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In this module we will review the mission Jesus gave us and discuss how we can have a mission mindset in our early childhood schools and classrooms.


  • The learner takes personal ownership of Jesus’ directive and mission on a daily basis.
  • The learner understands how to intentionally and genuinely connect with unbelievers and the unchurched.
  • The learner considers ways to change their personal preference in order to better reach others.
  • The learner can use God’s Word to share the message of salvation with those who need to hear it.

Mission Mindset Handout


  1. Telling the Next Generation is a synod-provided workshop for your church and school to look at ways to intentionally connect with your community and share Jesus with them. Your ministry will create a Harvest Strategy to help you do this.
  2. Everyone Outreach is a synod-provided training opportunity for you and your whole ministry to do together. It helps everyone cultivate a mission mindset.
  3. In Season and Out of Season, Let’s Go, & One by One are multi-week Bible studies to continue your study of mission mindset. These are great to use with a congregation and/or school faculty.