New Project Area and Printer Refresh Update


In an effort to keep the campus “in the loop” on major projects, we have introduced a new section of our website simply titled Projects. Over time, we hope to use this space to keep the campus appraised of major project efforts as we are working on them. At the moment, our first project is the upcoming printer refresh for the campus.

This refresh will replace all of the models of printers across our campus which are no longer support by their manufacturer. This will include the vast majority of devices we have across campus. We have also taken the opportunity to look at consolidating down to fewer locations as we roll out the newer devices. We will also be working with our vendor partner, Marco, to implement new features of PaperCut to allow for enhanced secure print release and scanning capabilities.

Some of these features will take time to implement and we are working with Marco on a plan to roll out the changes with the least amount of disruption as possible. At the moment, the first big date to remember is August 8-9, 2024 as we roll out the bulk of the new machines and recycle the old ones. Most changes should be minimally invasive, but ITS staff will work to get your area back up and running as quickly as possible once the rollout begins.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Director of IT, Bob Martens. Thank you, and God bless your summer!