Events for November 9, 2024

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11:00 am
More Than the Score
My Life with Dragons: Fantasy Fiction and Sharing the Gospel (Nov. 9) During the 20th century, fantasy fiction developed to philosophically describe the world. Two schools of fantasy emerged with two very different views of the world. Writers like Tolkien and Lewis gave us worlds of hope, where the forces of good win. Writers like George […]
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Fiddler on the Roof Cast & Crew Reunion
4:00 pm: Campus tour (meet at the Chapel of the Christ) 5:00 pm: Registration (Cafeteria Conference Center) 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Buffet dinner in the Cafeteria with the current cast (complimentary for you!) 6:30 pm: Photoshoot on stage in the auditorium with cast members 7:30 pm: Showtime! (complimentary for you!) For tickets, contact Michelle Markgraf […]
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