2014 Carrère, Emmanuel, 1957- author. Limonov / Emmanuel Carrère ; translated from the French by John Lambert. First American edition. |
PQ 7154 .M49 2014 Mexican public intellectuals / edited by Debra A. Castillo and Stuart A. Day. First edition. |
PR 4038 .L33 D66 2015 Doody, Margaret Anne, author. Jane Austen’s names : riddles, persons, places / Margaret Doody. |
PR 9619.3 .N591 * * * Nix, Garth, author. To hold the bridge / Garth Nix. First Edition. |
PS 3501 .M6 Z48 2013 Ammons, A. R., 1926-2001, author. An image for longing : selected letters and journals of A.R. Ammons, 1951-1974 : Ommateum to Sphere : the form of a motion / edited by Kevin McGuirk. |
PS 3537 .A426 Z565 2014 Beller, Thomas, author. J.D. Salinger : the escape artist / Thomas Beller. |
PS 3606 .O84425 A6 2014 Fountain, Carrie. Instant winner / Carrie Fountain. |
PT 2605 .E4 A2 2014 Celan, Paul, author. Breathturn into timestead : the collected later poetry : a bilingual edition / Paul Celan ; translated from the German and with commentary by Pierre Joris. First edition. |
PZ 7 .H389 Wai * * * Henkes, Kevin, author, illustrator. Waiting / Kevin Henkes. First edition. |
PZ 7 .I7629 Re * * * Isabella, Jude, author. The red bicycle : the extraordinary story of one ordinary bicycle / written by Jude Isabella ; illustrated by Simone Shin. |
PZ 7 .J57525 Tak * * * Jiménez, Francisco, 1943- author. Taking hold : from migrant childhood to Columbia University / Francisco Jiménez. |
PZ 7 .M31434 Iac * * * Mann, Jennifer K., author, illustrator. I will never get a star on Mrs. Benson’s blackboard / Jennifer K. Mann. First edition. |
PZ 7 .M4784675 Fir * * * McGhee, Alison, 1960- author. Firefly Hollow / Alison McGhee ; illustrated by Christopher Denise. First edition. |
PZ 7 .N6434 Al * * * Niven, Jennifer, author. All the bright places / Jennifer Niven. First edition. |
PZ 7 .P4314 Rod * * * Perkins, Maripat, author. Rodeo Red / written by Maripat Perkins ; illustrated by Molly Idle. First edition. |
PZ 7 .R71992 Ri * * * Ross, Tony, author, illustrator. Rita’s rhino / Tony Ross. American edition. |
PZ 7 .S41267 Fs * * * Scieszka, Jon, author. Frank Einstein and the electro-finger / Jon Scieszka ; illustrated by Brian Biggs. |
PZ 7 .S75663 Mam * * * Spinelli, Jerry, author. Mama Seeton’s whistle / by Jerry Spinelli ; art by LeUyen Pham. First edition. |
PZ 7 .S95388 Wal * * * Suma, Nova Ren, author. The walls around us / Nova Ren Suma. First edition. |
PZ 7 .W42235 Gl * * * Weeks, Sarah. Glamourpuss / by Sarah Weeks ; pictures by David Small. |
PZ 8.3 .V773 Out * * * Viva, Frank, author, illustrator. Outstanding in the rain / Frank Viva. First edition. |
PZ 8.3 .Y76 Yo * * * Yolen, Jane, author. You nest here with me / Jane Yolen and Heidi E.Y. Stemple ; illustrations by Melissa Sweet. First edition. |
QB 209.5 .S65 2015 * * * Smith, Marie, 1951- author. T is for time / written by Marie and Roland Smith ; illustrated by Renée Graef. |
QH 323.5 .L39 2013 Ledder, Glenn, author. Mathematics for the life sciences : calculus, modeling, probability, and dynamical systems / Glenn Ledder. |
TP 248.65 .F66 N49 2014 Newton, David E. GMO food : a reference handbook / David E. Newton. |
TR 659.8 .U54 2014 Unfamiliar streets : the photographs of Richard Avedon, Charles Moore, Martha Rosler, and Philip-Lorca DiCorcia / Katherine A. Bussard. |