
Prepare for Scammer Tactics

Fishing?Between phishing emails and phone scammers, the landscape around attacks on computing devices has gotten both more and less sophisticated. Many times, even protective services you run on your computing device are not going to help to deter these attacks nor to find and warn you before you have given up sensitive information (normally username and password) or money.

Fahmida Rashid of PCWorld recently published an extensive article where she has been playing prey for phone scammers in order to learn how they operate and what things to be looking out for.

Pleas read What I learned playing prey to Windows scammers and take to heart any tidbits which might help thwart these attacks in the future!

Social Engineering Red Flags

You might start by asking “what is social engineering?”

Social Engineering is the art of manipulating, influencing, or deceiving you in order to gain control over your computer system. The hacker might use the phone, email, snail mail or direct contact to gain illegal access. Phishing, spear-phishing, and CEO Fraud are forms of social engineering.

That is from KnowBe4. There has been a recent uptick in social engineering attacks across campus, usually spreading through your MLC Google Account (Gmail).

You can download a nice Social Engineering Red Flags PDF to read, print, and share to give yourself some nice warning signs to look out for online (including email).

As always, if you ever have any questions about the legitimacy of any email or websites, please contact MLC Network Services before opening the email or viewing/downloading any attachments.