
Status Update: Comcast/XFINITY Outage

Around 1:15 pm our connections from Comcast/XFINITY went offline. The service provider has been contacted and we are working with them to restore connectivity across campus.

Posted from:

Status Update: Moodle Upgrades Complete

Both the MLC and ALHSO Moodle instances have been successfully upgraded. Please file a support request if issues persist.

Posted from:

Status Update: Moodle Updates Started

The updates to the MLC and ALHSO Moodle are now starting. More information will be sent out as the updates are complete.

Posted from:

Status Update: Email Delivery Delayed

Email from our third-party vendor for notifications and emails coming from Moodle, Portal, and scanners across campus are currently delayed. The queue should empty itself by the end of the day.

Posted from:

Status Update: ALHSO Moodle Upgrade

The upgrade on the ALHSO Moodle instance has begun. Downtime is unknown at this time, but an update will be posted here when it is complete.

Posted from:

Status Update: MLC Moodle Upgrade Complete

The upgrade for MLC’s Moodle instance is now complete. Please let Dr. James Grunwald and Network Services know if you are having issues.

Thank you!

Posted from:

Status Update: MLC Moodle Upgrade

The upgrade to MLC’s Moodle instance is beginning right now. Estimated time for the upgrade is unknown at this time, but watch this space for more information.

Thank you!

Posted from:

Status Update: Comcast Outage Complete

The Comcast outage from earlier today is now complete, intenet access and other services should be restored. We are going to follow up with Comcast to find out what caused the issue and to see if there is anything that we can do to keep this specific issue from happening in the future.

Please email if you continue to have issues related to this morning’s outage.

Posted from:

Status Update: Comcast Outage Update

There seems to be an outage on campus related to our Comcast internet service. This outage affects all internet access on campus along with services hosted on campus (such as Moodle, Portal, and other hosted services).

We are currently working with Comcast on the issue and will provide updates as the day goes on.

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