Last night’s Filr 4.2 upgrade went smoothly so this quick video tour was put together so that you can take a look at the changes.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to MLC Network Services at Thanks! Martens Martens2020-06-03 08:30:522020-06-03 08:32:39Filr 4.2 Web Client Tour
Micro Focus Filr enables those who are working away from campus to have access to campus file services through a web browser, desktop application, or mobile application. Micro Focus recently released an updated version of Filr and we are planning on upgrading to that version on June 3, 2020.
The upgrade should not take long, and if you normally utilize Filr through the desktop or web application, the differences should be minimal. However, one major update is that the web interface for Filr has been completely revamped, as soon in the screenshot here:
Functionality should all be present, but navigation to different areas may be changed. You can see that some links are along the left side and different areas may also have different tabs located in the main area. It will be an adjustment, but overall it should be a cleaner and more modern look and provide a more modern framework to add features and introduce improvements in the future.